Package lumis.content.core

Package class diagram package lumis.content.core
Provides the core content management operations.


Interface Summary
IContentManager Provides content management operations.

Class Summary
Content A content entity object.
ContentAssociation Represents an association from a ContentVersion to a Content.
ContentComment A comment done for a content in a specific locale.
ContentLocale Contains the content information for a specific locale.
ContentManager Content manager implementation.
ContentPublication A content publication definition entity class.
ContentRenderDataChangedEvent Event that indicates that the render data of a content may have changed.
ContentTag A tag object entity.
ContentUtil Content utility class.
ContentVersion Represents a specific version of a content.
ContentVersionCleanerClock Responsible for cleaning old versions of dirty content locales.

Enum Summary
LockType Represents the different types of locks allowed when editing an existing content.

Exception Summary
ContentLocaleAlreadyLockedException Occurs when a user tries to lock a content that is already locked by another user.

Package lumis.content.core Description

Provides the core content management operations.

This packages provides the API for accessing content persistence, including support for versioning, multi-language and publication definition.

The entry points for this API are IContentManager (available in ContentManagerFactory.getContentManager()) and EntityManager (available in ManagerFactory.getEntityManager()), that may be used on entities in this package.

The Content object represents a content. A content belongs to a service instance. When the service instance is deleted, all its contents are also deleted.

Each content may have data in multiple locales. Each locale specific data is represented by ContentLocale. Each ContentLocale may contain authoring comments (ContentComment) and multiple versions (ContentVersion) of data.

Each ContentLocale has an active version, and may have a published version. The active version is the current version, available for editing and is shown in administration interfaces. The published version is the version that is shown in publication interfaces, if its publication rules (defined in ContentPublication) are fulfilled.

The following diagram displays the main classes provided by this package and their relationships:

In the default content process action handlers implementations, the following behaviors are applied:


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