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    Project Creation

    LumisXP allows the creation of projects through the Portal Studio.

    To create a new project, simply select the "New Project" option from the context menu of a channel and fill in the options according to your desire.


    When creating a project, the following components are created in the portal:

    • A module related to the project.
    • An empty theme created in the module.
    • A channel for the project with the export configured for the module and an instance of the services "Data Analysis", "Documents", "Media", "Search", "Self Administration", "Website Scripts", and "Privacy Policy".
    • A blank page
    • A page template
    • A Maven project ready to be imported
    • A local group of publishers

    The blank home page has the following Property Bags to define friendly URLs in the project:

    • Property lumis.portal.url.IURLResolver with the value lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.FriendlyUrlResolver, enabling friendly URLs for the Hierarchical Content service. For more information, see Hierarchical Content: Assembly.
    • Property lumis.portal.url.friendly.pattern with the value ${ancestralPath}/${wr.urlTitle}${paramsPath}/, thus defining the format of the friendly URL for this page in directory format instead of file format, which would be the default.

    To edit the project, LumisXP provides a module and theme editor and creates a Maven project in the folder \lumisdata\shared\source\ which can be imported and edited in Eclipse.

    If using Eclipse, when modifying the code, the module must be updated for the changes to be loaded. In the module and theme editor, this update is automatic.

    For more information about modules, see Module Development

    For more information about the module and theme editors, see Module Editor and Theme Editor

    Local Groups of the New Channel

    The new channel of the project will by default have the creation of Local Groups enabled - with the group prefix equal to the friendly identifier of the channel. If there is already a Group prefix with the same value, a suffix -n will be used. For example:

    Imagine we have a channel titled New. Its friendly identifier will, by default, be new. If there is no Local Group prefix with this value, then new will be the prefix for the Local Group. However, if a prefix new already exists, new-1 can be used if this also does not exist. If new-1 already exists, new-2, new-3 and so on will be tested and the first non-existent will be used.

    For more information about Local Groups, see Editing Channel Properties, Advanced, Security.