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    API and XSD

    The LumisXP has an API - Application Program Interface, which allows services and applications to be integrated with the Lumis framework.

    LumisXP API Javadoc of the LumisXP API.

    The XML definition files have a corresponding XML Schema (XSD) file. Below is a list of the documentation for each of the definition files:

    douidefinition.xsd Defines the structure of the definition files for DOUI services. The services that use the DOUI framework are defined by a file called douidefinition.xml .
    servicedefinition.xsd Defines the structure of the definition files for services. Every service has a definition file called servicedefinition.xml .
    themedefinition.xsd Defines the structure of the definition files for portal themes. Every theme has a definition file called themedefinition.xml.
    workflowdefinition.xsd Defines the structure of the definition file for workflows used by the product. Every workflow is defined by a file called workflowdefinition.xml .
    contextdefinition.xsd Defines the structure of the definition files for business contexts of the portal. Every business context is defined by a file called contextdefinition.xml.
    activityprocessordefinition.xsd Defines the structure of the definition files for activity processors. Every activity processor is defined by a file called activityprocessordefinition.xml.
    lumis-package.xsd Defines the structure of the definition files for deployment packages. For more information about packages, see the page Packages.
    lumis-module.xsd Defines the structure of the definition files for modules. For more information about modules, see the page Modules.
    lumis-component.xsd Defines the structure of the definition files for components. For more information about components, see the page Components.
    lumis-component-install-script.xsd Defines the structure of the installation script files for components. For more information about component deployment scripts, see the page Installation, Upgrade, and Uninstallation Scripts.
    lumis-component-upgrade-script.xsd Defines the structure of the upgrade script files for components. For more information about component deployment scripts, see the page Installation, Upgrade, and Uninstallation Scripts.
    lumis-component-uninstall-script.xsd Defines the structure of the uninstallation script files for components. For more information about component deployment scripts, see the page Installation, Upgrade, and Uninstallation Scripts.
    monitor-definition.xsd Definition file that defines events, fields, and field groups of monitoring. An example of a monitoring event file can be found in the documentation of Modules. For more information on tracking and event collection, see the Javascript Monitoring API or the REST Monitoring API.
    environmentproperties.xsd Defines the structure of the XML files that configure the environment properties. The files must be in the path META-INF/lumis/portal/system/properties/ provided in the portal's classloader.