Package lumis.doui.control

Package class diagram package lumis.doui.control
Interface Summary
IClientSideReadableControl Interface that a control that is client side readable must implement.
IControl Interface that must be implemented by all controls
IDataBoundControl Interface para controls que são associado ao um ou mais sources.
IDataControl Control that holds data
IFormControl Interface to the current interface form control.
IValidatorControl Interface que controls que faz validação devem implementar

Class Summary
Control Base class for all controls.
ControlConfig Represents common configurations of a control
ControlContainer Container for all controls.
ControlFactory Factory for DOUI controls.
ControlManager Control manager implementation.
ControlStringResource String resource that all control strings should extend.
DataBoundControl<S extends Source> Control whose data is bound to a source.
DataControl Base implementation for IDataControl
ErrorSummaryControl Control that renders the error message to the end user
ValidatorControl Implements generic validation control behaviour.

Exception Summary
ControlException Generic exception thrown by controls

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