Uses of Class

Packages that use StableMinor   
lumis.content.core Provides the core content management operations. 
lumis.content.workflow Provides workflow support for the content framework. 
lumis.lptf.doui.serviceinterface This package contains the the test base class useful to perform tests on Doui service interfaces. 
lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface This package contains the mocks and the test base class useful to perform tests on service interfaces. 
lumis.lptf.portal.structure This package contain the classes needed to perform common operations in portal structure that are needed during the execution of portal components tests. 
lumis.portal.authentication.http Contains the infrastructure for authenticating http requests. 
lumis.portal.clock Defines classes and interfaces for the portal's "clock" scheduling module. 
lumis.portal.cluster Contains the portal cluster framework API. 
lumis.portal.crypto Provides the API for cryptographic related operations. 
lumis.portal.deployment Provides the API for Lumis Portal module deployment. 
lumis.portal.event The portal event framework allows the sending of events and the register of observers to receive such events. 
lumis.portal.event.persistence Contains standard persistence events implementation. 
lumis.portal.executor Provides support for background executions. 
lumis.portal.file.metadata Provides the metadata extraction. 
lumis.portal.file.transformation Provides the file transformations. 
lumis.portal.filesystem Provides the API for accessing the portal file system. 
lumis.portal.filesystem.event Contains events raised by the file system package. Contains the API for managing Lumis Portal user groups.   
lumis.portal.hyperlink Provides resolution from internal portal structure hyperlinks to the actual page URLs. 
lumis.portal.lock A framework for lock functionality in a Lumis Portal environment. 
lumis.portal.monitor Defines classes and interfaces for monitoring data and collecting statistics. This package contains objects related to a page web resource. 
lumis.portal.propertybag Provides the storage of property values in a hierarchical structure. Provides access to report configuration and definition. This package contains the main class to provide the REST support. 
lumis.portal.transaction The portal transaction framework. 
lumis.portal.url Manages the resolution of page URLs. 
lumis.portal.user Provides classes for implementing search services integrated to Lumis Portal. Contains classes to define filters for search queries. 
lumis.socialnetwork This package contains the main classes to provide the Private Social Network in the Lumis Portal. 
lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile This package contains classes to provide information about Social Profile Information. 

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IChatManager
          Interface for managing Chat Objects

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.content

Classes in lumis.content with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ContentException
          Exception for Content
 class ContentManagerFactory
          Factory for content related managers.
 class ContentStringResource
          String resource for content

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.content.core

Classes in lumis.content.core with annotations of type StableMinor
 class Content
          A content entity object.
 class ContentAssociation
          Represents an association from a ContentVersion to a Content.
 class ContentComment
          A comment done for a content in a specific locale.
 class ContentLocale
          Contains the content information for a specific locale.
 class ContentLocaleAlreadyLockedException
          Occurs when a user tries to lock a content that is already locked by another user.
 class ContentPublication
          A content publication definition entity class.
 class ContentRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of a content may have changed.
 class ContentVersion
          Represents a specific version of a content.
 interface IContentManager
          Provides content management operations.
 class LockType
          Represents the different types of locks allowed when editing an existing content.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.content.service

Classes in lumis.content.service with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ContentService
          Service with content capabilities base implementation.
 class ContentServiceInterface
          Interface for content service interfaces

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.content.table

Classes in lumis.content.table with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ContentTableAddDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic inserting process in the Content context.
 class ContentTableAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic inserting process of multiple files in the Content context.
 class ContentTableDeleteDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic deleting process in the Content context.
 class ContentTableSource
          This source implementation adds content functionalities to the TableSource it extends.
 class ContentTableUpdateDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic updating process in the Content context.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.content.webresource

Classes in lumis.content.webresource with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
          Provides the page information based on content being rendered.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.content.wizard

Classes in lumis.content.wizard with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IContentWizardManager

