Uses of Interface

Packages that use IParameters
lumis.content.lock Provides the processing classes to help implement lock/unlock for contents. 
lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui This package provides Doui components for the URL shortening framework. 
lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks Provides classes used by content's publish to social networks. 
lumis.service.htmlevaluation Classes of the HTML evaluation service. 
lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype Group type administration service. 
lumis.service.portalmanagement.processqueue Provides interface related objects for asynchronous processing in queue. 
lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action Provides social network integration process actions used by social network integration service. 
lumis.service.webserviceviewer Contains wiki service classes. 
lumis.service.wsrp.producer WSRP Producer service. 

Uses of IParameters in lumis.content.control.autolayout

Classes in lumis.content.control.autolayout that implement IParameters
 class AssociationProcessActionHandler
          Process action for persisting content association data.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.content.lock

Classes in lumis.content.lock that implement IParameters
 class ContentLockProcessActionHandler
          Class responsible for executing bulk lock/unlock.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.content.table

Classes in lumis.content.table that implement IParameters
 class CommitAndPreviewProcessActionHandler
          Executes the 'commit' process actions and opens the preview window.
 class ContentAssociationProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for content associations.
 class ContentTableAddDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic inserting process in the Content context.
 class ContentTableAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic inserting process of multiple files in the Content context.
 class ContentTableDeleteDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic deleting process in the Content context.
 class ContentTableUpdateDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic updating process in the Content context.
 class ValidateContentReferencesProcessActionHandler
          Validates that content references exist in a table.

Methods in lumis.content.table with parameters of type IParameters
 QueryBuilder ContentTableDataProvider.createQueryBuilder(IParameters parameters, TableSource source, ITransaction transaction)

Constructors in lumis.content.table with parameters of type IParameters
ContentQueryBuilder(IParameters parameters, TableSource source, ITransaction transaction)
          Creates the object.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.doui.control.fileupload

Classes in lumis.doui.control.fileupload that implement IParameters
 class FileListAddProcessActionHandler
          Handles adition of files
 class FileListEditProcessActionHandler
          Processes the update of a FilesList entry.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.doui.processaction

Classes in lumis.doui.processaction that implement IParameters
 class GenericProcessActionHandler
          Generic process action handler that performs no operation
 class ProcessActionHandler<S extends Source>
          Base class for all doui process action handlers.
 class SelectRepositoryProcessActionHandler
          Process Action handler that sets the service instance repository dependency.

Uses of IParameters in

Constructors in with parameters of type IParameters
ParametersSourceDataWrapper(IParameters parameters)

Uses of IParameters in lumis.doui.source

Methods in lumis.doui.source with parameters of type IParameters
 QueryBuilder ITableDataProvider.createQueryBuilder(IParameters parameters, TableSource source, ITransaction transaction)

Uses of IParameters in lumis.doui.table

Classes in lumis.doui.table that implement IParameters
 class BaseTableDataProcessActionHandler
          Base class for table data process action handlers.
 class TableAddDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic inserting process in the Content context.
 class TableAddFileMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
          This class is responsible for the generic inserting process of multiple files.
 class TableAddMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to add multiple rows.
 class TableDeleteDataProcessActionHandler
          Handles deletion of data
 class TableDeleteMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
          Process Action handler used in forms with multi-row controls like the data-grid control
 class TableUpdateDataProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to update table data
 class TableUpdateMultiRowDataProcessActionHandler
          Update process action handler for a multi row editor.

Fields in lumis.doui.table declared as IParameters
protected  IParameters QueryBuilder.parameters

Methods in lumis.doui.table with parameters of type IParameters
 QueryBuilder TableDataProvider.createQueryBuilder(IParameters parameters, TableSource source, ITransaction transaction)

Constructors in lumis.doui.table with parameters of type IParameters
QueryBuilder(IParameters parameters, TableSource source, ITransaction transaction)

