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    REST API for Monitoring (version 1)

    Below is presented the available REST API related to monitoring event data.

    If any request to the API presented on this page is considered as not monitored according to the inclusions and exclusions rules, it will be responded with error code 403.

    POST /lumis/api/rest/lumis/monitor/v1/events/{eventId}/data

    Adds an occurrence of a monitored event.

    The persistence of the information may occur asynchronously, so a successful response to this operation indicates that the addition request was accepted, but problems with the provided information or the environment may prevent it from being actually persisted.

    Request Headers

    This operation requires headers in the request compatible with:

    Header Value
    Content-Type application/json or plain/text (for greater compatibility with navigator.sendBeacon)
    Accept application/json

    Request Parameters

    Name Description

    If true, the fields listed below, if they can have their value deduced from information contained in the request made for this operation as described in each field, such value will be used for the field if the field has not been explicitly specified in the request body. If false, these fields will not have a default value.

    lum_client.ip The default value is the IP that made the request for this operation. This default value is appropriate only if the IP of the client making this request is the desired one for this record.
    lum_client.locale The default value is obtained from the current LumisXP session to which the request made for this operation belongs. The LumisXP session is identified from cookies present in the request. This default value is appropriate only if the language of the session of LumisXP corresponding is the desired one for the event being recorded.
    lum_client.userAgent.string The default value is obtained from the User-Agent request header. This default value is appropriate only if the browser where the event being recorded is the same as the one sending the request for this operation.
    lum_client.lumisClientId The default value is obtained from the cookie lumClientId. This default value is appropriate only if the browser where the event being recorded is the same as the one sending the request for this operation.
    lum_client.httpSessionId The default value is obtained from the request by the application server. This default value is appropriate only if the current session on the LumisXP site where this operation is being executed corresponds to the event being recorded.
    lum_client.lumisUserSessionId The default value is obtained from the current LumisXP session to which the request made for this operation belongs. The LumisXP session is identified from cookies present in the request. This default value is appropriate only if the current session on the LumisXP site where this operation is being executed corresponds to the event being recorded.
    lum_client.url The default value is obtained from the Referer request header. This default value is appropriate only if the call to this operation was made from the same browser and from a page whose URL corresponds to the event being recorded.
    lum_user.trackId The default value is obtained from the cookie lumMonUid. This default value is appropriate only if the user that would be tracked for this same browser by the LumisXP site where this operation is being executed corresponds to the event being recorded. The default value is the identifier of the LumisXP server where this operation is executed. This default value is appropriate only if the LumisXP server executing this request corresponds to the event being recorded, such as an action performed on LumisXP by the same browser and same session, having any potential load balancer in the path configured with session affinity.

    In general, this parameter should not be enabled if this request did not originate from the same browser and context that caused the occurrence of the event being recorded.

    This parameter by default assumes value true if the Referer header and the URL of the request made to this operation have the same hostname and port; otherwise, its default value is false.

    Request Body

    The request body must be a JSON object with values for the fields of the event being recorded. Values for fields that are not in the event definition will not be stored.

    The type of the JSON value must be compatible with the type of the event field, as per the table below:

    Attribute TypeType in JSON
    double, longnumber
    keyword, string, text, urlstring
    datetimestring in ISO 8601 format or number with the quantity of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 00:00 GMT. If declared in ISO 8601 without a defined timezone, it will be interpreted as in the default timezone of the LumisXP JVM.

    In the case of a multi-valued field, the value must be an array of the corresponding type. In the case of a complex field, the value must be an object (or array of objects if it is a multi-valued complex type) containing the values for its internal fields.