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.content.workflow

Classes in lumis.content.workflow with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IWorkflowActionHandler
          Defines the methods by which a workflow action handler is called.
 interface IWorkflowManager
          Interface for Workflow Manager.
 class StateScope
          Enumeration of all available scopes for a state.
 class TransitionScope
          Enumeration of all available scopes for a transition.
 class WorkflowConfig
          Contains the definition information for a workflow.
 class WorkflowException
          Workflow related exception.
 class WorkflowPermission
          A workflow permission, that associates a principal with a role for a given service instance.
 class WorkflowRoleConfig
          Value class for workflow role.
 class WorkflowStateConfig
          Value class for content's workflow state information.
 class WorkflowStringResource
          String resource for the workflow framework.
 class WorkflowTransitionConfig
          A transition between two workflow states.
static class WorkflowTransitionConfig.WorkflowLockAction
          Defines the possible actions that should be taken regarding lock in the ContentLocale.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui

Classes in lumis.doui with annotations of type StableMinor
 class DouiContext
          Provides general context information and constants for Doui services
 class DouiException
          DOUI related exception
 class DouiManagerFactory
          Responsible for providing DOUI related managers.
 class DouiStandardValue
          Handles doui standard values.
 class DouiStringResource
          Strings resource for DOUI.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.control

Classes in lumis.doui.control with annotations of type StableMinor
 class Control
          Base class for all controls.
 class ControlConfig
          Represents common configurations of a control
 class ControlContainer
          Container for all controls.
 class ControlException
          Generic exception thrown by controls
 class ControlStringResource
          String resource that all control strings should extend.
 class DataBoundControl<S extends Source>
          Control whose data is bound to a source.
 class DataControl
          Base implementation for IDataControl
 interface IClientSideReadableControl
          Interface that a control that is client side readable must implement.
 interface IControl
          Interface that must be implemented by all controls
 interface IControlManager
 interface IDataBoundControl
          Interface para controls que são associado ao um ou mais sources.
 interface IDataControl
          Control that holds data
 interface IFormControl
          Interface to the current interface form control.
 interface IValidatorControl
          Interface que controls que faz validação devem implementar

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.control.multifileupload

Classes in lumis.doui.control.multifileupload with annotations of type StableMinor
 class MultiFileUploadControl
          Control used to upload multiples files at same time.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.datatype

Classes in lumis.doui.datatype with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractDouiDataType
          Base implementation for the IDouiDataType interface.
 interface IDouiDataType
          Provides informations and utilities for a doui data type.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.processaction

Classes in lumis.doui.processaction with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IProcessActionHandler
          All process action handlers must extend this interface.
 class ProcessActionHandler<S extends Source>
          Base class for all doui process action handlers.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.render

Classes in lumis.doui.render with annotations of type StableMinor
 class CharSequenceRenderableWrapper
          Wraps a CharSequence and IRenderable instances into an object that implements both interfaces.
 interface IRenderable
          Classes that implements this interface offers a standard way to render its data in a xml format.
 interface IRenderer
          Objects that implements this interface are able to access the render data of IRenderable values.
 class RenderDataValue
          Allows a CharSequence value to be used directly as the render data.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class DouiTabularSourceSearchContentFiller
          ISourceSearchContentFiller generic implementation for Doui services.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ISearchable
          Interface to be implemented by data objects that may be indexed and searched.
 class ParametersSourceDataWrapper

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.service

Classes in lumis.doui.service with annotations of type StableMinor
 class DouiHyperLinkResolver
          Customizes the generic hyperlink resolver to also verify the destination source during interface resolution.
 class DouiService
          Implements a DOUI Service.
 class DouiServiceInterface
          Base service interface implementation for the doui framework.
 interface IDouiService
          Interface for DOUI based Services.
 interface IDouiServiceInterface
          Interface that all DOUI based service interfaces must implement

