Class PreviewServiceInterface

Package class diagram package PreviewServiceInterface
  extended by lumis.portal.serviceinterface.GenericServiceInterface
      extended by lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
          extended by lumis.service.content.preview.PreviewServiceInterface
All Implemented Interfaces:
IDouiServiceInterface, IServiceInterface, IServiceInterfaceMenu

public class PreviewServiceInterface
extends DouiServiceInterface

Service Interface Implementation to the Preview Service Interface. This class build the content of the iFrame that will render the Interface requested.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void render(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest request, IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse response)
          Called by the service interface container to allow the service interface to generate the content of the response based on its current state.
Methods inherited from class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
addDefaultControls, addDefaultDouiDefinitionValues, addDefaultFields, addDefaultFilters, addDefaultHyperLinks, addDefaultInterfaceDouiDefinitionNode, addDefaultMaxRows, addDefaultOrderBy, addDefaultPostLoadProcessors, addDefaultProcessActions, addDefaultSources, addDetailsHyperLink, addPrimaryKeyFilter, getContext, getCustomMenu, getDefaultStyle, getInterfaceSourceFieldsNode, getMenu, getRepositoryMenus, initDouiContext, loadFromRequest, loadSources, processAction, processActions, register, renderBefore, renderData, validate
Methods inherited from class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.GenericServiceInterface
instanceAdded, instanceDeleted, instanceLoaded, instanceUnLoaded, load, unload
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PreviewServiceInterface()
Method Detail


public void render(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest request,
                   IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse response)
            throws ServiceInterfaceException,
Description copied from class: DouiServiceInterface
Called by the service interface container to allow the service interface to generate the content of the response based on its current state.

Executes the following steps (implemented by the referenced methods):

Specified by:
render in interface IServiceInterface
render in class DouiServiceInterface
request - the render request
response - the render response
ServiceInterfaceException - if the service interface has problems fulfilling the rendering request
PortalException - if the service interface is unavailable to perform render at this time

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