    Some fields when filled can generate default values for other fields if these have not been explicitly specified. The ability to generate or not generate the value for other fields depends on whether it was possible to infer from their value what the corresponding value of the others would be. The table below lists which fields can generate which other fields:

    Field with provided value Fields with generated default values
    lum_client.ip lum_client.geoLocation
    lum_client.userAgent.string lum_client.device.type
    lum_client.lumisUserSessionId lum_client.lumisLoggedInUserId
    lum_client.origin.url lum_client.origin.*
    lum_client.url, lum_webresource.rendered.path,, lum_client.origin.campaign.*
    lum_user.trackId lum_user.* (if content identifier) lum_object.*, lum_object.serviceinstance.*,* lum_serviceinterfaceinstance.*,,, lum_serviceinstance.*, lum_event.projectId
    lum_webresource.rendered.path, lum_webresource.rendered.*,, lum_page.*,*,, lum_event.projectId lum_website.*, lum_event.projectId lum_file.*

    This generation of default values can occur in a cascade. For example, lum_client.url can generate a default value for lum_webresource.rendered.path, which in turn can generate a default value for, which can in turn generate a default value for, which can in turn generate a default value for*.

    The field has as a default value the identifier of the root channel of the website corresponding to the URL utilized in the request for this operation. This default value will only be used if the field is not present in the body and has not been inferred from another field. In the case of this default value being used, it will also be used to generate values for deduced fields from this, as presented in the table above.

    The field lum_event.datetime has as a default value the current time. To make lum_event.datetime more consistent with the server's clock for this operation, it is recommended to use the lum_event.datetime.offset field instead of the absolute time in lum_event.datetime when indicating that the event occurred some known time ago. The value of the lum_event.datetime.offset field represents a time variation in milliseconds and its value must be a non-negative integer. When this field is used, the lum_event.datetime field is calculated subtracting the offset from the current time.

    Except for lum_user.trackId, the fields lum_user.* cannot be specified directly. They will be calculated based on the value obtained for the field lum_user.trackId.

    The project identifier (lum_event.projectId), if not present in the collection, will be inferred from the following fields in the given order:


    Success Response

    The response to this operation in case of success will be an empty body and a response code of 204.

    Error Response

    This operation responds with the standard JSON error object.

    If there is no corresponding event for the specified identifier, the response code will be 404.

    If the event is disabled, the response code will be 409.

    Request Example

    In the example below, an occurrence of a custom event with identifier my.custom.event is registered. Assuming that this event is already defined in the portal and has several native fields and some custom ones. In this example, we are assuming that several native fields may be identified based on information that the browser naturally includes in the request. Note that this call will only be able to correctly fill these fields automatically if it is triggered from the page where the event occurred and if the browser included the expected default information, such as Referer, Cookie, User-Agent headers.

    POST /lumis/api/rest/lumis/monitor/v1/events/my.custom.event/data?fromEventClient=true HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    (... other headers ...)
      "lum_client": {
        "origin": {
          "url": ""
      "my_custom_event_data": {
      	"field1": "some value",
      	"field2": "2016-09-03T13:00Z",
      	"field3": 12345

    In the example below, a similar occurrence to the one above is registered, but specifying several fields that in the previous example would have been deduced directly from the data naturally included in the request by the browser.

    POST /lumis/api/rest/lumis/monitor/v1/events/my.custom.event/data?fromEventClient=false HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    (... other headers ...)
      "lum_client": {
        "lumisClientId": "4028E38161D8ACCD0161D8AE730804ED",
        "httpSessionId": "4BF0922714E97A71D8B575F9CAE3F366",
        "origin": {
          "url": ""
        "ip": "",
        "userAgent": {
            "string": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0"
        "lumisUserSessionId": "02KmNRsaHpR3dJ2abxK7toklmhpj5zDc",
        "locale": "en_US",
        "url": ""
      "lum_server": {
        "id": "LumisPortalServer"
      "lum_user": {
        "trackId": "qmIb4Glytq-F2_zSe66Pa3ypEWtP4LXb"
      "my_custom_event_data": {
      	"field1": "some value",
      	"field2": "2016-09-03T13:00Z",
      	"field3": 12345