Package lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout
Contains implementation specific for the generic page layout file.


Class Summary
AbstractPageBodyMiddleComponent Abstract page component used as base implementation for other components.
BodyComponent Component used for rendering the HTML body when using the generic layout file markup is used.
GenericMarkupResourceStreamProvider Markup resource stream provider for standard table or tableless layouts.
HTMLRootComponent Component used at the HTML root when the generic markup layout file is used.
LayoutFileMarkupResourceStreamProvider Markup resource stream provider for a specific layout file.
PageBodyMiddleTableComponent Injects the page's components using tables.
PageBodyMiddleTablelessComponent Injects the page's components tableless.

Package lumis.portal.presentation.layout.defaultlayout Description

Contains implementation specific for the generic page layout file.


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