Package lumis.content.control.autolayout

Package class diagram package lumis.content.control.autolayout
Class Summary
AssociationProcessActionHandler Process action for persisting content association data.
AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl Control that associates a content to other contents.
AutoLayoutCategorizationAssociationControl Control that lays out the list of terms associated.
AutoLayoutContentAdministrationListControl Auto layout control for rendering a content administration list.
AutoLayoutContentDetailsControl Used to render read details information of a single content.
AutoLayoutContentEmbeddedPropertyPageControl Used for embedded pages.
AutoLayoutContentFieldsControl Renders a table in which each row contains a label and value of the visible and non MetaDataSourceField derived fields in the source.
AutoLayoutContentListControl Autolayout control that creates a form, interface header and list associated with the interface's default source.
AutoLayoutContentPropertyPageControl Renders a property page control with the visible source fields as label: input control pairs.
AutoLayoutContentQuickListControl Control that renders a quick list with a link to a complete list.
AutoLayoutGenericAssociationInformationControl Base control for associating a content to other contents.
AutoLayoutGenericContentAssociationControl Base control for associating a content to other contents.
AutoLayoutLanguageInformationControl Performs autolayout of language information.
AutoLayoutMetaDataInformationControl Renders metadata input controls based on the metadata specified in the source.
AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl Performs autolayout of publishing information.
AutoLayoutTagInformationControl Defines the default tag layout for meta data tab area.
AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl Renders workflow input controls based on the workflow information.

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