
Package class diagram package
Contains wiki service classes.


Class Summary
ContentIdHolderControl Control for holding the wiki article content id value.
FCKSelectArticleControllerHtml Controller called by selectArticle.jsp to select the linkArticle interface, redirecting popUp showed page.
LinkTranslatorProcessActionHandler Translates logic wiki article links to the actual articles links.
NewArticleLinkProcessActionHandler Sets the link of an article for content alias link.
SetMainArticleProcessActionHandler Process Action called by editArticle interface to maintain the value of mainArticle field when it's saving a new version of an article.
ValidateArticleDeletionProcessActionHandler Verifies if the article can be deleted.
ValidateArticleTitleProcessActionHandler Verifies if the title is in use by another article.
WikiArticleSelectProcessActionHandler Sets the link of an article for content link.
WikiContentVersionDataProvider Provides data about the versions of a wiki article.
WikiService Wiki service class.
WikiViewArticlePaneControl Control to evaluate a content, setting the correct pane for exhibition.

Package Description

Contains wiki service classes.


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