Uses of IParameters in lumis.doui.table.field

Methods in lumis.doui.table.field with parameters of type IParameters
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> ITableSourceField.getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert queryInsert, IParameters parameters)
          Returns a list of query assignments to be used in the given query insert.
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> GenericTableSourceField.getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert queryInsert, IParameters parameters)
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> FileTableSourceField.getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert queryInsert, IParameters parameters)
abstract  java.util.List<QueryAssignment> BaseTableSourceField.getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert queryInsert, IParameters parameters)
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> ITableSourceField.getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate queryUpdate, IParameters parameters)
          Returns a list of query assignments to be used in the given query update.
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> GenericTableSourceField.getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate queryUpdate, IParameters parameters)
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> FileTableSourceField.getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate queryUpdate, IParameters parameters)
abstract  java.util.List<QueryAssignment> BaseTableSourceField.getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate queryUpdate, IParameters parameters)

Uses of IParameters in lumis.doui.table.filter

Methods in lumis.doui.table.filter that return IParameters
 IParameters TableSourceFilter.getParameters()

Methods in lumis.doui.table.filter with parameters of type IParameters
 IQueryFilter TableSourceFilter.getQueryFilter(QueryBase queryBase, IParameters params)
          Returns a query filter corresponding to this source filter definition.
 IQueryFilter ITableSourceFilter.getQueryFilter(QueryBase queryBase, IParameters parameters)
          Returns the query filter to be used with the given query.
 IQueryFilter CompositeTableSourceFilter.getQueryFilter(QueryBase queryBase, IParameters parameters)
 void TableSourceFilter.setParameters(IParameters parameters)

Uses of IParameters in lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui

Classes in lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui that implement IParameters
 class ConfigureURLShortenerProcessActionHandler
          IURLShortener configuration process action handler.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.album

Classes in lumis.service.album that implement IParameters
 class AlbumAddMultipleProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler to verify the title informed for each Photograph uploaded.
 class CheckAlbumAccessProcessActionHandler
 class CheckAlbumDeleteProcessActionHandler
          Checks if a album being deleted has photographs in it.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.banner

Classes in lumis.service.banner that implement IParameters
 class BannerAddDataProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for Banner content additions.
 class BannerDeleteDataProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for Banner content removals.
 class BannerProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the banner service.
 class BannerUpdateDataProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for Banner content updates.
 class CheckCategoryDeleteProcessActionHandler
          Checks if there is a banner of the category being deleted and throws an exception if this is the case.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.callcenteronline

Classes in lumis.service.callcenteronline that implement IParameters
 class ColProcessActionHandler
          Process all actions for the call center online service.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.chatroom

Classes in lumis.service.chatroom that implement IParameters
 class AddChatRoomProcessActionHandler
          Adds a chat conversation via chat manager.
 class DeleteChatRoomProcessActionHandler
          Handles deletion of chat rooms
 class EditChatRoomProcessActionHandler
          Updates a chat room request
 class ParticipateProcessActionHandler
          Processes a user request to participate in a chat conversation

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.comment

Classes in lumis.service.comment that implement IParameters
 class DeleteRelationCommentProcessActionHandler
          Custom delete process action handler for comment that also updates the total stored in the lum_CommentTotal table.
 class SetCommentTotalInfoProcessActionHandler
          Updates the comments total information for a given targetContentLocaleId.
 class SetMetaDataInfoProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler that sets status attribute in the request.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.contactus

Classes in lumis.service.contactus that implement IParameters
 class ContactUsMailProcessActionHandler
          Sends the contact us email to the administrator email if specified
 class SetContactRequestCategoryNullProcessActionHandler
          Updates categoryContentId of contact requests to null.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.content.language

Classes in lumis.service.content.language that implement IParameters
 class LanguageProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.content.publishtoprincipals

Classes in lumis.service.content.publishtoprincipals that implement IParameters
 class PublishToPrincipalsProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler that persists publish to principals information

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.content.publishtoserviceinstances

Classes in lumis.service.content.publishtoserviceinstances that implement IParameters
 class PublishToServiceInstancesProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler that persists publish to service instances information

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks

Classes in lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks that implement IParameters
 class PublishToSocialNetworksProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to publish and unpublish messages on social networks.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.content.version

