
Package class diagram package
Contains the implementation for processing the page namespace of a layout file.


Class Summary
HolderBodyComponent Component used to mark a interface holder in a layout file.
LayoutFilePageTag Represents built-in tags of the layout file 'page' namespace.
PageBodyFooterComponent Injects the page's body footer component.
PageBodyHeaderComponent Injects the page's body header component.
PageHeadScriptsComponent Injects the page's head scripts components.
PageLinksComponent Injects the page's links components.
PageMarkupFilter Markup filter that processes layout file tags.
PageMetaTagsComponent Injects the meta tags components in the page.
PageTitleComponent Injects the page title.
RenderHolderComponent Component used to mark a interface holder in a layout file.
RenderHolderTag Tag used for rendering a holder.

Package Description

Contains the implementation for processing the page namespace of a layout file.


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