The LumisXP has an API - Application Program Interface, which allows services and applications to be integrated with the Lumis framework.
LumisXP API | Javadoc of the LumisXP API. |
The XML definition files have a corresponding XML Schema (XSD) file. Below is a list of the documentation for each of the definition files:
douidefinition.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition files for DOUI services. The services that use the DOUI framework are defined by a file called douidefinition.xml . |
servicedefinition.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition files for services. Every service has a definition file called servicedefinition.xml . |
themedefinition.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition files for portal themes. Every theme has a definition file called themedefinition.xml. |
workflowdefinition.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition file for workflows used by the product. Every workflow is defined by a file called workflowdefinition.xml . |
contextdefinition.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition files for business contexts of the portal. Every business context is defined by a file called contextdefinition.xml. |
activityprocessordefinition.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition files for activity processors. Every activity processor is defined by a file called activityprocessordefinition.xml. |
lumis-package.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition files for deployment packages. For more information about packages, see the page Packages. |
lumis-module.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition files for modules. For more information about modules, see the page Modules. |
lumis-component.xsd | Defines the structure of the definition files for components. For more information about components, see the page Components. |
lumis-component-install-script.xsd | Defines the structure of the installation script files for components. For more information about component deployment scripts, see the page Installation, Upgrade, and Uninstallation Scripts. |
lumis-component-upgrade-script.xsd | Defines the structure of the upgrade script files for components. For more information about component deployment scripts, see the page Installation, Upgrade, and Uninstallation Scripts. |
lumis-component-uninstall-script.xsd | Defines the structure of the uninstallation script files for components. For more information about component deployment scripts, see the page Installation, Upgrade, and Uninstallation Scripts. |
monitor-definition.xsd | Definition file that defines events, fields, and field groups of monitoring. An example of a monitoring event file can be found in the documentation of Modules. For more information on tracking and event collection, see the Javascript Monitoring API or the REST Monitoring API. |
environmentproperties.xsd | Defines the structure of the XML files that configure the environment properties. The files must be in the path META-INF/lumis/portal/system/properties/ provided in the portal's classloader. |