Package lumis.content.workflow

Package class diagram package lumis.content.workflow
Provides workflow support for the content framework.


Interface Summary
IWorkflowActionHandler Defines the methods by which a workflow action handler is called.
IWorkflowManager Interface for Workflow Manager.

Class Summary
ContentWorkflowMetaData Value class for a content's workflow metadata.
WorkflowConfig Contains the definition information for a workflow.
WorkflowController Mediates content workflow operations from a process action handlers to IWorkflowManager.
WorkflowControllerXml Deprecated. No longer used.
WorkflowManager The default implementation for IWorkflowManager.
WorkflowPermission A workflow permission, that associates a principal with a role for a given service instance.
WorkflowRoleConfig Value class for workflow role.
WorkflowStateConfig Value class for content's workflow state information.
WorkflowStringResource String resource for the workflow framework.
WorkflowTransitionConfig A transition between two workflow states.

Enum Summary
StateScope Enumeration of all available scopes for a state.
TransitionScope Enumeration of all available scopes for a transition.
WorkflowTransitionConfig.WorkflowLockAction Defines the possible actions that should be taken regarding lock in the ContentLocale.

Exception Summary
WorkflowException Workflow related exception.

Package lumis.content.workflow Description

Provides workflow support for the content framework. The main entry point for the workflow API is IWorkflowManager, available in ContentManagerFactory.getWorkflowManager().

To define a custom workflow, create a directory inside the <lumisdata>/def structure, and in that directory create a workflowdefinition.xml file (refer to workflowdefinition.xsd for details on creating the workflow definition XML file). Inside the custom workflow's directory you may also create a strings directory with the strings resources for this custom workflow.

A workflow may contain one or more states. To allow the change of states, transitions must be defined. Each transition represents a directed navigation between two states. A comparison between the workflow and a directed graph can be made: the workflow's states would be the graph's vertices or nodes; and the workflow's transitions would be the graph's edges or lines.

States may be defined as being one of the following special state types:

One or more roles may be specified for a workflow. The roles are used to configure permissions to the workflow's states and transitions. You apply permission for a role to access contents in a state by configuring the permission in that state. To allow a role to perform a state change through a defined transition, configure the permission in that transition. There are two scopes of permissions:


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