Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDataProvider
lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui This package provides Doui components for the URL shortening framework. 
lumis.service.categorization Service that allows you to categorize portal content into hierarquical terms. 
lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks Provides classes used by content's publish to social networks. 
lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype Group type administration service. 
lumis.service.portalmanagement.processqueue Provides interface related objects for asynchronous processing in queue. 
lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.dataprovider Provides the data providers used by social network integration service. 
lumis.service.webserviceviewer Contains wiki service classes. 
lumis.service.wsrp.producer WSRP Producer service. 

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.content.source.dataprovider

Classes in lumis.content.source.dataprovider that implement IDataProvider
 class ContentServiceInstancesDataProvider
 class ContentServicesDataProvider
          Provides data about content services.
 class ContentServiceSourcesDataProvider
 class ContentSourceFieldsDataProvider
          Returns all the fields of the source that are not meta-data fields.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.content.table

Classes in lumis.content.table that implement IDataProvider
 class ContentTableDataProvider
          Base data provider for content sources.

Uses of IDataProvider in

Classes in that implement IDataProvider
 class SearchDataProvider
          Executes a search against a Search Engine and return the results.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.doui.source

Subinterfaces of IDataProvider in lumis.doui.source
 interface ITableDataProvider
          Interface for table data providers

Classes in lumis.doui.source that implement IDataProvider
 class AbstractObjectDataProvider<S extends TabularSource,T>
          Implements a provider for objects whose properties follows the java bean accessor methods convention.
 class EmptyDataProvider
          An IDataProvider implementation that loads no data.

Methods in lumis.doui.source that return IDataProvider
<S extends Source>
DataProviderFactory.createDataProvider(Source source)
<S extends Source>
          Returns the data provider for this source.

Methods in lumis.doui.source that return types with arguments of type IDataProvider
static java.lang.Class<? extends IDataProvider> DataProviderFactory.getDataProviderClass(org.w3c.dom.Node sourceDefinition, ITransaction transaction)

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.doui.table

Classes in lumis.doui.table that implement IDataProvider
 class TableDataProvider
          Data provider that provides table data

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui

Classes in lumis.portal.urlshortener.doui that implement IDataProvider
 class ConfigureURLShortenerDataProvider
          Data provider for URL shortener configuration.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.association

Classes in lumis.service.association that implement IDataProvider
 class AssociationDataProvider
          Get the identifiers and primary names of the metadata contents associated to the provided content item id

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.banner

Classes in lumis.service.banner that implement IDataProvider
 class BannerDataProvider
 class BannerPropertiesDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.callcenteronline

Classes in lumis.service.callcenteronline that implement IDataProvider
 class CheckAttendingHoursDataProvider
          Data provider that returns whether within attending hours.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.categorization

Classes in lumis.service.categorization that implement IDataProvider
 class AssociatedTermsDataProvider
          Data provider that returns the terms associated to a given content
 class TermContentsDataProvider
          Data provider that returns the contents related to a given term.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.chatroom

Classes in lumis.service.chatroom that implement IDataProvider
 class ChatRoomHistoryDataProvider
          Provides a list of messages in a chat room.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.content.language

Classes in lumis.service.content.language that implement IDataProvider
 class LanguageAssociableContentsDataProvider
 class LanguageAssociatedContentsDataProvider
          Provides the contents that are language associated with a specific content.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.content.preview

Classes in lumis.service.content.preview that implement IDataProvider
 class DeviceSkinDataProvider
          Provides all information from the files of devices skins properties.
 class PreviewPagesDataProvider
          Data provider that returns the pages that the given item id may be seen by the end user.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks

Classes in lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks that implement IDataProvider
 class AvailableAccountsByServiceInstanceDataProvider
          Provides available SocialNetworkAccounts by content service instance.
 class MessageDataProvider
          Load data based on source parameter.
 class MessageMaxLengthDataProvider
          Post Load Processor to fills the message max length field.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.content.version

Classes in lumis.service.content.version that implement IDataProvider
 class ContentVersionsDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.document

Classes in lumis.service.document that implement IDataProvider
 class DocumentFolderDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.doui.common

Classes in lumis.service.doui.common that implement IDataProvider
 class DouiFieldsDataProvider
          Doui Source that provide a list of the fields available for a service interface instance.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.doui.customproperties

Classes in lumis.service.doui.customproperties that implement IDataProvider
 class InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertiesDataProvider
          Data provider for interface instance custom properties
 class ServiceInstanceCustomPropertiesDataProvider
          Data Provider for service instance properties
 class ServiceInstanceDependencyDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.doui.filters

Classes in lumis.service.doui.filters that implement IDataProvider
 class CustomFiltersDataProvider
 class FiltersInformationDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.doui.orderby

Classes in lumis.service.doui.orderby that implement IDataProvider
 class OrderByDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.doui.propertybag

Classes in lumis.service.doui.propertybag that implement IDataProvider
 class InheritedPropertiesDataProvider
          Provides the inherited properties of a property bag.
 class LocalPropertiesDataProvider
          Provides the local properties of a property bag.

