Package lumis.doui.service

Package class diagram package lumis.doui.service
Interface Summary
IDouiDefinitionProcessor Defines the interface for a processor for a doui definition.
IDouiService Interface for DOUI based Services.
IDouiServiceInterface Interface that all DOUI based service interfaces must implement

Class Summary
DouiAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface Implements a standard add property page for doui administration
DouiAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface Implements a standard edit property page for doui administration
DouiAdministrationListServiceInterface Service interface implementation for a doui administration list.
DouiGenericListServiceInterface A generic doui list service interface implementation.
DouiHyperLinkResolver Customizes the generic hyperlink resolver to also verify the destination source during interface resolution.
DouiService Implements a DOUI Service.
DouiServiceInterface Base service interface implementation for the doui framework.
DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition Generates the definition for a doui service interface instance.

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