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    Hierarchical Content: Assembly

    To use the Hierarchical Content service, simply instantiate it in a channel where you want a hierarchy and drag its interfaces to the areas of the pages in edit mode. Its interfaces correspond to an administrative environment for items and interaction interfaces with the service and portal for the end user.

    • Administration: Allows the registration and maintenance of hierarchical content by the content editor.
    • Page Path: Allows displaying the path of the selected content, presenting the complete hierarchy to reach the selected level.
    • Content Menu: Allows displaying the contents of a specific level in hierarchical order, with the option to specify how many levels below the initial to show.
    • Content Details: Allows displaying the selected content and is used only to display contents of the type "Internal Content".
    • Content Children: Allows displaying the children of the selected content.
    • Generate HTML Content: Allows contents to be created from a menu HTML.

    Multiple Content Details on the Same Page

    When creating a Hierarchical Content of the type internal content, it is possible to add multiple Hierarchical Details interfaces on the same page and add an Area Name to each of them.

    If the page has one or more interfaces with different area names, the rendering of the HTML Editor when adding or editing a new internal content will change, behaving as follows:

    • For each instance of the details interface that has an area name present on the destination details page, an HTML editor field will be rendered;
    • Each rendered field will be named Content - [Area Name]. If no area name is defined, the field will be named Content - (default);
    • If the field refers to an area that no longer exists, either because there was a deployment that changed the destination page structure, or because the publisher chose a new destination page and the new destination page does not have a hierarchical contents details interface related to that area, the name will be formed by the previous rules + (orphan).

    Friendly URL

    To create friendly URLs in the Hierarchical Content service based on the hierarchy of the contents, it is necessary to add the property lumis.portal.url.IURLResolver with the value lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.FriendlyUrlResolver to the property bag of the desired channel.
    When configuring this property bag, the URL generated when accessing the details page of a specific content will be in the following format:

    Where [Content Name 1]...[Content Name n] are the names of the parent contents of the content being displayed up to the root.

    For more information on Property Bags visit the link