Uses of Interface

Packages that use IClientSideReadableControl
lumis.content.control.tag Provides the control for tagging contents. 
lumis.service.tag Contains wiki service classes. 
lumis.service.wsrp.producer WSRP Producer service. 

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.content.control.contentpicker

Classes in lumis.content.control.contentpicker that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ContentPickerControl
          Control that allows to pick up a content through a search popup window.
 class TermPickerControl
          Control that selects a term from the associated categorization service.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.content.control.language

Classes in lumis.content.control.language that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class LanguageControl
          Control for languages.
 class LanguageFilterControl
          A control used in administration list to filter the language field.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.content.control.tag

Classes in lumis.content.control.tag that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class InputTagControl
          Defines an input tag control that allows the user to enter any tag value.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.content.control.workflow

Classes in lumis.content.control.workflow that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class WorkflowAssignedToFilterControl
          A control used in administration list to filter workflow assignedTo field.
 class WorkflowStateFilterControl
          A control used in administration list to filter workflow state field.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.checkbox

Classes in lumis.doui.control.checkbox that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class CheckBoxListControl
          Used to render a list of check boxes to allow the user to choose one or more of a given set of options.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.datepicker

Classes in lumis.doui.control.datepicker that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class DateTimePickerControl
          Renders two input text boxes for date and time.
 class TimePickerControl
          Renders one input text box for the time.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.dropdownlist

Classes in lumis.doui.control.dropdownlist that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class DropDownListControl
          Used to render a drop down combo box control to allow the user to choose one of a given set of options.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.fileupload

Classes in lumis.doui.control.fileupload that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class FileUploadControl
          Doui control that allows the upload of files to the portal.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor

Classes in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class HtmlEditorControl
          Control for editing html content.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.inputtext

Classes in lumis.doui.control.inputtext that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class InputHiddenControl
          Defines an input hidden control, used to render hidden information.
 class InputTextAreaControl
          Defines an input text control.
 class InputTextControl
          Defines an input text control that allows the user to enter any text value.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.itempicker

Classes in lumis.doui.control.itempicker that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ItemPickerControl
          Used to select an item from a large list.
 class MultiItemPickerControl
          Multiple item picker control.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.multifileupload

Classes in lumis.doui.control.multifileupload that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class MultiFileUploadControl
          Control used to upload multiples files at same time.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.pagination

Classes in lumis.doui.control.pagination that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class PaginationControl
          Renders the current selected page and possible pages that the use can navigate to.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.password

Classes in lumis.doui.control.password that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class PasswordControl
          Renders an input password control.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.principalpicker

Classes in lumis.doui.control.principalpicker that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class PrincipalPickerControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to select a principal.
 class ServiceInstancePrincipalPickerControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to select a principal that has access to the given service instance.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.selectchannel

Classes in lumis.doui.control.selectchannel that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class SelectChannelControl
 class SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControl
          Control for selecting a channel or a channel template.
 class SelectChannelTemplateControl

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.selectpage

Classes in lumis.doui.control.selectpage that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class SelectChannelChildControl
          Base control for selecting a resource that is child of a channel.
 class SelectPageControl
 class SelectPageOrPageTemplateControl
          Control to select a page or page template.
 class SelectPageTemplateControl
          Control to select a page template

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance

Classes in lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class SelectServiceInstanceControl
          Control that selects a service instance.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in

Classes in that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class SelectChannelPathControl
          Control that allows the user to select a channel path.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.comment

Classes in lumis.service.comment that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class CurrentContentLocaleIdControl
          It stores the current content locale identifier in itself.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.document

Classes in lumis.service.document that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class SelectDocumentServiceInstanceControl

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.document.control

Classes in lumis.service.document.control that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class DocumentPickerControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to input a document.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in

Classes in that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ForumMessageListInputHiddenControl
          InputHiddenControl extension that reads its parameter value from request using the name attribute as parameter name.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.image

Classes in lumis.service.image that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class SelectImageServiceInstanceControl

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.image.control

Classes in lumis.service.image.control that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ImagePickerControl
          Renders a control that allows the end user to input an image.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.control

Classes in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.control that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class InterfaceInstanceIdInputHiddenControl
          Generates the ID of the Interface Instance that will be used on the ADD or Update process.
 class InterfaceSelectionDropDownListControl
          DropDownListControl for selecting service interface.
 class ServiceInterfacePickerControl
          Control responsible for rendering necessary subcontrols for allowing user to select service interface.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in

Classes in that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ChannelInheritedPageTemplateControl
          Controls that shows the inherited page template

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class LoadTransformationFromDataBaseControl
          Control responsible of reading the data from base and then insert it in a hidden input.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class InputTextProxyControl

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.resourcescheduler

Classes in lumis.service.resourcescheduler that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ScheduleDateTimePickerControl
          A control for selecting dateTime values for a schedule.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in

Classes in that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class SearchQueryInputText
          InputTextControl extension that reads its parameter value from request using the name attribute as parameter name.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.tag

Classes in lumis.service.tag that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class SelectTagServiceInstanceControl
          Control that allows tag service instance selection.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in

Classes in that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ContentIdHolderControl
          Control for holding the wiki article content id value.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ConsumerConfigurationInterfaceDropDownListControl
          DropDownListControl that adds as its options all supported versions reported by the WSDL producer.

Uses of IClientSideReadableControl in lumis.service.wsrp.producer

Classes in lumis.service.wsrp.producer that implement IClientSideReadableControl
 class ProducerConfigurationInterfaceVersionDropDownListControl
          DropDownListControl that populates itself with the values contained into the enum ProducerVersion.
 class WSRPCheckBoxListControl

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