Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRenderer   
lumis.service.seo.sitemap Contains wiki service classes. 
lumis.service.wsrp.producer WSRP Producer service. 

Uses of IRenderer in

Classes in that implement IRenderer
 class ChatHistoryControl
          Renders the messages history for a chat.
 class ChatMessageListControl
          Control that implements a message list.
 class ChatSendMessageControl
          Control that implements posting of a chat message.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.autolayout

Classes in lumis.content.control.autolayout that implement IRenderer
 class AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl
          Control that associates a content to other contents.
 class AutoLayoutCategorizationAssociationControl
          Control that lays out the list of terms associated.
 class AutoLayoutContentAdministrationListControl
          Auto layout control for rendering a content administration list.
 class AutoLayoutContentDetailsControl
          Used to render read details information of a single content.
 class AutoLayoutContentEmbeddedPropertyPageControl
          Used for embedded pages.
 class AutoLayoutContentFieldsControl
          Renders a table in which each row contains a label and value of the visible and non MetaDataSourceField derived fields in the source.
 class AutoLayoutContentListControl
          Autolayout control that creates a form, interface header and list associated with the interface's default source.
 class AutoLayoutContentPropertyPageControl
          Renders a property page control with the visible source fields as label: input control pairs.
 class AutoLayoutContentQuickListControl
          Control that renders a quick list with a link to a complete list.
 class AutoLayoutGenericAssociationInformationControl
          Base control for associating a content to other contents.
 class AutoLayoutGenericContentAssociationControl
          Base control for associating a content to other contents.
 class AutoLayoutLanguageInformationControl
          Performs autolayout of language information.
 class AutoLayoutMetaDataInformationControl
          Renders metadata input controls based on the metadata specified in the source.
 class AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
          Performs autolayout of publishing information.
 class AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl
          Renders workflow input controls based on the workflow information.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.button

Classes in lumis.content.control.button that implement IRenderer
 class AutoContentAdministrationListButtonsControl
          Responsible for including versions and preview buttons.
 class PreviewButtonControl
          Responsible for opening the preview interface for the selected content if the service has some preview supported interface.
 class SaveAndPreviewButtonControl
          Responsible for calling the process action handler with id="commitAndPreview".
 class VersionsButtonControl
          Button control that opens the versions dialog box.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.comments

Classes in lumis.content.control.comments that implement IRenderer
 class CommentsAddControl
          Renders comment add control
 class CommentsControl
          Renders comments

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.contentpicker

Classes in lumis.content.control.contentpicker that implement IRenderer
 class ContentPickerControl
          Control that allows to pick up a content through a search popup window.
 class TermPickerControl
          Control that selects a term from the associated categorization service.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.dynamiclist

Classes in lumis.content.control.dynamiclist that implement IRenderer
 class TermDynamicListControl
          Dynamic list control that customizes the service instance of the popup interface for selecting terms.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.language

Classes in lumis.content.control.language that implement IRenderer
 class LanguageControl
          Control for languages.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals

Classes in lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals that implement IRenderer
 class PublishToPrincipalsControl
          Control that renders interface to publish content to principals
 class PublishToPrincipalsListControl
          Control that renders selected principals to which content will be published

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances

Classes in lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances that implement IRenderer
 class PublishToServiceInstancesControl
          Control to publish content to other service instances
 class PublishToServiceInstancesListControl
          Control that renders selected service instances to which content will be published

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.version

Classes in lumis.content.control.version that implement IRenderer
 class VersionControl
          Control that renders information about the version of the content.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.control.workflow

Classes in lumis.content.control.workflow that implement IRenderer
 class SelectWorkflowControl
 class WorkflowActionControl
 class WorkflowAssignedToControl
          Displays the assignedTo information for a content.
 class WorkflowMetaDataControl
          Base control for controls that uses data in the content workflow meta data.
 class WorkflowSendToControl
          Control that is used to specify the principal to which assign the content.
 class WorkflowStateControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.content.source.field.type

Methods in lumis.content.source.field.type with parameters of type IRenderer
 String WorkflowStateDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String WorkflowStateDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control

Classes in lumis.doui.control that implement IRenderer
 class DataBoundControl<S extends Source>
          Control whose data is bound to a source.
 class DataControl
          Base implementation for IDataControl
 class ErrorSummaryControl
          Control that renders the error message to the end user

