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    Activity Processors

    The activity processors of the portal are responsible for processing new activities. To decide who should receive the activities, with what priority, and how to notify users, the processor uses its prioritizers and notifiers.


    They define the users and groups that should or should not receive the activity and the priority for each user and group. The assigned priorities range from 0 to 1, with 0 being the lowest and 1 being the highest.

    To create an activity prioritizer, it is necessary to implement the interface IActivityPrioritizer.


    They are responsible for notifying users about new activities. They may optionally have filters to select which activities should or should not be notified.

    To create an activity notifier, it is necessary to implement the interface IActivityUserNotifier.

    The activity processor is defined through the file activityprocessordefinition.xml and can be managed in the Activity Stream Administration, where it is possible to add, update, or remove existing processors.