Package lumis.portal.file.transformation

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.file.transformation
Provides the file transformations.


Interface Summary
IFileTransformationManager Interface to be implemented by transformation managers.
IFileTransformationManagerSPI Service provider interface for file transformations.
IFileTransformer File conversion interface.
IFormatTransformer File format encoder interface.
IParameterType Parameter type information.
ITransformation Provides file transformations.
ITransformationBuilder Transformation builder, responsible to build an ITransformation object.
ITransformationParameter Transformation parameter, used to keep information about file transformation.

Class Summary
CopyTransformationsToPublicFolderTask Copies the transformed files of a fileConfig to the public folder if there is one configured.
DefaultFileTransformer Default file transformer.
DummyTransformation Dummy transformation, only responsible to copy input stream to output stream in case of any error occurring during file transformation.
FileTransformation Represents the transformation of a given file.
FileTransformationManager Manager responsible for file transformations.
FileTransformerFactory Provides IFileTransformer instances.
ImageTransformation Performs the the image down scale transformation.
RemoveTransformationsFromPublicFolderTask Removes the transformed files of a list of file configs.
RemoveTransformationTask Runnable to performs transformation remove.
RemoveTransformedFilesTask Runnable to performs remove transformed files.
ScaleTransformationBuilder Scale transformation builder is based on content type and service instance to decide the right ITransformation.
SimpleParameterType Defines a custom parameter type.
SimpleTransformationParameter Simple transformation parameter is an ITransformationParameter implementation containing the minimal information, only IParameterType and its value.
TranscodingTransformation Performs the "transcoding" transformation.
TranscodingTransformationBuilder Provides the "transcoding" transformation builder.
TransformationStartingTask Queue Task to start Transformations in File Config
TransformationTask Runnable to performs file transformation.
TransformedFileConfig Represents the transformation to be persisted.
UpdateTransformationTask Runnable to performs the transformation update.
VideoDimensionTransformation Performs the the video scale transformation.
Scale transformations are based on two parameters: Width: corresponds to the width of screen. Height: corresponds to the height of screen. Only this parameters are supported by scale transformations, only reductions are supported and the proportion is always keep.

Package lumis.portal.file.transformation Description

Provides the file transformations.

This packages provides the API for help file transformations.


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