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.autolayout

Classes in lumis.doui.control.autolayout that implement IRenderer
 class AutoLayoutAdministrationListControl
          This control renders interface header, administration buttons, and an administration list control.
 class AutoLayoutDetailsControl
          Used to render read details information of a single data tabular data row.
 class AutoLayoutEmbeddedPropertyPageControl
 class AutoLayoutFieldControl
          Renders an appropriate control for the given field.
 class AutoLayoutFieldsControl<S extends Source<?>>
          Renders a table in which each row contains a label and value of the visible fields in the source.
 class AutoLayoutListControl
          Autolayout control that creates a form, interface header and list associated with the interface's default source.
 class AutoLayoutPropertyPageControl<S extends Source<?>>
          Renders a property page control with the visible source fields as label: input control pairs.
 class AutoLayoutQuickListControl
          Control that renders a quick list with a link to a complete list.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.autorefresh

Classes in lumis.doui.control.autorefresh that implement IRenderer
 class AutoRefreshControl
          Used to refresh the page at the given interval period.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.button

Classes in lumis.doui.control.button that implement IRenderer
 class AccessControlButton
 class AddButtonControl
          Defines an add button control.
 class AutoAdministrationListButtonsControl
          Detects and automatically adds the following controls: lum_interfaceHeaderButtons, lum_addButton, lum_editButton, lum_deleteButton, lum_versionsButton, lum_configureButton.
 class ButtonControl
          Defines a standard button control with text, image and onClick definition.
 class CancelButtonControl
          Defines an cancel button control.
 class ConfigureButtonControl
          Renders a configure button if the service has a configuration interface Example use: <control:lum_configureButton id="buttonConfigure"/> xml data available for xsl rendering: <control id="buttonConfig" text="STR_CONFIGURE" type="lum_configureButton"> <image>lumis/portal/client/images/Configure.gif</image> <onClick type="popupRunTimeInterface"> <interfaceId>configuration</interfaceId> </onClick> <data> <name>Configurar</name> <onclick>function f1(){var additionalParams;additionalParams='';'main.jsp?lumPageId=1D6530765D5644709741AEAA3622D3BC &lumChannelId=00000000F00000000000000000000001 &lumRTI=lumis.service.contactus.configuration &lumRTSI=8A488A0F14A741560114A745B57C0183'+additionalParams, '_blank', 'width=600,height=164,left=20');} f1();return false;</onclick> </data> </control>
 class DeleteButtonControl
          Defines a delete button control.
 class EditButtonControl
          Defines an edit button control.
 class OkButtonControl
          Defines an ok button control.
 class PrintButtonControl
          Print Button Control
 class RefreshButtonControl
          ButtonControl that simply refreshes the current page.
 class VersionEditButtonControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.checkbox

Classes in lumis.doui.control.checkbox that implement IRenderer
 class CheckBoxControl
          Renders a checkbox control.
 class CheckBoxListControl
          Used to render a list of check boxes to allow the user to choose one or more of a given set of options.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.datagrid

Classes in lumis.doui.control.datagrid that implement IRenderer
 class DataGridControl
          Used to render a data grid that allows the end user to manipulate multiple fields and rows of a given source.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.datepicker

Classes in lumis.doui.control.datepicker that implement IRenderer
 class CalendarControl
          This calendar control is used to select a date graphically, navigating years and months with mouse clicks.
 class DateTimePickerControl
          Renders two input text boxes for date and time.
 class MonthPickerControl
          Frontend for a month filter.
 class TimePickerControl
          Renders one input text box for the time.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.details

Classes in lumis.doui.control.details that implement IRenderer
 class DetailsControl
          Used to render read only data from a tabular data source.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.dropdownlist

Classes in lumis.doui.control.dropdownlist that implement IRenderer
 class DropDownListControl
          Used to render a drop down combo box control to allow the user to choose one of a given set of options.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.dynamiclist

Classes in lumis.doui.control.dynamiclist that implement IRenderer
 class DynamicListControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.fileupload

Classes in lumis.doui.control.fileupload that implement IRenderer
 class FileListControl
 class FilesPickerControl
          Control to select files
 class FileUploadControl
          Doui control that allows the upload of files to the portal.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.filter

Classes in lumis.doui.control.filter that implement IRenderer
 class FilterControl<S extends Source>
          Generic filter control.
 class FiltersControl
          Renders all the filters associated to the control's source.
 class ParentFilterControl
          Control that renders a filter for the parent of the current content

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor

Classes in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor that implement IRenderer
 class HtmlEditorControl
          Control for editing html content.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.inputtext

Classes in lumis.doui.control.inputtext that implement IRenderer
 class InputHiddenControl
          Defines an input hidden control, used to render hidden information.
 class InputTextAreaControl
          Defines an input text control.
 class InputTextControl
          Defines an input text control that allows the user to enter any text value.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.itempicker

