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    Customer Experience

    Service used by the modes of Journeys, Data Analysis, User Segmentation, Experience Automation, User Attributes, Events, A/B Tests.

    Instances of this service serve to:

    • Restrict the data presented in the modes of Journeys, Data Analysis, User Segmentation, Experience Automation, User Attributes, Events, A/B Tests. This restriction will be made as follows:
      1. The data collected through the monitoring framework must necessarily have an identifier of project. If the event data does not possess this identifier, it can be inferred by the framework. If the data of a collected event does not have the identifier of the project and this identifier cannot be inferred by the framework, the event collection will be discarded.
      2. The modes of Data Analysis and User Segmentation will, automatically, restrict the displayed data by filtering them by the identifier of the project. The values used in the filter will be all Area Tags of the service instance of Customer Experience currently being used.
      3. When an event occurs, the flows registered in the mode Experience Automation will be executed with the event, also following a rule of isolation. For a flow to be executed for a data collection, the identifier of project of this collection must match at least one of the Area Tags of the service instance in which the automation flow was registered.
    • Isolate the data registered in the modes of Customer Experience.
      This data includes:
      • Reports and Dashboards of Data Analysis
      • Segments of User Segmentation
      • Flows of Experience Automation
      • Journeys and Stages of User Journey
      • User Attributes
      • Events and Monitoring Fields
      • Experiments and Variants of experiments
    • Allow granularity in defining access control to the mentioned modes. To access the seven modes, the user must have permission to edit content in the service instance.


    • Manage service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance, including deleting it as a whole.
    • Edit service instance content: This permission is equivalent to having the following two permissions: "View User Segmentation" and "View Data Analysis"
    • View service instance: Allows viewing public data of this service instance.
    • Manage all Customer Experience services: Whoever has this permission has permission to manage (and consequently view) all applications in the area of Customer Experience.
    • Manage Data Analysis: Allows managing the Data Analysis mode, allowing creating, editing, and deleting reports and dashboards. Allows performing the operation of deleting events in the report of type Event List.
    • View Data Analysis: Allows the Data Analysis mode to be accessed and its reports and dashboards to be viewed. However, does not allow new reports and/or dashboards to be created or the existing ones to be saved and/or deleted. For this, the permission "Manage Data Analysis" must be used.
    • Manage User Segmentation: Allows managing the User Segmentation mode, allowing creating, editing, and deleting user segments, downloading summary data, downloading complete data, anonymizing data, deleting activity history and deleting users.
    • View User Segmentation: Allows accessing User Segmentation mode and viewing its users. Also allows downloading the segmentation in CSV format. However, does not allow new segments to be created or the existing ones to be saved and/or deleted. For this, the permission "Manage User Segmentation" must be used.
    • Manage User Journeys: Allows accessing the User Journeys mode to manage existing journeys.
    • Manage Experience Automations: Allows accessing the Experience Automation mode to manage existing automations.
    • Manage user attributes: Allows accessing the User Attributes mode to manage existing attributes.
    • Manage events: Allows accessing the Events mode to manage existing events and monitoring fields.
    • Manage A/B Tests: Allows accessing the A/B Tests mode to manage existing experiments.