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    • Protocol: Allows you to determine which protocol will be used during navigation on the channel and its pages. The Lumis provides four options:
    • Inherit configuration: inherits what is defined for the parent channel (default value). If there is no parent channel, it will use the HTTP Only option.
    • HTTP Only: forces the use of the HTTP protocol on the channel and its pages (if these are inheriting this protocol configuration), redirecting to the HTTP protocol when accessed with another;
    • HTTPS Only: forces the use of the HTTPS protocol for the channel and its pages (if these are inheriting this protocol configuration), redirecting to the HTTPS protocol when accessed with another;
    • Allow all: the channel and its pages (if these are inheriting this protocol configuration) are displayed with any valid protocol entered in the URL.
    • Enable Local Groups: By selecting this property, options for registering local groups and users are made available in the channel's administrative area:


    User with permission to manage local groups (in the channel's access control) can add, edit, delete, and include only local groups and users.

    The advantage of using local groups is in the export and import of channels, and in the application of templates, for example.

    • Prefix:This field will be available for mandatory editing when the "Enable Local Groups" option is selected. Thus, all local users and groups created will have the specified prefix before the login, separated by a “.”;