Uses of Class

Packages that use HTMLFragmentComponent
lumis.portal.presentation.core Contains the core implementation for processing a page layout file. 
lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout Contains implementation specific for the generic page layout file. 
lumis.portal.presentation.perspective.admin Contains implementation specific for the layoutfile processing for admin perspective. 
lumis.portal.presentation.tag.el Contains implementation for EL processing inside the layout file. Contains the implementation for processing the page namespace of a layout file. 

Uses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.core

Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.presentation.core with type arguments of type HTMLFragmentComponent
DefaultLumisPortalComponentFactory(Class<? extends HTMLFragmentComponent> componentClass)
          Constructor for the class.
DefaultLumisPortalComponentFactory(Class<? extends HTMLFragmentComponent> componentClass, boolean autoRenderBodyOnly)
          Constructor for the class.

Uses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout

Subclasses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout
 class AbstractPageBodyMiddleComponent
          Abstract page component used as base implementation for other components.
 class PageBodyMiddleTableComponent
          Injects the page's components using tables.
 class PageBodyMiddleTablelessComponent
          Injects the page's components tableless.

Uses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.perspective

Subclasses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.perspective
 class AbstractSubHeader
          Fragment to generate the SubHeader.
 class EmptySubHeader
          Fragment to generate the SubHeader.

Methods in lumis.portal.presentation.perspective that return types with arguments of type HTMLFragmentComponent
 Class<? extends HTMLFragmentComponent> IPortalModeSPI.getRenderComponentClass()
          Returns the component render.
 Class<? extends HTMLFragmentComponent> DefaultPortalMode.getRenderComponentClass()
          Returns the render component

Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.presentation.perspective with type arguments of type HTMLFragmentComponent
DefaultPortalMode(int id, String name, String description, IPermissionProvider permissionProvider, Class<? extends HTMLFragmentComponent> renderComponentClass, String[] attributeNames)
          Constructor for the class.

Uses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.perspective.admin

Subclasses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.perspective.admin
 class HolderIdComponent
          Render holderId from parent RenderHolderComponent.
 class PortalStudioBodyMiddleComponent
          Injects the components HTML for portal studio
 class RenderPortalStudioFooterComponent
          Renders a body footer specific for the Portal Studio.
 class RenderWorkPaneHeaderComponent
          Renders the Portal Studio's work pane header.

Uses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.perspective.publisher

Subclasses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.perspective.publisher
 class PersonalizationSubHeader
 class PublisherLumItemIdInjectorComponent
          Class responsible for rendering a javascript with a variable containing the lumItemId parameter (if present) received as a parameter.

Uses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.tag.el

Subclasses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.portal.presentation.tag.el
 class OutComponent
          Component used to output a EL expression in the HTML body.

Uses of HTMLFragmentComponent in

Subclasses of HTMLFragmentComponent in
 class PageBodyFooterComponent
          Injects the page's body footer component.
 class PageBodyHeaderComponent
          Injects the page's body header component.
 class PageHeadScriptsComponent
          Injects the page's head scripts components.
 class PageLinksComponent
          Injects the page's links components.
 class PageMetaTagsComponent
          Injects the meta tags components in the page.
 class PageTitleComponent
          Injects the page title.

Uses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor

Subclasses of HTMLFragmentComponent in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor
 class XsltResultPageBodyMiddleComponent
          Injects the xsl components in the page.

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