Classes in lumis.service.content.version that implement IParameters
 class VersionProcessActionHandler
          Process Action handler for selecting versions

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.content.wizard

Classes in lumis.service.content.wizard that implement IParameters
 class ContentWizardDeleteProcessActionHandler
          Class responsible fore executing the necessary steps for removing a service created through the content wizard.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.document

Classes in lumis.service.document that implement IParameters
 class CheckDuplicateFolderProcessActionHandler
 class DocumentAddMultipleProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler to verify the title informed for each document uploaded.
 class DocumentDeleteProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for document delete operation.
 class DocumentMoveProcessActionHandler
 class DocumentSelectProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.doui.customproperties

Classes in lumis.service.doui.customproperties that implement IParameters
 class InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertiesProcessActionHandler
          Generic process action handler for interface instance custom properties
 class ServiceInstanceCustomPropertiesProcessActionHandler
          Adds custom properties to the service instance repository

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.doui.dynamiclist

Classes in lumis.service.doui.dynamiclist that implement IParameters
 class AddItemActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.doui.fields

Classes in lumis.service.doui.fields that implement IParameters
 class FieldsProcessActionHandler
          Fields Process Action handler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.doui.filters

Classes in lumis.service.doui.filters that implement IParameters
 class FiltersProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the interface filters editor.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.doui.htmleditor

Classes in lumis.service.doui.htmleditor that implement IParameters
 class HtmlEditProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.doui.maxrows

Classes in lumis.service.doui.maxrows that implement IParameters
 class MaxRowsProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.doui.orderby

Classes in lumis.service.doui.orderby that implement IParameters
 class OrderByActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.doui.propertybag

Classes in lumis.service.doui.propertybag that implement IParameters
 class PropertyBagProcessActionHandler
          Update process action handler for property bag.

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class ForumProcessActionHandler
          Class responsible for executing maintence actions on forum entities.

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class GroupProcessActionHandler
          Persists the group information using the custom property domain value.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.html

Classes in lumis.service.html that implement IParameters
 class HtmlProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the html service edit interface.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.htmlevaluation

Classes in lumis.service.htmlevaluation that implement IParameters
 class URLAccessibilityEvaluationProcessActionHandler
          Process Action used on the Accessibility Evaluation URL Interface.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.image

Classes in lumis.service.image that implement IParameters
 class ImageAddMultipleProcessActionHandler
 class ImageDeleteProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for image delete operation.
 class ImageMoveProcessActionHandler
 class ImageSelectProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.locale

Classes in lumis.service.locale that implement IParameters
 class LocaleProcessActionHandler
          Sets the current user's locale to the locale specified in the locale request parameter.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.login

Classes in lumis.service.login that implement IParameters
 class LoginProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the login service.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.mailmarketing

Classes in lumis.service.mailmarketing that implement IParameters
 class MailMarketingBulletinAddDataProcessActionHandler
          Adds the selected categories to the bulletin
 class MailMarketingBulletinUpdateDataProcessActionHandler
          Updates the selected categories of the bulletin
 class MailMarketingSendTestEmailProcessActionHandler
          Sends a test email to the given user
 class UserCancelSubscriptionProcessActionHandler
          Deletes the user subscription and subscription categories
 class UserSubscriptionProcessActionHandler
          Handles user subscription

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.navigation

Classes in lumis.service.navigation that implement IParameters
 class BreadCrumbPropertiesProcessActionHandler
          Saves bread crumb properties for a bread crumb interface instance
 class NavigationProcessActionHandler
          Process Action handler for navigation.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.newsletter

Classes in lumis.service.newsletter that implement IParameters
 class CancelPublicSubscriptionProcessActionHandler
          Cancels a public subscription.
 class NewsletterModelAdminProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.processactionhandler

