Package lumis.portal.monitor

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.monitor
Defines classes and interfaces for monitoring data and collecting statistics.


Interface Summary
IAggregationType Defines an aggregation type, used to specify how collected aggregations are aggregated.
ICategory A category of monitored IEvent's.
IEvent An event that may be monitored.
IMeasureType A type of measure that may be collected.
IMonitor A monitor that allows the collection of data related to a specific event.
IMonitorContext Stores contextual data and configuration for use by the monitoring framework and by the logging framework.
IMonitorManager Provides operations and access to the portal monitoring framework.

Class Summary
DummyMonitorManager An implementation of IMonitorManager that does not monitor anything.
MonitorUtil Utility methods for the monitoring framework.

Enum Summary
IMonitor.Setting Settings that affect how the monitor collects data.

Package lumis.portal.monitor Description

Defines classes and interfaces for monitoring data and collecting statistics.

To monitor data, you must define an event to be monitored. An event is specified by the IEvent interface. You may organize your events by assigning them to a category.

Data collected are stored in a statistical form. Groups of data collected are consolidated and generate a single statistics for each measure collected. Each one of these groups is called EventData. Whether create a new EventData or use an existing one is decided based on the following event's attributes:

When you collect a data for an event you must specify what measure that data belongs to. Each EventData stores statistics for each measure type separately. Example: For the event of file download, the measures of duration and bytes sent could be collected. Each one will have their own statistics stored.

The entry point for the monitoring framework API is the IMonitorManager. It may be obtained by calling ManagerFactory.getMonitorManager(). To collect data, obtain an IMonitor and use its available operations. The current IMonitorContext state may affect how data is collected. Refer to their javadoc for details.

For information about accessing the collected data, see this document.


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