Package lumis.service.wsrp.producer

Package class diagram package lumis.service.wsrp.producer
WSRP Producer service.


Class Summary
PortletDescriptorHolderImpl PortletDescriptorHolder implementation.
PortletRegistryContextFactoryImpl PortletRegistryContextFactory implementation.
ProducerAddInterfaceInstanceProcessActionHandler Process Action Handler responsible for populating the items served by the ProducerImpl.getOfferedPortletNames() with the values obtained from the interface.
ProducerAdministrationListAddButtonControl AddButtonControl responsible for opening the add interface.
ProducerAdministrationListDataProvider IDataProvider that reads the current service instance's ProducerImpl and if it exists populate a TabularData with the right values for the interface.
ProducerAdministrationListDeleteProcessActionHandler ProcessActionHandler responsible for deletion of offeredPortletNames of the ProducerImpl associated with current service instance.
ProducerAdminListTabularDataControl AdvancedTabularDataControl created to treat the row hyperlink creation using the href field to represent the row link.
ProducerConfigurationInterfaceDataProvider IDataProvider responsible for populating a TabularData with the ProducerImpl associated with the current service instance.
ProducerConfigurationInterfaceProcessActionHandler ProcessActionHandler responsible for persisting the ProducerImpl associated with the current service instance.
ProducerConfigurationInterfaceVersionDropDownListControl DropDownListControl that populates itself with the values contained into the enum ProducerVersion.
ProducerFilter Servlet filter required for processing WSRP producer requests.
ProducerManagerImpl ProducerManager implementation.
ProducerRouterServlet Routes requests to the webservice servlet.
ProducerService Service that produces remote portlets using WSRP.
ProducerWSDLServlet Delivers the producer's WSDL, according to its configurations.
ServiceInterfaceInstanceDeleteObserver Observes the deletions of service interfaces in order to remove from any WSRPProducers's offered portlets.
WSRPContextListener Initializes the WSRP layer.

Package lumis.service.wsrp.producer Description

WSRP Producer service.

This service allows to offer service interface instances to be consumed remotely based on the WSRP specification.


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