Classes in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.processactionhandler that implement IParameters
 class ActivateRevertDefaultConfigurationProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible for activating or reverting temporary configuration.
 class AddWidgetProcessActionHandler
          Removes the Interface Instance ID from the temporary table that stores all Interfaces IDs generated during the ADD or Update process.
 class DeleteWidgetProcessActionHandler
 class PagePersonalizationContentTableAddProcessActionHandler
          Stores the information on database during ADD process.
 class PagePersonalizationContentTableEditProcessActionHandler
          Stores the information on database during Update process.
 class ResetPageProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible for reseting user page back to default configuration.
 class SelectRootChannelProcessActionHandler
          Stores the root channel selected by user on the custom property of the service instance.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit that implement IParameters
 class AuditConfigProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler to perform audit configuration operations.
 class AuditProcessActionHandler
          Perform actions over the Audit types like enable and disable them.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.cache

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.cache that implement IParameters
 class CacheProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the portalmanagement cache service

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class ChannelProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the portalmanagement channel service

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl that implement IParameters
 class ChannelAclProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for Channel Access Control List manipulation.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channeltemplate

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channeltemplate that implement IParameters
 class UpdateChannelsProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to update channels from template.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.clock

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.clock that implement IParameters
 class ClockProcessActionHandler
          Process Action handler to handle Portal Clock Actions.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.cluster

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.cluster that implement IParameters
 class ClusterProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the cluster administration actions.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.controlregistry

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.controlregistry that implement IParameters
 class RegisterControlProcessActionHandler
          Handles Register Controls Process Actions

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.css

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.css that implement IParameters
 class CssProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler for Css Administration.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment that implement IParameters
 class DeploymentProcessActionHandler
          Implements operations for the deployment service.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.portlet

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.portlet that implement IParameters
 class PortletDeploymentProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for performing a deployment of a portlet.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.file

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.file that implement IParameters
 class UpdateMetadataProcessActionHandler
          Class responsible for update metadata of files in lum_File.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filemimetype

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filemimetype that implement IParameters
 class UniqueMimeTypeValidatorProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem that implement IParameters
 class DeleteProcessActionHandler
          Class responsible for executing the necessary steps for removing files.
 class FileSystemProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the portalmanagement filesystem service.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl that implement IParameters
 class AddPrincipalProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for adding a principal in the generic acl edit.
 class GenericAclActionHandler<S extends Source>
          Generic process action handler for Access Control List manipulation.
 class GenericAclProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class DatabaseViewGroupProcessActionHandler
          Process action used in the database view membership group configuration.

Methods in with parameters of type IParameters
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> GroupConfigurationButtonField.getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert queryInsert, IParameters parameters)
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> GroupConfigurationButtonField.getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate queryUpdate, IParameters parameters)

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl that implement IParameters
 class GroupAclProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype that implement IParameters
 class DatabaseViewGroupTypeProcessActionHandler
          Process action used for configuring group types that use DatabaseViewGroupMembershipProvider.
 class GroupTypeProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the portal administration group type service.

Methods in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype with parameters of type IParameters
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField.getQueryAssignments(QueryInsert queryInsert, IParameters parameters)
 java.util.List<QueryAssignment> GroupTypeConfigurationButtonField.getQueryAssignments(QueryUpdate queryUpdate, IParameters parameters)

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.importprincipal

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.importprincipal that implement IParameters
 class ImportPrincipalsProcessActionHandler
          imports process action handler.
 class ReadPrincipalsProcessActionHandler
          Reader process action handler.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.lock

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.lock that implement IParameters
 class LockProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible for force unlockment of portal locks.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.monitor

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.monitor that implement IParameters
 class MonitorEventProcessActionHandler
          Enables or disables the monitoring of an event.

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class ObserverProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for observer operations.