Uses of IDataProvider in

Classes in that implement IDataProvider
 class ForumPathDataProvider
          This data provider returns the path of the given forum id or topic id

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.html

Classes in lumis.service.html that implement IDataProvider
 class HtmlDataProvider
          Data provider for the Html service.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.image

Classes in lumis.service.image that implement IDataProvider
 class ImageFolderDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.navigation

Classes in lumis.service.navigation that implement IDataProvider
 class BreadCrumbDataProvider
          Returns bread crumb properties for a bread crumb interface instance
 class BreadCrumbPropertiesDataProvider
          Returns properties for a bread crumb interface

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.newsletter

Classes in lumis.service.newsletter that implement IDataProvider
 class ContentInstantiatedServicesDataProvider
          Provides data about content Instantiated and Instantiable services.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.dataprovider

Classes in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.dataprovider that implement IDataProvider
 class HolderServiceInterfaceDataProvider
          IDataProvider implementation that returns the widgets present in current holder for current user.
 class InstancesByServiceDataProvider
          IDataProvider that reads all instances of a specific service.
 class InstancesDataProvider
          IDataProvider that reads all instances of services that have at least one widget interface.
 class InterfaceByServiceInstanceDataProvider
          IDataProvider that reads all instances of a specific service.
 class ServiceInterfacesDataProvider
          IDataProvider that reads a service interface accordingly to the following source parameters:
serviceInstanceId: reads the interfaces of the service instance's service. serviceInterfaceInstanceId: reads the interfaces of the interface instance's service. The priority is to read using the serviceInstanceId parameter.
 class ServicesDataProvider
          IDataProvider that reads all services that have at least one widget interface.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit that implement IDataProvider
 class AuditConfigDataProvider
          Data provider for Audit configuration.

Uses of IDataProvider in

Classes in that implement IDataProvider
 class BuildDataProvider
          Provides current build information

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.cache

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.cache that implement IDataProvider
 class CacheRuntimeDataProvider
          Completes the cache information loaded in the source with the information available in the current active PortalCache's in this JVM.

Uses of IDataProvider in

Classes in that implement IDataProvider
 class ChannelFriendlyPathDataProvider
 class ChannelParentCssDataProvider
 class ParentChannelMetaTagDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channeltemplate

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.channeltemplate that implement IDataProvider
 class ChannelPathDataProvider
          Channels path data provider.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.cluster

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.cluster that implement IDataProvider
 class ClusterConfigDataProvider
          Provides the cluster configuration data.
 class ClusterMemberDataProvider
          Provides cluster members data.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.portlet

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.portlet that implement IDataProvider
 class ServiceDataProvider
          Reads informations about registered portlet services.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem that implement IDataProvider
 class FileSystemDataProvider
          Provides information about files in the file system.

Uses of IDataProvider in

Classes in that implement IDataProvider
 class DatabaseViewFieldByGroupDataProvider
          Populates a source with the DatabaseViewField relative to a group.
 class GroupMembersDataProvider
 class MemberGroupsDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype that implement IDataProvider
 class DatabaseViewAvailableFieldsDataProvider
          Populates the source with metadata about the available fields in a view.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagecache

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.pagecache that implement IDataProvider
 class DefaultStartDateDataProvider
          Provide the default start date to expire the page cache entries.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.processqueue

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.processqueue that implement IDataProvider
 class QueueStatisticsDataProvider
          Data provider for Queue Statistics.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.sendmail

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.sendmail that implement IDataProvider
 class MailConfigDataProvider
          Provides sendmail configuration data.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization that implement IDataProvider
 class ImportFileDataProvider
          Data provider that lists the possible import files.
 class SerializationDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.service

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.service that implement IDataProvider
 class ServiceSource

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance that implement IDataProvider
 class ExtractorCustomPropertiesDataProvider
          DataProvider responsible to load the custom properties transformation.
 class ServiceInstanceAddDataProvider
 class ServiceInstancePrincipalsByPermissionDataProvider
          Data Provider that returns a list of principals.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance that implement IDataProvider
 class InterfaceHolderPropertiesDataProvider
 class ServiceInterfaceInstancePropertiesDataProvider
          Reads the properties of a service interface instance.
 class ServiceInterfaceNamesDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.servicesearchindex

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.servicesearchindex that implement IDataProvider
 class ServiceSearchIndexDataProvider
          Provides a list of searchable and instantiated services and respective service instances