Classes in lumis.doui.control.itempicker that implement IRenderer
 class ItemPickerControl
          Used to select an item from a large list.
 class MultiItemPickerControl
          Multiple item picker control.
 class SelectItemTabularDataControl
          Used to render data from a tabular data source with item selection functionality.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.label

Classes in lumis.doui.control.label that implement IRenderer
 class LabelControl
          Renders a label within a form.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.list

Classes in lumis.doui.control.list that implement IRenderer
 class AdministrationListControl
          Renders a list of data with filters, tabular data and pagination information.
 class ListControl
          Renders lists for the end user.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.optionlist

Classes in lumis.doui.control.optionlist that implement IRenderer
 class OptionListControl
          Control to render a list of options.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.pagination

Classes in lumis.doui.control.pagination that implement IRenderer
 class PaginationControl
          Renders the current selected page and possible pages that the use can navigate to.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.pane

Classes in lumis.doui.control.pane that implement IRenderer
 class PaneControl
          Used to render one of the (n) specified panes when rendering an interface.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.parentcontent

Classes in lumis.doui.control.parentcontent that implement IRenderer
 class SelectParentContentControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to select another content within the same service instance that represents the parent of the curent content.
 class SelectParentContentTreeControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.password

Classes in lumis.doui.control.password that implement IRenderer
 class PasswordControl
          Renders an input password control.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.primarykey

Classes in lumis.doui.control.primarykey that implement IRenderer
 class PrimaryKeyControl
          Specifies a primary key.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.principalpicker

Classes in lumis.doui.control.principalpicker that implement IRenderer
 class PrincipalPickerControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to select a principal.
 class ServiceInstancePrincipalPickerControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to select a principal that has access to the given service instance.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.progress

Classes in lumis.doui.control.progress that implement IRenderer
 class ProgressControl
 class ProgressPanelControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.radiobutton

Classes in lumis.doui.control.radiobutton that implement IRenderer
 class RadioButtonControl
          Renders a radio button control.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.selectchannel

Classes in lumis.doui.control.selectchannel that implement IRenderer
 class SelectChannelControl
 class SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControl
          Control for selecting a channel or a channel template.
 class SelectChannelTemplateControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.selectpage

Classes in lumis.doui.control.selectpage that implement IRenderer
 class SelectChannelChildControl
          Base control for selecting a resource that is child of a channel.
 class SelectPageControl
 class SelectPageOrPageTemplateControl
          Control to select a page or page template.
 class SelectPageTemplateControl
          Control to select a page template

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance

Classes in lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance that implement IRenderer
 class SelectServiceInstanceControl
          Control that selects a service instance.

Uses of IRenderer in

Classes in that implement IRenderer
 class TabbedControl
          Control that implements tabs

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.tabulardata

Classes in lumis.doui.control.tabulardata that implement IRenderer
 class AdvancedTabularDataControl
          Used to render data from a tabular data source.
 class TabularDataControl
          Used to render data from a tabular data source.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.control.text

Classes in lumis.doui.control.text that implement IRenderer
 class TextControl
          Renders read only data as text.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.render

Methods in lumis.doui.render with parameters of type IRenderer
 String RenderDataValue.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String IRenderable.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
          Returns the string to be displayed for representing this instance, when a short display is required.
 String CharSequenceRenderableWrapper.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String RenderDataValue.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String IRenderable.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
          Returns the data of this object in a standard xml format.
 String CharSequenceRenderableWrapper.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.source.field

Methods in lumis.doui.source.field with parameters of type IRenderer
 String LocalizableCharSequenceValue.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String OptionLookupValue.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String LocalizableCharSequenceValue.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.doui.source.field.type

Methods in lumis.doui.source.field.type with parameters of type IRenderer
 String TimeDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String PrincipalDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String PageDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String FilesDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
          Returns the display string, as defined in FileDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer), of each file in this files data, separated by comma.
 String FileDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String DateTimeDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String DateDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String ChannelDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
          Returns the localized name of the channel.
 String TimeDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String PrincipalDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String PageDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String FilesDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String FileDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String DateTimeDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String DateDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
 String ChannelDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)
          Returns a xml block that contains the id, name and path of the given channel.

