Package lumis.portal.url

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.url
Manages the resolution of page URLs.


Interface Summary
IURLFactory Interface implemented by classes able to generate Portal URL objects.
IURLManager Provides URL resolution and mapping management.
IURLResolver Defines methods used for resolving portal web resource URLs.
IWebResourceFactory Interface implemented by factories of WebResource.

Class Summary
GenericURLResolver Generic implementation of IURLResolver.
URLConversionCacheObserver Triggers the clearing of URL conversions cache due to updates of pages or channels.
URLManager IURLManager implementation.
WebResource Represents a resource that is accessible through a web server.
WebResourceDiscoveryFilter Detects the web resource for the a request.
WebResourceForwardFilter Resolves what is the proper handling for a request, according to the request's and web resource's properties.

Enum Summary
IURLManager.CreateStrategy Contains creation strategy options.

Package lumis.portal.url Description

Manages the resolution of page URLs.

IURLManager provides the API for the back-end of page URLs mapping resolution.

WebResource represents a resource accessible through a portal URL.

IURLResolver defines the interface for a URL resolver, that may be implemented to customize how the URL for web resources are resolved. A IURLResolver may be applied to a channel or page using the lumis.portal.url.IURLResolver property (see lumis.portal.propertybag). GenericURLResolver is a generic implementation of IURLResolver.

When the rule for web resource URL resolving is modified (either due to the dynamic nature of the IURLResolver implementation or because of changes in the resolver configuration), the URLs already resolved are not affected, but new URLs resolved are based on the new resolution rules. If the new rules are desired to be applied over URLs already resolved, it will be necessary to remove the undesired URL mappings. Note that this removal may cause links to such URLs to become broken.


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