Uses of Class

Packages that use DouiServiceInterface

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.content.service

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.content.service
 class ContentAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface
          Implements a standard add property page for content administration
 class ContentAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface
          Implements a standard edit property page for content administration
 class ContentAdministrationEmbeddedAddPropertyPageServiceInterface
 class ContentAdministrationListServiceInterface
          The service interface for an administration list of a content.
 class ContentAdministrationPropertyPageServiceInterface
 class ContentDetailsServiceInterface
 class ContentGenericListServiceInterface
          Generic interface for content lists
 class ContentListServiceInterface
          Interface for content lists
 class ContentQuickListServiceInterface
 class ContentServiceInterface
          Interface for content service interfaces

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.doui.service

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.doui.service
 class DouiAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface
          Implements a standard add property page for doui administration
 class DouiAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface
          Implements a standard edit property page for doui administration
 class DouiAdministrationEmbeddedAddPropertyPageServiceInterface
 class DouiAdministrationListServiceInterface
          Service interface implementation for a doui administration list.
 class DouiAdministrationPropertyPageServiceInterface
 class DouiDetailsServiceInterface
 class DouiGenericListServiceInterface
          A generic doui list service interface implementation.
 class DouiListServiceInterface
 class DouiQuickListServiceInterface

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.banner

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.banner
 class BannerDouiInterface

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.chatroom

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.chatroom
 class ChatRoomHistoryInterface
          Renders the chatRoom service's History interface.
 class ChatRoomParticipateInterface
          Only allow to render the interface if it is open.

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.comment

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.comment
 class CommentListServiceInterface
          It decides if the interface is rendered or not, based on the presence of an itemId.
 class CommentQuickListServiceInterface
          It decides if the interface is rendered or not, based on the presence of an itemId.

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.login

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.login
 class LoginInterface
 class LogoutInterface
          Logout interface implementation.

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.mailmarketing

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.mailmarketing
 class UserSubscriptionInterface
          Renders the interface only if the current user is not guest.

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in
 class LocalGroupDouiInterface

Uses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.user

Subclasses of DouiServiceInterface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.user
 class LocalUserDouiInterface

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