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class PageProcessActionHandler
          Responsible for handling requests for adding, updating and deleting pages.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl that implement IParameters
 class PageAclProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagecache

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagecache that implement IParameters
 class PageCacheProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler for generate page html cache

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagelink

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagelink that implement IParameters
 class PageLinkConstraintCheckProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler to handle page links.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplate

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplate that implement IParameters
 class PageTemplateProcessActionHandler
          Responsible for handling requests for applying page templates on pages.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl that implement IParameters
 class PageTemplateAclProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl that implement IParameters
 class PortalAclProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.processqueue

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.processqueue that implement IParameters
 class DeleteQueueTaskProcessActionHandler
          Process action to delete a queue task.
 class ReprocessQueueTaskProcessActionHandler
          Process Action to re-process a queue task in failed status.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.reporttype

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.reporttype that implement IParameters
 class RegisterReportTypeProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.sendmail

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.sendmail that implement IParameters
 class SendMailProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the sendmail service actions.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization that implement IParameters
 class SelectImportFileProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization.selectImportFile interface.
 class SerializationProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler for Import/Export channel operations

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.service

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.service that implement IParameters
 class RegisterServiceProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl that implement IParameters
 class ServiceAclProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance that implement IParameters
 class AddTransformationParametersProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible to read the transformation informations and call a javascript function passing these informations as a xml format.
 class EditTransformationParametersProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible to read the transformation informations and call a javascript function passing these informations as a xml format.
 class ServiceInstanceProcessActionHandler
          Class responsible for handling service instance administration operations.
 class ServiceInstanceTransformationProcessActionHandler
          Process Action for File Property Management information.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl that implement IParameters
 class ServiceInstanceAclProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.workflow

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.workflow that implement IParameters
 class WorkflowServiceInstanceAclProcessActionHandler
          Service instance acl process action handler with workflow support.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance that implement IParameters
 class InterfaceHolderPropertiesProcessActionHandler
 class ServiceInterfaceInstancePropertiesProcessActionHandler
          Processes the changes of service interface instance properties.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.servicemenutype

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.servicemenutype that implement IParameters
 class RegisterMenuTypesProcessActionHandler
          Responsible for registering and unregistering menu item types and menu group types

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.servicetype

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.servicetype that implement IParameters
 class RegisterServiceTypesProcessActionHandler
          Handles Register Service Type Process Actions

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.processaction

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.processaction that implement IParameters
 class AddSocialNetworkProcessActionHandler
          Include the default social profile information if required before processing the add action.
 class ValuesValidatorProcessAction
          Values validator process action handler.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetworkintegration.action

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetworkintegration.action that implement IParameters
 class DeleteApplicationProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to delete or disable application.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.user

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.user that implement IParameters
 class UserProcessActionHandler
          Calls the UserManager to add, update and delete LumisPortal users.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webfilereplication that implement IParameters
 class WebFileReplicationProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler for all Web File Replication actions.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webresource

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.webresource that implement IParameters
 class WebResourceServiceProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to handle WebResources deletion.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xslcache

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xslcache that implement IParameters
 class XslCacheProcessActionHandler
          Responsible for handling requests for adding, updating, enabling, clearing and deleting caches.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor that implement IParameters
 class XslEditorProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler responsible for handling operations on XSL files.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.print

Classes in lumis.service.print that implement IParameters
 class PrintProcessActionHandler
          Responsible for processing printing actions

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class ReportProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler responsible for processing report administration actions.
 class ShowReportProcessActionHandler
          Renders a report.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.resourcescheduler

Classes in lumis.service.resourcescheduler that implement IParameters
 class ResourceValidatorProcessActionHandler
          Does not allow resources to have duplicated names.
 class RoomDeleteValidatorProcessActionHandler
          Validates the roomIds before delete then.
 class ScheduleValidatorProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.rss

Classes in lumis.service.rss that implement IParameters
 class RssProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler for the rss service.

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class SearchPropertiesProcessActionHandler
          Saves search properties for a DOUI service instance

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.sendtofriend

Classes in lumis.service.sendtofriend that implement IParameters
 class SendToFriendMailProcessActionHandler
          Sends email to friend.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.seo.robotstxt

Classes in lumis.service.seo.robotstxt that implement IParameters
 class RobotsTxtSitemapNameProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler that validates duplicate sitemap url.
 class RobotsTxtUserAgentNameProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler that validates duplicate user agent names.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.seo.sitemap

Classes in lumis.service.seo.sitemap that implement IParameters
 class ValidateSitemapChannelNameProcessAction
          Checks if a channel has already been added in a sitemap service instance.
 class ValidateSitemapNameProcessActionHandler
          Checks if a sitemap filename is already in use.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action