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.source

Classes in lumis.doui.source with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractObjectDataProvider<S extends TabularSource,T>
          Implements a provider for objects whose properties follows the java bean accessor methods convention.
 class AbstractSourceConverter
          Abstract implementation of a ISourceConverter, based on AbstractConverter.
 class AbstractSourceData
          Abstract implementation of a ISourceData that implements the default convertion behaviour.
 class EmptyDataProvider
          An IDataProvider implementation that loads no data.
 interface IDataProvider<S extends Source>
          Interface for data providers.
 interface ISourceContext
          Offers information about the context where a source is being used.
 interface ISourceConverter
          Defines extra methods for a converter that is used in a source context.
 interface ISourceData
          Interface to access a source's data.
 interface ITableDataProvider
          Interface for table data providers
 class Source<F extends ISourceField>
          The base implementation of a doui data source.
 class SourceContainer
          Class responsible for hold and initialize doui sources
 class SourceContext
          Implementation for a ISourceContext that can be constructed from a DouiContext or from the other values it will provide.
 class SourceData
          The default concrete implementation for the ISourceData.
 class SourceFactory
          Create instances of Source derived classes
 class TabularData
          Represents tabular data, through a set of ISourceData elements
 class TabularSource<F extends ITabularSourceField>
          A source that has its data in a tabular format.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.source.field

Classes in lumis.doui.source.field with annotations of type StableMinor
 class BaseSourceField
          The base implementation for a source field.
 class BaseTabularSourceField
          Base implementation for a ITabularSourceField.
 interface ISourceField
          The interface that defines the methods a source field provides.
 interface ITabularSourceField
          The interface for a TabularSource field.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.source.field.type

Classes in lumis.doui.source.field.type with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractSourceFieldDataType
          Base implementation for the ISourceFieldDataType interface.
 interface ISourceFieldDataType
          A data type of a ISourceField

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.source.filter

Classes in lumis.doui.source.filter with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ISourceFilter<S extends Source>
          Defines the methods of a source filter.
 class RequiredFilterValueException
          Exception thrown when a required value was not specified for a filter.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor

Classes in lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPostLoadProcessor
          Interface for source post loading processors

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.table

Classes in lumis.doui.table with annotations of type StableMinor
 class BaseTableDataProcessActionHandler
          Base class for table data process action handlers.
 class QueryBuilder
          Builds queries based on a source and parameters.
 class TableAddDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic inserting process in the Content context.
 class TableAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic inserting process of multiple files.
 class TableDataProvider
          Data provider that provides table data
 class TableDeleteDataProcessActionHandler
          Handles deletion of data
 class TableSource
          A source that is based on a database table.
 class TableUpdateDataProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to update table data

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.table.field

Classes in lumis.doui.table.field with annotations of type StableMinor
 class BaseTableSourceField
          Base implementation for the ITableSourceField interface.
 class GenericTableSourceField
          A generic table source field.
 interface ITableSourceField
          A TableSource field.
 class TableSourceFieldMapping
          Used to define the mapping between source fields and the database

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.doui.table.filter

Classes in lumis.doui.table.filter with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ITableSourceFilter
          Defines the methods of a table source filter.
 class TableSourceFilter
          Represents a source filter.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.lptf.doui.serviceinterface

Classes in lumis.lptf.doui.serviceinterface with annotations of type StableMinor
 class DouiRequestCycleFactory
          Creates and initializes DouiRequestCycle instances.
 class DouiServiceInterfaceTestCase
          Generic test case for Doui Service Interfaces.
 class DouiServiceInterfaceTestException
          Base exception for LPTF Doui package.
 interface IDouiActionRequestCycle
          Interface for Doui action request cycle.
 interface IDouiRenderRequestCycle
          Interface for Doui render request cycle.
 interface IDouiRequestCycle
          Interface for Doui request cycle.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface

Classes in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IActionRequestCycle
          Interface for action request cycle.
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceActionRequest
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceActionRequest mock object.
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceActionResponse mock object.
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest mock object.
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse mock object.
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceRequest
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceRequest mock object.
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceResponse
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceResponse mock object.
 interface IRenderRequestCycle
          Interface for the render request cycle.
 interface IRequestCycle
          A request cycle represents the processing of a request during which the response may have some data set.
 class RequestCycleFactory
          Creates and initializes RequestCycle instances.
 class ServiceInterfaceTestCase
           Generic test case for Service Interfaces.
 class ServiceInterfaceTestException
          Base exception for LPTF service interface package.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.lptf.portal.structure

Classes in lumis.lptf.portal.structure with annotations of type StableMinor
 class StructureHelper
          Helper class that provides common functionalities needed to perform tests with Service Interfaces.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal

