Package lumis.service.comment

Package class diagram package lumis.service.comment
Class Summary
CommentContentFilter A filter that gets its value from the itemId from the details interface if it is not found normally, and uses the corresponding contentLocaleId as its value.
CommentContentLocaleField Implementation used for targetContentLocaleId, that shows the primary name of the content locale.
CommentListServiceInterface It decides if the interface is rendered or not, based on the presence of an itemId.
CommentQuickListServiceInterface It decides if the interface is rendered or not, based on the presence of an itemId.
CommentService Comment service class.
CurrentContentLocaleIdControl It stores the current content locale identifier in itself.
DeleteRelationCommentProcessActionHandler Custom delete process action handler for comment that also updates the total stored in the lum_CommentTotal table.
SetCommentTotalInfoProcessActionHandler Updates the comments total information for a given targetContentLocaleId.
SetMetaDataInfoProcessActionHandler ProcessActionHandler that sets status attribute in the request.

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