Package lumis.doui.source

Package class diagram package lumis.doui.source
Interface Summary
IDataProvider<S extends Source> Interface for data providers.
ISourceContext Offers information about the context where a source is being used.
ISourceConverter Defines extra methods for a converter that is used in a source context.
ISourceData Interface to access a source's data.
ISourceManager Responsible for managing the sources registry.
ITableDataProvider Interface for table data providers

Class Summary
AbstractObjectDataProvider<S extends TabularSource,T> Implements a provider for objects whose properties follows the java bean accessor methods convention.
AbstractSourceConverter Abstract implementation of a ISourceConverter, based on AbstractConverter.
AbstractSourceData Abstract implementation of a ISourceData that implements the default convertion behaviour.
DataProviderFactory Create instances of IDataProvider implementations
EmptyDataProvider An IDataProvider implementation that loads no data.
Source<F extends ISourceField> The base implementation of a doui data source.
SourceContainer Class responsible for hold and initialize doui sources
SourceContext Implementation for a ISourceContext that can be constructed from a DouiContext or from the other values it will provide.
SourceData The default concrete implementation for the ISourceData.
SourceFactory Create instances of Source derived classes
SourceManager Source manager implementation.
TabularData Represents tabular data, through a set of ISourceData elements
TabularSource<F extends ITabularSourceField> A source that has its data in a tabular format.

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