Classes in lumis.portal with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AccessDeniedException
 class FileUploadDeniedException
 class IndexOutOfBoundsException
 class InvalidSessionException
 class PageNotFoundException
 class PortalException
          Base exception for the portal framework.
 class PortalObjectAlreadyExistsException
          Exception thrown when adding a object with an identifier already in use
 class PortalObjectNotFoundException
 class PortalPrintWriter
          PrintWriter with uniqueness feature.
 class UnexpectedException
 class UnsupportedOperationException

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.acl

Classes in lumis.portal.acl with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPortalAclManager
 class PortalPermissions
          Permissions for the Portal

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.authentication

Classes in lumis.portal.authentication with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IAuthenticationManager
          This interface offers methods for authentication operations.
 class LoginFailedInvalidUserException
 class LoginFailedUserDisabledException
 class LumisLoginModule
          Login Module used to login users registered in Lumis Portal.
 class SessionConfig
          Stores user session information.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.authentication.http

Classes in lumis.portal.authentication.http with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ContinueOnNextRequestException
          Exception that indicates that an authentication could not be completed yet, and will continue during the next request.
 class HttpHandshakeAuthenticator
          An abstract implementation of IHttpAuthenticator for making it easier to implement authenticators that require multiple http requests to complete the authentication.
 interface IHttpAuthenticator
          Defines the callback methods an http authenticator must provide for the Portal.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.cache

Classes in lumis.portal.cache with annotations of type StableMinor
 class PortalCache<T>
          Memory cache for portal objects.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ChannelConfig
          Channel entity class
 class ChannelPrefixInUseException
          Exceptions that is raised when adding/updating a channel using a local group prefix already in use by another channel
 interface IChannelManager
          Manager responsible for channel-related operations

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ChannelPermissions
          Represents permissions for a channel.
 interface IChannelAclManager

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ChannelSerializableRootConfig
          Serializable value object for Channel structure root properties

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IChannelTemplateManager
          Definition of the channel template information management interface.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ChannelTemplateSerializationMessageConfig
          Information about a channel template to be used in serialization progress messages

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.clock

Classes in lumis.portal.clock with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ClockConfig
          A portal clock, which represents an execution that is scheduled to be executed in regular intervals.
 interface IClockManager
 interface IServiceClock
          Service Clock Interface

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.cluster

Classes in lumis.portal.cluster with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IClusterCommand
          Represents a command, that when sent through the cluster framework is executed in the destination nodes.
 interface IClusterManager
          Provides operations on the portal cluster.
 interface IClusterMessage
          Represents a message that may be sent through the cluster framework.
 interface IClusterTransmission
          Contains information that may be transmitted through the cluster framework.
static class IClusterTransmission.Flag
          Enumerates the flags that may be set in a IClusterTransmission.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.controller

Classes in lumis.portal.controller with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ControllerException
 class ControllerHtml
          This is the base class for all the controllers.
 class ControllerStringResource
          String resource for controllers
 class ControllerXml
          Base class for all Xml Controllers

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.crypto

Classes in lumis.portal.crypto with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractCipher
          An abstract ICipher implementation for easing concrete implementations.
 interface ICipher
          Defines the methods a cipher must implement.
 interface ICipherSpi
          Interface to be implemented by customized ciphers.
 interface ICryptoManager
          Manages cryptographic related operations.
 class InvalidEncryptedValueException
          Thrown to indicate that an invalid encrypted value was used.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.css

Classes in lumis.portal.css with annotations of type StableMinor
 class CssConfig
          Value class for Css properties
 interface ICssManager
          Manager Interface for Css operations

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.dao

Classes in lumis.portal.dao with annotations of type StableMinor
 class DaoException
          Dao Exception

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.dao.hibernate

Classes in lumis.portal.dao.hibernate with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ITransactionHibernate
          The transaction interface for when the transaction is backed up by hibernate.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.dao.jdbc

Classes in lumis.portal.dao.jdbc with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ITransactionJdbc
          JDBC based Transaction Interface

