Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPortalEvent
lumis.content.core Provides the core content management operations.   
lumis.portal.cluster.event Contains events raised by the cluster package. 
lumis.portal.event The portal event framework allows the sending of events and the register of observers to receive such events. 
lumis.portal.event.persistence Contains standard persistence events implementation. 
lumis.portal.filesystem.event Contains events raised by the file system package. Implements the portal's page HTML cache engine. 
lumis.portal.url Manages the resolution of page URLs. 
lumis.portal.webfilereplication Contains the classes for web file replication feature.   
lumis.service.wsrp.producer WSRP Producer service. 

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.content.core

Classes in lumis.content.core that implement IPortalEvent
 class ContentRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of a content may have changed.

Uses of IPortalEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void ContentIndexerObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent event)

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.doui.table

Methods in lumis.doui.table that return IPortalEvent
protected  IPortalEvent TableDeleteDataProcessActionHandler.createRenderDataChangedEvent(java.lang.Object itemId)
protected  IPortalEvent BaseTableDataProcessActionHandler.createRenderDataChangedEvent(java.lang.Object itemId)
          Creates a render data changed event.

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.authentication.event

Classes in lumis.portal.authentication.event that implement IPortalEvent
 class SessionEvent
          Base class for events generated for the user session lifecycle.
 class SessionExpiredEvent
          Event generated when a user session has ended due to expiration.
 class SessionLoginEvent
          Event generated when an user login is performed.
 class SessionLogoutEvent
          Event generated when an user logout is performed.

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.cache

Methods in lumis.portal.cache with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void ClusterMembershipObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent event)

Uses of IPortalEvent in

Classes in that implement IPortalEvent
 class ChannelRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of some channels may have changed.

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.cluster.event

Classes in lumis.portal.cluster.event that implement IPortalEvent
 class ClusterMembershipChangedEvent
          Event raised when the current membership of the cluster changed, due to members joining or exiting.
 class ClusterMessageReceivedEvent
          Event raised whenever a cluster message is received.

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.event

Classes in lumis.portal.event that implement IPortalEvent
 class AbstractPortalEvent
          An abstract implementation for IPortalEvent.
 class AbstractTransactionalPortalEvent
          An event that is raised inside a transactional context.
 class BaseNotificationConfig
          Deprecated. Since 4.1.0, replaced by IPortalEventObserver and its implementations, such as AbstractPortalEvent and AbstractTransactionalPortalEvent.

Methods in lumis.portal.event with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 boolean IPortalEventFilter.accept(IPortalEvent event)
          Indicates if the given event is accepted.
 void PortalEventManager.notifyObservers(IPortalEvent event)
 void IPortalEventManager.notifyObservers(IPortalEvent event)
          Notify event observers of the given event.
 void IPortalEventObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent event)
          Notifies that an event has been raised.

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.event.persistence

Classes in lumis.portal.event.persistence that implement IPortalEvent
 class PersistenceEvent
          Base class for standard persistence events.
 class PostAddEvent
          Event raised after the add of an entity to persistence.
 class PostDeleteEvent
          Event raised after the delete of an entity from persistence.
 class PostLoadEvent
          Event raised after the loading of an entity from persistence.
 class PostUpdateEvent
          Event raised after the update of an entity in persistence.
 class PreAddEvent
          Event raised before the add of an entity to persistence.
 class PreDeleteEvent
          Event raised before the delete of an entity from persistence.
 class PreLoadEvent
          Event raised before the loading of an entity from persistence.
 class PreUpdateEvent
          Event raised before the update of an entity in persistence.

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.filesystem.event

Classes in lumis.portal.filesystem.event that implement IPortalEvent
 class ClusterFileSystemAddEvent
          Event raised when a file has been added and will propagate to the whole cluster.
 class ClusterFileSystemDeleteEvent
          Event raised when a file has been removed and will propagate to the whole cluster.
 class ClusterFileSystemUpdateEvent
          Event raised when a file has been updated in the portal file system.
 class FileSystemAddEvent
          Event raised when an entry is added to the local portal file system.
 class FileSystemDeleteEvent
          Event raised when an entry is deleted from the local portal file system.
 class FileSystemEvent
          Base class for file system events.
 class FileSystemUpdateEvent
          Event raised when an entry is updated in the local portal file system.

Uses of IPortalEvent in

Classes in that implement IPortalEvent
 class PageRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of some pages may have changed.

Uses of IPortalEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void PageCacheObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent event)

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.serviceinstance

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinstance that implement IPortalEvent
 class ServiceInstanceRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of some service instances may have changed.

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance

Classes in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance that implement IPortalEvent
 class ServiceInterfaceInstanceRenderDataChangedEvent
          Event that indicates that the render data of some service interface instances may have changed.

Methods in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void ServiceInterfaceInstanceObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent ev)

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.url

Methods in lumis.portal.url with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void URLConversionCacheObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent ev)

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.portal.webfilereplication

Methods in lumis.portal.webfilereplication with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void WebFileReplicationObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent ev)

Uses of IPortalEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void PagePersonalizationObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent ev)

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.service.rss

Methods in lumis.service.rss with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void RssObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent ev)

Uses of IPortalEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void MicroblogPortalObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent event)

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile

Methods in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.socialprofile with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void SocialProfilePortalObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent event)

Uses of IPortalEvent in lumis.service.wsrp.producer

Methods in lumis.service.wsrp.producer with parameters of type IPortalEvent
 void ServiceInterfaceInstanceDeleteObserver.onEvent(IPortalEvent event)

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