Uses of IRenderer in

Classes in that implement IRenderer
 class SelectChannelPathControl
          Control that allows the user to select a channel path.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.announcement

Classes in lumis.service.announcement that implement IRenderer
 class AnnouncementTabularDataControl
          Customized tabular data control for announcement service.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.banner

Classes in lumis.service.banner that implement IRenderer
 class BannerControl
          Banner control

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.comment

Classes in lumis.service.comment that implement IRenderer
 class CurrentContentLocaleIdControl
          It stores the current content locale identifier in itself.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.document

Classes in lumis.service.document that implement IRenderer
 class SelectDocumentServiceInstanceControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.document.control

Classes in lumis.service.document.control that implement IRenderer
 class DocumentPickerControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to input a document.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.document.field

Methods in lumis.service.document.field with parameters of type IRenderer
 String DocumentDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String DocumentDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.doui.dynamiclist

Classes in lumis.service.doui.dynamiclist that implement IRenderer
 class AddDynamicListSourceControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.doui.fields

Classes in lumis.service.doui.fields that implement IRenderer
 class FieldsControl
          Doui control that shows the fields of a doui source.

Uses of IRenderer in

Classes in that implement IRenderer
 class ForumButtonVisibilityControl
 class TopicViewCounterControl
          Control that handles the counter view topic

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.image

Classes in lumis.service.image that implement IRenderer
 class SelectImageServiceInstanceControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.image.control

Classes in lumis.service.image.control that implement IRenderer
 class ImagePickerControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to input an image.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.image.field

Methods in lumis.service.image.field with parameters of type IRenderer
 String ImageDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
 String ImageDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)

Uses of IRenderer in

Classes in that implement IRenderer
 class LinkTabularDataControl
          Tabular data control that sets the hyperlink of each row according to the link entry it corresponds to.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.locale

Classes in lumis.service.locale that implement IRenderer
 class LocalePickerControl
          Allows the current user to change his locale.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.login

Classes in lumis.service.login that implement IRenderer
 class AccessErrorMessageTranslator

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.mailmarketing

Classes in lumis.service.mailmarketing that implement IRenderer
 class UserEmailVerifierControl
          Controls that displays a message in case the current user does not have his e-mail information present on his register.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.navigation

Classes in lumis.service.navigation that implement IRenderer
 class NavigationControl
          Control that renders Navigation information.

Uses of IRenderer in

Classes in that implement IRenderer
 class ChannelInheritedPageTemplateControl
          Controls that shows the inherited page template

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channelacl that implement IRenderer
 class ChannelAclControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem that implement IRenderer
 class FileSystemTabularData
          Customized tabular data for the filesystem service.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl that implement IRenderer
 class GenericAclControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.groupacl that implement IRenderer
 class GroupAclControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pageacl that implement IRenderer
 class PageAclControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagetemplateacl that implement IRenderer
 class PageTemplateAclControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.portalacl that implement IRenderer
 class PortalAclControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization that implement IRenderer
 class SelectImportFileControl
          This control allows the user to select a channel structure import file.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceacl that implement IRenderer
 class ServiceAclControl

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl that implement IRenderer
 class ServiceInstanceAclControl
          Control that manages the Access Control Lists of a service instance.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.workflow

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstanceacl.workflow that implement IRenderer
 class WorkflowServiceInstanceAclControl
          Acl control for a service instance with workflow.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor that implement IRenderer
 class InputTextProxyControl
 class XslFileEditorControl

Uses of IRenderer in

Classes in that implement IRenderer
 class ShowReportButton
          Button that may be used to download a report.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.resourcescheduler

Classes in lumis.service.resourcescheduler that implement IRenderer
 class ScheduleDateTimePickerControl
          A control for selecting dateTime values for a schedule.

Methods in lumis.service.resourcescheduler with parameters of type IRenderer
 String ResourcesDataType.Data.getDisplayString(IRenderer renderer)
          Returns the display string, as defined in ResourceDataType.Data#getDisplayString(IRenderer), of each Resource in this Resources data, separated by comma.
 String ResourcesDataType.Data.getRenderData(IRenderer renderer)

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.seo.sitemap

Classes in lumis.service.seo.sitemap that implement IRenderer
 class SitemapXmlTextControl
          Text area control whose area is the sitemap xml.

Uses of IRenderer in

Classes in that implement IRenderer
 class ContentIdHolderControl
          Control for holding the wiki article content id value.
 class WikiViewArticlePaneControl
          Control to evaluate a content, setting the correct pane for exhibition.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui that implement IRenderer
 class ConsumerConfigurationInterfaceDropDownListControl
          DropDownListControl that adds as its options all supported versions reported by the WSDL producer.

Uses of IRenderer in lumis.service.wsrp.producer

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.producer that implement IRenderer
 class ProducerAdministrationListAddButtonControl
          AddButtonControl responsible for opening the add interface.
 class ProducerAdminListTabularDataControl
          AdvancedTabularDataControl created to treat the row hyperlink creation using the href field to represent the row link.
 class ProducerConfigurationInterfaceVersionDropDownListControl
          DropDownListControl that populates itself with the values contained into the enum ProducerVersion.

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