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.dao.jpa

Classes in lumis.portal.dao.jpa with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ITransactionJPA
          The transaction interface for when the transaction is backed up by JPA.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.deployment

Classes in lumis.portal.deployment with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IDeploymentManager
          Handles the deployment of portal resources.
 class IllegalModuleArchiveException
          Indicates that a module archive provided is illegal.
 interface IModule
          A module that is deployed in the Lumis Portal.
 class ModuleState
          Defines enumeration values for module states.
 class ModuleType
          Defines enumeration values for module types.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.device

Classes in lumis.portal.device with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IDevice
          Represents the device informations

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.event

Classes in lumis.portal.event with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractPortalEvent
          An abstract implementation for IPortalEvent.
 class AbstractPortalEventObserver
          An abstract implementation for IPortalEventObserver.
 class AbstractTransactionalPortalEvent
          An event that is raised inside a transactional context.
 interface IPortalEvent
          All portal events must implement this interface.
 interface IPortalEventFilter
          Filters IPortalEvent instances, indicating which ones should be accepted.
 interface IPortalEventManager
          Provides operations and access to the portal monitoring framework.
 interface IPortalEventObserver
          An observer of IPortalEvent's.
 class ObserverConfig
          The registration of an event observer class.
 class PortalEventFilters
          Provides utility methods for IPortalEventFilter manipulation.
 class PortalEventOperationType
          Specifies the type of operation that raised a IPortalEvent.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.event.persistence

Classes in lumis.portal.event.persistence with annotations of type StableMinor
 class BasePortalEntity
          Base class for content JPA entities, that includes event handling that generates portal events.
 class PersistenceEvent
          Base class for standard persistence events.
 class PortalEventEntityListener
          JPA Entity listener that sends the corresponding portal events through IPortalEventManager.notifyObservers(lumis.portal.event.IPortalEvent).
 class PostAddEvent
          Event raised after the add of an entity to persistence.
 class PostDeleteEvent
          Event raised after the delete of an entity from persistence.
 class PostLoadEvent
          Event raised after the loading of an entity from persistence.
 class PostUpdateEvent
          Event raised after the update of an entity in persistence.
 class PreAddEvent
          Event raised before the add of an entity to persistence.
 class PreDeleteEvent
          Event raised before the delete of an entity from persistence.
 class PreLoadEvent
          Event raised before the loading of an entity from persistence.
 class PreUpdateEvent
          Event raised before the update of an entity in persistence.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.executor

Classes in lumis.portal.executor with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IExecutorManager
          Provides support for background executions.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.file

Classes in lumis.portal.file with annotations of type StableMinor
 class FileConfig
          Object that represents a file object
 class FileMimeTypeConfig
          Stores information about a file mime type.
 class FileParameter
          Represents a file upload parameter
 class FilesConfig
          Represents a Files object
 interface IFileManager
          Manages file information.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.file.metadata

Classes in lumis.portal.file.metadata with annotations of type StableMinor
 class FileMetadata
          Value object that contains the metadata of a file.
 interface IFileMetadata
          Provides the metadata of a file.
 interface IMetadataExtractor
          Provides file meta data information extraction.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.file.transformation

Classes in lumis.portal.file.transformation with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ITransformation
          Provides file transformations.
 interface ITransformationBuilder
          Transformation builder, responsible to build an ITransformation object.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.filesystem

Classes in lumis.portal.filesystem with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IFileSystemManager
          Provides operations for manipulating the file system.
 class PortalBaseFolder
          Specifies a portal standard base folder.
 class PortalFile
          A file that resides inside the portal's controlled file system.
 class PortalFilePath
          Represents a path to a portal file.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.filesystem.event

