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    Links : Add

    Provides the publisher with a form to add new links. The content will be available in the list and detail interfaces available in the environment. Accessed through the Administration interface.


    • It is an administration interface


    • Name (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : Title assumed by the link.
    • Introduction (text) : Short description of the link's content.
    • Call to Action (string, maximum length: 255) : An optional call to action. In the default style, the value of this field will not be rendered for the user. If it is desired for this field to be rendered for the user, the corresponding interface style must be customized.
    • Image (media) : Image that can be associated with the link's content uploaded from the portal's media repository.
    • Category (string, maximum length: 32) : Associate the link to one of the already registered categories. It can also be left unassociated.
    • Link Type (integer, required field) : Defines the type of link. Each type may have additional configuration fields:
      • Internal Content: Allows using the portal's HTML editor to register content that will be displayed in the service's detail interface. The link directs to the page with the detail interface to display the content.
      • URL: A URL that will be used as a link.
      • Internal Page: Allows selecting a page from the portal. The link will be that of the specified page.
      • Document: Allows selecting an existing document in a document service. The link will be the download link of the specified document.
      • Referenced Content: Allows selecting existing content in the portal. The link will be that of the content's detail page.
    • Position (integer, required field, default value: 0)
    • Content (html) : The HTML view of the content.
    • Url (text) : Used when the Link Type is URL to define the link's URL.
    • Open in Popup (boolean, required field, default value: false) : Used when the Link Type is URL to define whether the link will be opened in a popup.
    • Popup Properties (string, maximum length: 255) : Used when the Link Type is URL to define the popup properties if the Open in Popup option is checked.
    • Page (internal page) : Used when the Link Type is Internal Page to define the page to which the user will be redirected when clicking the link.
    • Document (document) : Used when the Link Type is Document to select the document to be downloaded when clicking the link.
    • Referenced Content (identifier) : Used when the Link Type is Referenced Content to define which content the user will be redirected to when clicking the link.
    • Workflow: Allows defining and controlling content publishing processes to ensure quality.?
      • Status: Allows defining and controlling content publishing processes to ensure quality.
      • Responsible: The person or group currently responsible for the content.
      • Action: Specify the transition to define the next state of the workflow. The user will only see the transactions they are entitled to execute.
      • Send to: Specify the person who should be responsible for the content.
    • Publication
      • Publication Period?
        • From: The date this content will be published. If searchable, the search will only find this content after this date.
        • Until: The date this content will be archived. If searchable, the search will not find this content after this date.
      • Highlight
        • Highlight this item: Select this item if you need the highlight property to be assigned to the content.
        • Until: Optionally specify until when this content should be highlighted.
      • Publish to instances: Publish the current content to multiple websites/instances?
      • Publish to users: Allows specifying which people can have access to this content. This may influence search results.?
    • Language: Control the language of the current content and its display behavior.?
      • Language: Specify the language of the current content. By default, it selects the language that the user is browsing in.
    • SEO & Sharing?
      • Simple page title: Defines the plain text that will be used, along with the title pattern, to generate the title of the content detail page.
      • Title generation pattern for the page: Defines the title pattern for generating the title of the content detail page.
      • Description: Description for external search engines.
      • URL Path: Defines the URL path of the content
      • Title for URL: Defines the text that should be used in the process of generating the friendly URL for the content detail page.
      • Canonical URL: Defines the canonical URL that should be used in the process of generating the content detail page.
      • Title: Defines the text that will be used as a title in shares for social networks.
      • Description: Defines the text that will be used as a description in shares for social networks.
      • Image: Defines the text that will be used as an image in shares for social networks.



    • Edit service instance content: Allows managing all data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit
    • Save and preview content. : Save content and then open the preview screen of that content.