Uses of Interface

Packages that use IServiceInterface
lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface This package contains the mocks and the test base class useful to perform tests on service interfaces. 
lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui This package provides Doui components for the URL shortening framework. 
lumis.service.categorization Service that allows you to categorize portal content into hierarquical terms. 
lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action Provides social network integration process actions used by social network integration service. 
lumis.service.wsrp.consumer WSRP Consumer service. 

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.content.service

Classes in lumis.content.service that implement IServiceInterface
 class ContentAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface
          Implements a standard add property page for content administration
 class ContentAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface
          Implements a standard edit property page for content administration
 class ContentAdministrationEmbeddedAddPropertyPageServiceInterface
 class ContentAdministrationListServiceInterface
          The service interface for an administration list of a content.
 class ContentAdministrationPropertyPageServiceInterface
 class ContentDetailsServiceInterface
 class ContentGenericListServiceInterface
          Generic interface for content lists
 class ContentListServiceInterface
          Interface for content lists
 class ContentQuickListServiceInterface
 class ContentServiceInterface
          Interface for content service interfaces

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.content.table

Methods in lumis.content.table with parameters of type IServiceInterface
protected  boolean ContentTableSource.isAdministrationInterface(IServiceInterface serviceInterface)
          Returns true if the given service interface is the main administration interface for this source.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.doui.service

Classes in lumis.doui.service that implement IServiceInterface
 class DouiAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface
          Implements a standard add property page for doui administration
 class DouiAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface
          Implements a standard edit property page for doui administration
 class DouiAdministrationEmbeddedAddPropertyPageServiceInterface
 class DouiAdministrationListServiceInterface
          Service interface implementation for a doui administration list.
 class DouiAdministrationPropertyPageServiceInterface
 class DouiDetailsServiceInterface
          Service interface implementation for a doui details.
 class DouiGenericListServiceInterface
          A generic doui list service interface implementation.
 class DouiListServiceInterface
          Service interface implementation for a doui list.
 class DouiQuickListServiceInterface
 class DouiServiceInterface
          Base service interface implementation for the doui framework.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.doui.source

Methods in lumis.doui.source with parameters of type IServiceInterface
protected  boolean Source.isAdministrationInterface(IServiceInterface serviceInterface)
          Returns true if the given service interface is the main administration interface for this source.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface

Fields in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface declared as IServiceInterface
protected  IServiceInterface RequestCycle.serviceInterface

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinterface that implement IServiceInterface
 class GenericServiceInterface
          Generic implementation for Service Interfaces.

Methods in lumis.portal.serviceinterface that return IServiceInterface
 IServiceInterface ServiceInterfaceManager.getServiceInterface(java.lang.String serviceInterfaceId, ITransaction transaction)
 IServiceInterface IServiceInterfaceManager.getServiceInterface(java.lang.String serviceInterfaceId, ITransaction transaction)
          Get the service interface.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui

Classes in lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui that implement IServiceInterface
 class ConfigureURLShortenerServiceInterface
          Service interface used to configure the IURLShortener for a given service instance.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.portlet.container.service

Classes in lumis.portlet.container.service that implement IServiceInterface
 class PortletServiceInterface
          An interface that wraps a JSR-168 portlet.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.banner

Classes in lumis.service.banner that implement IServiceInterface
 class BannerDouiInterface

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.categorization

Classes in lumis.service.categorization that implement IServiceInterface
 class SelectRepositoryInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on service instance that is going to be altered.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.chatroom

Classes in lumis.service.chatroom that implement IServiceInterface
 class ChatRoomHistoryInterface
          Renders the chatRoom service's History interface.
 class ChatRoomParticipateInterface
          Only allow to render the interface if it is open.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.comment

Classes in lumis.service.comment that implement IServiceInterface
 class CommentListServiceInterface
          It decides if the interface is rendered or not, based on the presence of an itemId.
 class CommentQuickListServiceInterface
          It decides if the interface is rendered or not, based on the presence of an itemId.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.content.preview

Classes in lumis.service.content.preview that implement IServiceInterface
 class PreviewServiceInterface
          Service Interface Implementation to the Preview Service Interface.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.content.version