Classes in lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action that implement IParameters
 class ApplicationAccountProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to enable/disable Application Accounts.
 class MessageProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to add, update or delete public social network messages.
 class SelectAccountServiceInstanceProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler to set the account scope.
 class SocialNetworkAuthenticationProcessActionHandler
          Responsible for building authorization calls for social network redirect.
 class SocialNetworkCallbackProcessActionHandler
          Responsible for handling callback after user authorization in remote Social Network.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.processactionhandler

Classes in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.processactionhandler that implement IParameters
 class MicroblogAttachmentsProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler class used to deal with issues related to files associated to a Post.
 class MicroblogCommentProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler class used to deal with issues related to comments associated to a Post.
 class MicroblogHashProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler class used to deal with issues related to hashtags associated to a Post.
 class MicroblogPostsProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler class used to deal with issues related to user Posts.
 class MicroblogUserFollowsProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler class used to deal with issues related to user follows relationship.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile

Classes in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile that implement IParameters
 class SocialProfileUpdateProcessActionHandler
          Process action handler responsible for adding / updating the social profile.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.tag

Classes in lumis.service.tag that implement IParameters
 class TagProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler for Tags, verifies if a similar tag already exists and provides a normalizedName field value.

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class VoteProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.webpage

Classes in lumis.service.webpage that implement IParameters
 class WebPageProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.webserviceviewer

Classes in lumis.service.webserviceviewer that implement IParameters
 class WebServiceViewerConfigurationProcessActionHandler
 class WebServiceViewerParametersProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in

Classes in that implement IParameters
 class LinkTranslatorProcessActionHandler
          Translates logic wiki article links to the actual articles links.
 class NewArticleLinkProcessActionHandler
          Sets the link of an article for content alias link.
 class SetMainArticleProcessActionHandler
          Process Action called by editArticle interface to maintain the value of mainArticle field when it's saving a new version of an article.
 class ValidateArticleDeletionProcessActionHandler
          Verifies if the article can be deleted.
 class ValidateArticleTitleProcessActionHandler
          Verifies if the title is in use by another article.
 class WikiArticleSelectProcessActionHandler
          Sets the link of an article for content link.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.workflow

Classes in lumis.service.workflow that implement IParameters
 class SelectPrincipalProcessActionHandler
 class SelectWorkflowServiceInstanceProcessActionHandler
          Process the action for selection a workflow for a service instance.
 class WorkflowProcessActionHandler

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui that implement IParameters
 class ClonePortletProcessActionHandler
          Action handler to clone portlets.
 class ConsumerConfigurationInterfaceProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler that process the WSRP consumer configuration interface.
 class RemotePortletConfigurationInterfaceProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler that stores remote portlet handle in the caller service interface instance custom property ( RemotePortletConfigurationInterfaceConstants.REMOTE_PORTLET_HANDLE_CUSTOM_PROPERTY_ID ).
 class RemoveCloneProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler to remove unwanted cloned portlets.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.service.wsrp.producer

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.producer that implement IParameters
 class EditLifetimeProcessActionHandler
          Process Action used to update date lifetime.
 class OutbandRegistrationInterfaceProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible for persisting a new RemoteConsumerRegistration to be associated with the current service instance.
 class ProducerAddInterfaceInstanceProcessActionHandler
          Process Action Handler responsible for populating the items served by the ProducerImpl.getOfferedPortletNames() with the values obtained from the interface.
 class ProducerAdministrationListDeleteProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible for deletion of offeredPortletNames of the ProducerImpl associated with current service instance.
 class ProducerConfigurationInterfaceProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible for persisting the ProducerImpl associated with the current service instance.
 class RegistrationAdministrationListDeleteProcessActionHandler
          ProcessActionHandler responsible for deletion of RemoteConsumerRegistration from a ProducerImpl associated with current service instance.

Uses of IParameters in lumis.util.parameter

Classes in lumis.util.parameter that implement IParameters
 class Parameters

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