Classes in lumis.portal.filesystem.event with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ClusterFileSystemAddEvent
          Event raised when a file has been added and will propagate to the whole cluster.
 class ClusterFileSystemDeleteEvent
          Event raised when a file has been removed and will propagate to the whole cluster.
 class ClusterFileSystemUpdateEvent
          Event raised when a file has been updated in the portal file system.
 class FileSystemAddEvent
          Event raised when an entry is added to the local portal file system.
 class FileSystemDeleteEvent
          Event raised when an entry is deleted from the local portal file system.
 class FileSystemEvent
          Base class for file system events.
 class FileSystemUpdateEvent
          Event raised when an entry is updated in the local portal file system.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractGroupMembershipProvider
          An abstract implementation for IGroupMembershipProvider, that minimizes the number of methods required to be implemented.
 class GroupConfig
          Contains the information about a group principal in the portal.
 class GroupType
          Defines a group's type.
 interface IGroupManager
          Manager Interface for Group operations
 interface IGroupMembershipProvider
          Provides group membership information.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class GroupPermissions
 interface IGroupAclManager

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.hyperlink

Classes in lumis.portal.hyperlink with annotations of type StableMinor
 class GenericHyperLinkResolver
          A generic implementation for resolving hyperlinks.
 class HyperLinkConfig
          Value class for HyperLink data.
 interface IHyperLinkManager
          Provides hyperlink related operations.
 interface IHyperLinkResolver
          Defines the methods needed to be implemented for resolving an hyperlink.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.localization

Classes in lumis.portal.localization with annotations of type StableMinor
 class CustomStringConfig
          Represents a CustomString object
 interface ILocalizationManager
          Manager responsible for string localization and locales
 class LocaleConfig
          Represents a Locale object

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.lock

Classes in lumis.portal.lock with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ILockManager
          Manager interface for lock-related operations.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.manager

Classes in lumis.portal.manager with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ManagerException
 class ManagerFactory
          Provides access to all portal managers.
 class ManagerStringResource

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.monitor

Classes in lumis.portal.monitor with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IAggregationType
          Defines an aggregation type, used to specify how collected aggregations are aggregated.
 interface ICategory
          A category of monitored IEvent's.
 interface IEvent
          An event that may be monitored.
 interface IMeasureType
          A type of measure that may be collected.
 interface IMonitor
          A monitor that allows the collection of data related to a specific event.
static class IMonitor.Setting
          Settings that affect how the monitor collects data.
 interface IMonitorContext
          Stores contextual data and configuration for use by the monitoring framework and by the logging framework.
 interface IMonitorManager
          Provides operations and access to the portal monitoring framework.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPageManager
 class PageConfig
          Represents a Page object
 class PageRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of some pages may have changed.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPageAclManager
 class PagePermissions

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPageLinkManager
 class PageLinkConfig

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class PageSerializableRootConfig
          Serializable value object for Page structure root properties
 class PageTemplateSerializationMessageConfig
          Information about a page template to be used in serialization progress messages

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPageTemplateManager

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPageTemplateAclManager
 class PageTemplatePermissions

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractPageWebResourceDataProvider
          An abstract implementation of IPageWebResourceDataProvider.
 class DefaultPageWebResourceDataProvider
          Default page web resource data provider.
 interface IPageWebResourceDataProvider
          Interface called by the portal framework to obtain customizable data about a page web resource.
 class PageWebResourceData
          POJO for holding customizable data for a page web resource.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.preferences

Classes in lumis.portal.preferences with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPreferences
          A generic portal preferences.
 interface IPreferencesManager
          Manager for handling user preferences operations.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.presentation

Classes in lumis.portal.presentation with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPresentationManager

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.principal

Classes in lumis.portal.principal with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPrincipalManager
          Manage Principals.
 class PrincipalConfig
          A portal principal object.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.propertybag

Classes in lumis.portal.propertybag with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPropertyBagManager
          Manages property bag instances.
 class Property
          Represents a property of a PropertyBag.
 class PropertyBag
          Object that represents a property bag.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class Report
          Holds configuration information of a Report.
 class ReportParameter
          A parameter entry of a Report.
 class ReportType
          The type of a Report.
 class ReportTypeParameter
          A parameter of a report type.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class RestJSON
          Class that represents the JSON type used in REST.
 class RestXMLFragment
          Class that represents the XML fragment to be used in REST.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.sendmail