Classes in lumis.service.content.version that implement IServiceInterface
 class SelectVersionInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.content.wizard

Classes in lumis.service.content.wizard that implement IServiceInterface
 class ContentWizardAddServiceInterface
          Process the request of the content create wizard.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.document

Classes in lumis.service.document that implement IServiceInterface
 class DocumentEditServiceInterface

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.doui.fields

Classes in lumis.service.doui.fields that implement IServiceInterface
 class FieldsInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on page that is going to be altered.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.doui.filters

Classes in lumis.service.doui.filters that implement IServiceInterface
 class FiltersInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on page that is going to be altered.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.doui.maxrows

Classes in lumis.service.doui.maxrows that implement IServiceInterface
 class MaxRowsInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on page that is going to be altered.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.doui.orderby

Classes in lumis.service.doui.orderby that implement IServiceInterface
 class OrderByInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on page that is going to be altered.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.html

Classes in lumis.service.html that implement IServiceInterface
 class DisplayHtml
          Implementation of the display interface of the Html service.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.image

Classes in lumis.service.image that implement IServiceInterface
 class ImageEditServiceInterface

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.login

Classes in lumis.service.login that implement IServiceInterface
 class LoginInterface
 class LogoutInterface
          Logout interface implementation.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.mailmarketing

Classes in lumis.service.mailmarketing that implement IServiceInterface
 class UserSubscriptionInterface
          Renders the interface only if the current user is not guest.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.serviceinterface

Classes in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.serviceinterface that implement IServiceInterface
 class WidgetListServiceInterface
          Widgets holder service interface.

Uses of IServiceInterface in

Classes in that implement IServiceInterface
 class BuildInformationInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in

Classes in that implement IServiceInterface
 class AddSubChannelInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class EditSubChannelInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class PortalPropertiesInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class SubChannelsAdministrationInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl that implement IServiceInterface
 class AdministrationInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channeltemplate

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channeltemplate that implement IServiceInterface
 class AddChannelTemplateInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class AppliedOnChannelsInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class ChannelTemplatesAdministrationInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class EditChannelTemplateInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class UpdateChannelsInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in

Classes in that implement IServiceInterface
 class LocalGroupDouiInterface
 class MemberGroupsInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.localgroup

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.localgroup that implement IServiceInterface
 class AddInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class AddMemberInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class AddMembershipInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class EditInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class MembersInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in

Classes in that implement IServiceInterface
 class LayoutElementsPropertiesInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplate

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplate that implement IServiceInterface
 class AppliedOnPagesInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class ApplyUpdateInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization that implement IServiceInterface
 class ImportExportInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance that implement IServiceInterface
 class AddTransformationInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class EditTransformationInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class FileManagementPropertiesInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class UsedByInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance that implement IServiceInterface
 class InterfaceHolderPropertiesInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class PropertiesInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class ServiceInterfaceHolder

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.user

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.user that implement IServiceInterface
 class LocalUserDouiInterface

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor that implement IServiceInterface
 class AddPropertiesXslInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
 class XslEditorInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

Uses of IServiceInterface in

Classes in that implement IServiceInterface
 class SearchPropertiesInterfaces
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on service instance that is going to be altered.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action

Classes in lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.action that implement IServiceInterface
 class SocialNetworkAccountAddPropertyPage
          Interface responsible for adding the social network account and determining if the interface was called by the callback url passed to the social network authorization sites.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.uframe

Classes in lumis.service.uframe that implement IServiceInterface
 class UFrameServiceInterface
          Service interface that enables a uFrame div.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.webpage

Classes in lumis.service.webpage that implement IServiceInterface
 class WebPage

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.webserviceviewer

Classes in lumis.service.webserviceviewer that implement IServiceInterface
 class WebServiceViewer
          Web service viewer

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.workflow

Classes in lumis.service.workflow that implement IServiceInterface
 class SelectWorkflowInterface
          DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on service instance that is going to be altered.

Uses of IServiceInterface in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer that implement IServiceInterface
 class RemotePortletServiceInterface
          Service interface used to represent a remote portlet consumed through WSRP.

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