Package lumis.doui.control.autolayout

Package class diagram package lumis.doui.control.autolayout
Class Summary
AutoLayoutAdministrationListControl This control renders interface header, administration buttons, and an administration list control.
AutoLayoutDetailsControl Used to render read details information of a single data tabular data row.
AutoLayoutFieldControl Renders an appropriate control for the given field.
AutoLayoutFieldsControl<S extends Source<?>> Renders a table in which each row contains a label and value of the visible fields in the source.
AutoLayoutListControl Autolayout control that creates a form, interface header and list associated with the interface's default source.
AutoLayoutPropertyPageControl<S extends Source<?>> Renders a property page control with the visible source fields as label: input control pairs.
AutoLayoutQuickListControl Control that renders a quick list with a link to a complete list.

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