Classes in lumis.portal.sendmail with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IBaseMail
          Superinterface with common methods of mails interfaces.
 interface IMailAttachment
          Stores information about a mail attachment.
 interface IMailBody
          Stores information of the mail body.
 interface IMailConfig
          Stores the configuration for the sendmail component.
static class IMailConfig.CryptographicProtocol
          Possible cryptographic protocols used in mail.
 interface IMailDestination
          Specifies a destination of a mail.
 interface IMailSender
          Defines the methods a mail sender must implement.
 interface IMailSendStatus
          Stores information about the sending situation of a mail.
 interface IMultipleMail
          Stores the information about a multiple mail to be sent.
 interface ISendMailManager
          Manager that offers send mail service.
 interface ISingleMail
          Stores the information about a single mail to be sent.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.serialization

Classes in lumis.portal.serialization with annotations of type StableMinor
 class BaseSerializationConfig
 class DeserializationConfig
 class SerializationAbortedException
          Exception that is raised when a user request to stop a serialization process
 class SerializationConfig
 class SerializationException
          General exception for serialization problems
 class SerializationSimulationException
          Exception raised when an importing simulation ends

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.serialization.operation

Classes in lumis.portal.serialization.operation with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ICloneableConfig<T>
          Public version of the interface Cloneable, to be implemented by portal objects that can be delayed persisted

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.service

Classes in lumis.portal.service with annotations of type StableMinor
 class GenericService
          A generic service implementation.
 class GenericServiceClock
          Generic implementation of the IServiceClock interface.
 interface IService
          Defines methods all portal services must implement.
 interface IServiceClockDefinitionProvider
          Provider for customized service clock definitions
 interface IServiceManager
          Defines the methods available in a service manager.
 class ServiceConfig
          Holds configuration information of a service.
 class ServiceException
          Exception for Services
 class ServiceStringResource
          String resource for services

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.service.acl

Classes in lumis.portal.service.acl with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IServiceAclManager
 class ServicePermissions

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.service.type

Classes in lumis.portal.service.type with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ServiceTypeConfig
          Value class for service types

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.serviceinstance

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinstance with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IServiceInstanceManager
          Manager Interface for Service Instance operations
 class ServiceInstanceConfig
 class ServiceInstanceDependencyConfig
          Value class for dependency between service instances
 class ServiceInstanceRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of some service instances may have changed.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IServiceInstanceAclManager
          Public Interface to Service Instance ACL Management
 class ServiceInstancePermissions
          Represents the permissions for a service instance

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.serviceinterface

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinterface with annotations of type StableMinor
 class GenericServiceInterface
          Generic implementation for Service Interfaces.
 interface IServiceInterface
          The ServiceInterface interface is used by the service interface container to invoke the service interfaces.
 interface IServiceInterfaceActionRequest
 interface IServiceInterfaceActionResponse
 interface IServiceInterfaceManager
          Interface for the Service Interface Manager.
 interface IServiceInterfaceMenu
          Interface that the portal framework calls to render context menu information for a service interface.
 interface IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
 interface IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
          Service interface response for a render action.
 interface IServiceInterfaceRequest
          Interface that interfaces receive to get request information
 interface IServiceInterfaceRequestDispatcher
 interface IServiceInterfaceResponse
          Base interface for service interface responses.
 interface IServiceInterfaceUrl
          The ServiceInterfaceURL interface represents a URL that reference the service interface itself.
 class ServiceInterfaceConfig
          Holds information about a service interface.
 class ServiceInterfaceException

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IServiceInterfaceListManager

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ServiceInterfaceMenuGroupTypeConfig
 class ServiceInterfaceMenuItemTypeConfig

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ServiceInterfaceStyleConfig
          Value class for Service Interface Style properties

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type with annotations of type StableMinor
 class ServiceInterfaceTypeConfig
          Value class for service interface types

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
          Interface definition for manager of service interface instances.
 class ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
          Holds the data about a service interface instance.
 class ServiceInterfaceInstanceRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of some service interface instances may have changed.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.transaction

Classes in lumis.portal.transaction with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractTransactionObserver
          Implementation of ITransactionObserver that does not affect the outrun of a transaction.
 interface ITransaction
          Represents a transaction that offers persistence access.
 interface ITransactionObserver
          Observer that wants to be notificated about an ITransaction's events.
 class PortalTransactionFactory
          Factory for obtaining ITransaction instances.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.url