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.source.dataprovider

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.source.dataprovider that implement IDataProvider
 class SocialNetworkDeclaredSourcesDataProvider
          IDataProvider that reads the sources of a given service.
 class SocialNetworkServiceInstancesByServiceDataProvider
          Social network service instances dataProvider.
 class SocialNetworkServicesDataProvider
          Social network services data provider.
 class SocialNetworkSourceFieldsProvider
          IDataProvider that reads a source's fields.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.systeminfo

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.systeminfo that implement IDataProvider
 class DatabaseInformationDataProvider
          Obtain information about the database product
 class EnvironmentDataProvider
          Obtain the environment variables
 class GeneralInformationDataProvider
          Obtain general information like date, user locale, etc
 class MapDataProvider
          Abstract class that implements IDataProvider and provides a general behavior to Key/Value Data Providers.
 class MemoryUseInformationDataProvider
          Obtain memory use information
 class PageCacheInformationDataProvider
          Obtain information about page cache
 class PortalInformationDataProvider
          Obtain portal information
 class SystemPropertiesDataProvider
          Obtain the system properties.
 class ThreadInformationDataProvider
          Obtain thread dump information.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xslcache

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xslcache that implement IDataProvider
 class XslCacheDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor that implement IDataProvider
 class XslFileDataProvider
          Provides data about XSL files.

Uses of IDataProvider in

Classes in that implement IDataProvider
 class ReportDataProvider
          Provides Report data according to the source's service instance.
 class ReportParametersDataProvider
          Provides the parameters and their appropriate values for a given report.

Uses of IDataProvider in

Classes in that implement IDataProvider
 class SearchPropertiesDataProvider
          Returns search properties for a DOUI service instance

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.seo.robotstxt

Classes in lumis.service.seo.robotstxt that implement IDataProvider
 class RobotsTxtDataProvider
          This class generates a plain text type of structure, previewing how the Robots.txt of that Service Instance would look like.
 class RobotsTxtServedUrlsDataProvider
          Populates the source with the served urls defined in the PropertyBag.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.dataprovider

Classes in lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.dataprovider that implement IDataProvider
 class ServiceInstancePublishingToSocialNetworksDataProvider
          Data provider to populates the source with service instances that publishes to social networks.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.dataprovider

Classes in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.dataprovider that implement IDataProvider
 class HashOccurencesDataProvider
          Data Provider class used to load Hashtag Occurrences.
 class HashtagPostsDataProvider
          Data Provider class used to load all posts that have a given Hashtag.
 class NetworkPostsDataProvider
          Data Provider class used to load posts within a given Social Network.
 class SocialProfileDataProvider
          Data Provider class used to load informations of a Social profile in a given Social Network.
 class WallPostsDataProvider
          Data Provider class used to load user-wall posts.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.webpage

Classes in lumis.service.webpage that implement IDataProvider
 class WebPageParameterDataProvider
          Data provider for web page parameter.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.webserviceviewer

Classes in lumis.service.webserviceviewer that implement IDataProvider
 class WebServiceViewerConfigurationDataProvider
          Data provider for web service viewer configuration.
 class WebServiceViewerParametersDataProvider

Uses of IDataProvider in

Classes in that implement IDataProvider
 class WikiContentVersionDataProvider
          Provides data about the versions of a wiki article.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.workflow

Classes in lumis.service.workflow that implement IDataProvider
 class SelectServiceInstanceWorkflowDataProvider
          Data provider for the selecting a service instance's workflow.
 class WorkflowSendToUsersDataProvider
          Implements the workflow data provider

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui that implement IDataProvider
 class ClonedPortletDataProvider
          Data provider for cloned portlets.
 class ProducerDataProvider
          Reads producer and populate a TabularData with its data.
 class PropertiesDataProvider
          Data provider for cloned portlets properties.
 class RemotePortletConfigurationInterfaceDataProvider
          Reads offered portlets by producer and populate a TabularData with them.

Uses of IDataProvider in lumis.service.wsrp.producer

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.producer that implement IDataProvider
 class ClonedPortletsListDataProvider
          IDataProvider that reads the current service instance's ClonedPortletsListDataProvider and if it exists populate a TabularData with the right values for the interface.
 class PortletModesDataProvider
          IDataProvider responsible for populating a TabularData with the possible WSRP portletModes to be selected on screen.
 class ProducerAdministrationListDataProvider
          IDataProvider that reads the current service instance's ProducerImpl and if it exists populate a TabularData with the right values for the interface.
 class ProducerConfigurationInterfaceDataProvider
          IDataProvider responsible for populating a TabularData with the ProducerImpl associated with the current service instance.
 class RegistrationManagementInterfaceDataProvider
          /** IDataProvider responsible for populating a TabularData with the RemoteConsumerRegistration associated with the current producer.
 class WindowStatesDataProvider
          /** IDataProvider responsible for populating a TabularData with the possible WSRP windowStates to be selected on screen.

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