Package lumis.portal.authentication

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.authentication
Interface Summary
IAuthenticationDao This interface defines authentication related operations.
IAuthenticationManager This interface offers methods for authentication operations.
ILoginValidator Deprecated. to customize credential validation you must create a new JAAS login module or extend the LumisLoginModule

Class Summary
AuthenticationDaoJdbc Authentication dao implementation.
AuthenticationFilter Filter that do authentication handling on requests done to the portal.
AuthenticationManager Manager responsible for authenticating users and keeping session information.
AuthenticationMonitorUtil Utility class for authentication monitoring.
LoginCallbackHandler Default call back handler used to return the login and password to the Login Modules
LoginControllerHtml Controller responsible to handle login and logout operations.
LoginValidator Default portal login validator.
LumisLoginModule Login Module used to login users registered in Lumis Portal.
LumisPrincipal This is the default Principal object returned by the LumisLoginModule.
SessionConfig Stores user session information.
SessionKeepAliveControllerXml Xml controller that may be used to keep the user session alive.

Enum Summary
LoginControllerHtml.RedirectValues enum of possible values for "redirect" parameter for building friendly urls for logging out

Exception Summary

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