Classes in lumis.portal.url with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IURLFactory
          Interface implemented by classes able to generate Portal URL objects.
 interface IURLResolver
          Defines methods used for resolving portal web resource URLs.
 class WebResource
          Represents a resource that is accessible through a web server.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.portal.user

Classes in lumis.portal.user with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IUserManager
          Class interface responsible for managing operations on the portal users.
 class UserConfig
          Represents a portal user

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IAttributeSetReader
          Provides a common way to read attribute values, which consist in information exchanged between the portal and the search engines.
 class Indexer
          Stores searcheable data in a search engine.
 class Processor
          Represents an element that interacts to an index and provides searching services, such as indexing and searching, according to configuration in Search Config File (SearchConfig.xml).
 class SearchAttributes
          Set of attributes aggregated to a SearchQuery, a SearchHit or a SearchResults.
 class SearchContent
          Unit of searchable information, containing one or more SearchContentField objects.
 class SearchContentAttachment
          Attachment to a SearchContent object.
 class SearchContentField
          Field of a SearchContent object.
 class Searcher
          Searchs for data in a search engine.
 class SearchException
          Search infra-structure related exception.
 class SearchHit
          An item of a SearchResults object.
 class SearchQuery
          Represents search criteria used to find matching information by a search engine.
 class SearchResults
          Represents a collection of hits returned by a query execution.
 class SearchStringResource
          Strings resource for search infra-structure.

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ISearchQueryFilter
          A filter for a search query.
 class SearchClause
          A search query clause.
 class SearchFilterGroup
          Allows the creation of composite filters by grouping them together and using a logical operator to join them.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.socialnetwork

Classes in lumis.socialnetwork with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface ISocialNetwork
          Interface that represents the configuration of a Social Network.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile

Classes in lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractSocialProfileProvider
          Implementation of ISocialProfileProvider to provide a base implementation of a simple social profile provider.
 interface ISocialProfile
          This interface represents the Social Profile information.
 interface ISocialProfileProvider
          Social Profile Provider interface that provides methods to get social profile informations from a given user on a specific social network.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.util

Classes in lumis.util with annotations of type StableMinor
 class CookieUtil
          Utility methods for cookies manipulation.
 class DatabaseType
          Database type
 class FileUtil
          Utility methods for file manipulation.
 class HtmlUtil
          Utility class for HTML decoding
 interface IResource
 class LocaleUtil
          Utility class for Locale related operations
 class PortalUtil
          Utility methods for portal related functionalities.
 class TextUtil
          Utility methods for text-related operations.
 class XmlUtil
          Utility file for xml

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.util.converter

Classes in lumis.util.converter with annotations of type StableMinor
 class AbstractConverter
          This is a abstract converter where a default locale and pattern may be specified and has fallback conversion capability.
 interface IConverter
          Converter interface defines the methods converters must implement.

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.util.parameter

Classes in lumis.util.parameter with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IParameters
          Interface for parameters

Uses of StableMinor in lumis.util.query

Classes in lumis.util.query with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IQueryAdapter
          Responsible for preparing select, insert and update queries for IQueryStatements.
 interface IQueryFilter
          Interface for query filters
 interface IQueryStatement
          Instances of this interface represents a statement that can be executed using this interface's method.
 interface IQueryValue
          Interface representing a generic query value
 class QueryAssignment
          Represents a query assignment
 class QueryBase
          Base object for all queries
 class QueryDelete
          Represents a query delete statement
 class QueryField
          Represents a query field
 class QueryFieldTypes
          Constants for query field data types.
 class QueryFilter
          Implementation of a query filter object
 class QueryFilterBase
          Filters should extend this class
 class QueryFilterGroup
          Represents a collection of filters
 class QueryInsert
          Represents a query insert statement
 class QuerySelect
          Represents a select statement
 class QuerySortOrder
          Represents the sort order of a query.
 class QueryTable
          Represents a table object within a query.
 class QueryUpdate
          Represents a query update table.
 class QueryValue
          Represents a query value

Uses of StableMinor in

Classes in with annotations of type StableMinor
 interface IPermission
          Interface for principal permission

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