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    Inject HTML: Add

    Provides the publisher with a form to add new content.


    • It is an administration interface


    • Title (string, required field, maximum length: 255) : Title that identifies the content in the administrative list of injected HTML contents
    • HTML (html, required field) : Text of the HTML content to be inserted into the pages
    • Inject at position (string, required field, maximum length: 15)
    • CSS selector (string, maximum length: 255) : The CSS selector. CSS selector documentation here.
    • Position relative to selector (string, maximum length: 20, default value: after) : Position relative to the first HTML element referenced by the CSS selector where the content will be injected:
      • After the selector: The HTML content is inserted after the element specified by the selector;
      • Before the selector: The HTML content is inserted before the element specified by the selector;
      • First child of the selector: The HTML content is inserted as the first HTML element inside the element specified by the selector;
      • Last child of the selector: The HTML content is inserted as the last HTML element inside the element specified by the selector;
      • Replace the selector: The HTML content is inserted replacing the element specified by the selector;
      • Replace the HTML inside the selector: The HTML content is inserted replacing all HTML inside the element specified by the selector;
    • Define one or more URL patterns here. If specified, the HTML injection will only be applied on pages that match at least one of these URL patterns. The character * can be used in the URL patterns to describe any set of characters. (text)
    • Priority (integer, required field, default value: 0) : Integer number that prioritizes the HTML content to be injected, with higher priority contents being inserted first
    • Workflow: Allows defining and controlling content publication processes to ensure quality.?
      • State: Allows defining and controlling content publication processes to ensure quality.
      • Responsible: The person or group currently responsible for the content.
      • Action: Specify the transition to define the next state of the workflow. The user will only see the transactions they have the right to execute.
      • Send to: Specify the person who should be responsible for the content.
      • Messages: Used to exchange comments between publishers during the workflow process.?
    • Publication
      • Publication period?
        • From: The date this content will be published. If searchable, the search will only find this content after this date.
        • Until: The date this content will be archived. If searchable, the search will not find this content after this date.
      • Publish to instances: Publish the current content to multiple websites/instances?
    • Language: Control the language of the current content and its display behavior.?
      • Language: Specify the language of the current content. By default, it chooses the language the user is browsing.


    • Edit content of service instance: Allows managing all the data of this service instance with publisher profile.


    • commit