Interface IServiceInterface

Package class diagram package IServiceInterface
All Known Implementing Classes:
AddChannelTemplateInterface, AddInterface, AddInterface, AddInterface, AddInterface, AddInterface, AddMemberInterface, AddMembershipInterface, AddPropertiesXslInterface, AddSubChannelInterface, AddTransformationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AdministrationInterface, AppliedOnChannelsInterface, AppliedOnPagesInterface, ApplyUpdateInterface, BannerDouiInterface, BuildInformationInterface, ChannelTemplatesAdministrationInterface, ChatRoomHistoryInterface, ChatRoomParticipateInterface, CommentListServiceInterface, CommentQuickListServiceInterface, ConfigureURLShortenerServiceInterface, ContentAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface, ContentAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface, ContentAdministrationEmbeddedAddPropertyPageServiceInterface, ContentAdministrationListServiceInterface, ContentAdministrationPropertyPageServiceInterface, ContentDetailsServiceInterface, ContentGenericListServiceInterface, ContentListServiceInterface, ContentQuickListServiceInterface, ContentServiceInterface, ContentWizardAddServiceInterface, DisplayHtml, DocumentEditServiceInterface, DouiAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface, DouiAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface, DouiAdministrationEmbeddedAddPropertyPageServiceInterface, DouiAdministrationListServiceInterface, DouiAdministrationPropertyPageServiceInterface, DouiDetailsServiceInterface, DouiGenericListServiceInterface, DouiListServiceInterface, DouiQuickListServiceInterface, DouiServiceInterface, EditChannelTemplateInterface, EditInterface, EditInterface, EditInterface, EditInterface, EditInterface, EditSubChannelInterface, EditTransformationInterface, FieldsInterface, FileManagementPropertiesInterface, FiltersInterface, GenericServiceInterface, ImageEditServiceInterface, ImportExportInterface, InterfaceHolderPropertiesInterface, LayoutElementsPropertiesInterface, LocalGroupDouiInterface, LocalUserDouiInterface, LoginInterface, LogoutInterface, MaxRowsInterface, MemberGroupsInterface, MemberGroupsInterface, MembersInterface, OrderByInterface, PortalPropertiesInterface, PortletServiceInterface, PreviewServiceInterface, PropertiesInterface, RemotePortletServiceInterface, SearchPropertiesInterfaces, SelectRepositoryInterface, SelectRepositoryInterface, SelectRepositoryInterface, SelectRepositoryInterface, SelectVersionInterface, SelectWorkflowInterface, ServiceInterfaceHolder, SocialNetworkAccountAddPropertyPage, SubChannelsAdministrationInterface, UFrameServiceInterface, UpdateChannelsInterface, UsedByInterface, UserSubscriptionInterface, UserSubscriptionInterface, WebPage, WebServiceViewer, WidgetListServiceInterface, XslEditorInterface

public interface IServiceInterface

The ServiceInterface interface is used by the service interface container to invoke the service interfaces. Every service interface has to implement this interface, either by directly implementing it, or by using an existing class implementing the ServiceInterface interface.

A service interface is a Java technology-based web component. It is managed by the service interface container and processes requests and generates dynamic content as response. ServiceInterfaces are used by portals as pluggable user interface components.

The content generated by a service interface is called a fragment. A fragment is a piece of markup (e.g. HTML, XHTML, WML) adhering to certain rules and can be aggregated with other fragments into a complete document. The content of a service interface is normally aggregated with the content of other service interfaces into the portal page.

The service interface container instanciates service interfaces, manages their lifecycle and invoking them to process requests. The lifecycle consists of:

Request processing is divided into two types:


Method Summary
 void instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig config, ITransaction transaction)
          Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance has been added
 void instanceDeleted(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig config)
          Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance has been deleted
 void instanceLoaded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig config)
 void instanceUnLoaded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig config)
          Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance is about to be destroyed
 void load(ServiceInterfaceConfig config)
          Called by the service interface container to indicate to a service interface that the service interface is being placed into service.
 void processAction(IServiceInterfaceActionRequest request, IServiceInterfaceActionResponse response)
          Called by the service interface container to allow the service interface to process an action request.
 void register(SessionConfig sessionConfig, org.w3c.dom.Node serviceInterfaceXmlNode, ITransaction transaction)
          Called by the service interface manager when a service interface definition is registered.
 void render(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest request, IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse response)
          Called by the service interface container to allow the service interface to generate the content of the response based on its current state.
 void renderBefore(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest request, IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse response)
          Called by the service interface container before rendering the interface client side.
 void unload()
          Called by the service interface container to indicate to a service interface that the service interface is being taken out of service.

Method Detail


void register(SessionConfig sessionConfig,
              org.w3c.dom.Node serviceInterfaceXmlNode,
              ITransaction transaction)
              throws PortalException
Called by the service interface manager when a service interface definition is registered. This method allows the Service Interface implementation to set its default values into the service interface definition xml.

sessionConfig - TODO
serviceInterfaceXmlNode -
transaction - TODO


void load(ServiceInterfaceConfig config)
          throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Called by the service interface container to indicate to a service interface that the service interface is being placed into service.

The service interface container calls the init method exactly once after instantiating the service interface. The init method must complete successfully before the service interface can receive any requests.

The service interface container cannot place the service interface into service if the init method

  1. Throws a ServiceInterfaceException
  2. Does not return within a time period defined by the service interface container.

config - a ServiceInterfaceConfig object containing the service interface's configuration and initialization parameters
ServiceInterfaceException - if an exception has occurred that interferes with the service interface's normal operation.
PortalException - if the service interface cannot perform the initialization at this time.


void unload()
            throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Called by the service interface container to indicate to a service interface that the service interface is being taken out of service.

Before the service interface container calls the destroy method, it should allow any threads that are currently processing requests within the service interface object to complete execution. To avoid waiting forever, the service interface container can optionally wait for a predefined time before destroying the service interface object.

This method enables the service interface to do the following:

ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to process the action at this time


void instanceLoaded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig config)
                    throws ServiceInterfaceException,
config - a ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig object containing the service interface instance's configuration and initialization parameters
ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to process the action at this time


void instanceUnLoaded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig config)
                      throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance is about to be destroyed

config - a ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig object containing the service interface instance's configuration and initialization parameters
ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to process the action at this time


void instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig config,
                   ITransaction transaction)
                   throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance has been added

config - a ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig object containing the service interface instance's configuration and initialization parameters
ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to process the action at this time


void instanceDeleted(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig config)
                     throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance has been deleted

config - a ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig object containing the service interface instance's configuration and initialization parameters
ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to process the action at this time


void processAction(IServiceInterfaceActionRequest request,
                   IServiceInterfaceActionResponse response)
                   throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Called by the service interface container to allow the service interface to process an action request. This method is called if the client request was originated by a URL created (by the service interface) with the RenderResponse.createActionURL() method.

Typically, in response to an action request, a service interface updates state based on the information sent in the action request parameters. In an action the service interface may:

A client request triggered by an action URL translates into one action request and many render requests, one per service interface in the portal page. The action processing must be finished before the render requests can be issued.

request - the action request
response - the action response
ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to process the action at this time


void render(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest request,
            IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse response)
            throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Called by the service interface container to allow the service interface to generate the content of the response based on its current state.

request - the render request
response - the render response
ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the rendering request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to perform render at this time


void renderBefore(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest request,
                  IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse response)
                  throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Called by the service interface container before rendering the interface client side. This method would generally print to the beforeWriter any client side scripts that must be loaded before rendering the interface.

request - the render request
response - the render response
ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the rendering request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to perform render at this time

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