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    Environment Configuration Manager: Portal Environment Configuration

    Allows portal administrators to change environment configurations. These configurations affect the entire portal cluster and not just one server.


    • It is an administration interface


    Portal Environment Configuration
    • Environment Identification (string)
    • Environment Tags (string) : The environment can have custom tags that identify it. These tags can be used, for example, to limit tasks to specific environments.
    • Environment Type (string) :

      The environment type configuration defines the type of portal environment. This configuration can change portal behaviors accordingly, therefore, it is suggested that this configuration should be done accordingly in all installed environments.

      The existing environment types are:

      • Development: Used to define that the environment in question is a development environment. Typically, this environment runs on a developer's machine, using their own database instance and their own application server instance.
      • Assembly: Used to define that the environment in question is a structure assembly environment. Typically, this environment runs on a server that is used by one or more assemblers for creating and maintaining project structures.
      • Quality: Used to indicate that the environment is used for quality testing. Typically, this environment is characterized as closely as possible to the production environment. Used for validating functionalities before they are installed in the production environment.
      • Homologation: Used to indicate that the environment is used for homologation. Typically, this environment is characterized as closely as possible to the production environment. Used for validating functionalities before they are installed in the production environment.
      • Production: Used to indicate that the environment is the final environment where it will actually be used by users.

    • Use session cache for user groups (boolean) : Indicates whether the session cache for user groups will be enabled.
    • Enable JavaMelody monitoring (boolean) : Allows activation or deactivation of JavaMelody, which can monitor the use and performance of the environment.
    • Class name (string, maximum size: 255)
    • File system implementation type (integer, required field) :

      The file system type configuration serves to define which file system will be used by LumisPortal.

      The LumisPortal file system consists of a set of known folders and their files. The currently known folders by the portal are: def, data, source, and static website directories.

      This configuration allows abstraction of read and write access to the portal's file system. The LumisPortal provides two standard implementations: Mirrored files on servers and Single copy files.

      For information on how to customize implementations, see the API lumis.portal.filesystem.

    • Big Data Repository :

      It is possible to configure the Big Data repository in the following ways:

      • Elasticsearch: uses a remote Elasticsearch as a repository.
      • Customized: This option allows a custom Big Data repository class to be used. It must implement IBigDataRepositorySPI, which is the class responsible for storing and retrieving Documents.
    • Index name prefix
    • Maximum number of concurrent bulk requests (integer)
    • Connection addresses (example: host1:9200,host2:9200,
    • API key (value of the 'encoded' field provided by Elasticsearch when creating the API Key. Leave blank if security in Elasticsearch is disabled.) (text)
    • Interval in milliseconds for sending pending bulk requests (default: 1,000 milliseconds)
    • Class name (string)
    • Monitoring configurations
    • Number of monitoring processing threads (integer)
    • Size of monitoring processing queue (integer)
    • Maximum age for monitoring entries (in days; 0 for unlimited) (integer)
    • User segmentation configurations
    • Enable real-time updating of user segmentations in event collections (boolean)
    • Number of processing threads for real-time user segmentation recalculation (integer)
    • Size of the processing queue for real-time user segmentation recalculation (integer)
    • Geolocation Service
    • Enable Geolocation service (boolean)
    • GeoLite2 license key (string) : License key to download the database of IP addresses for geolocation data collection. The key should be created through the website MaxMind.
    • Data privacy settings :
      • Enable data privacy system: Indicates whether the platform should perform automatic data processing according to the privacy policy of users without consent to a privacy term.
      • Activities when anonymized should be: Defines the policy to be applied to the collection of data from anonymized user activities.
        • Modified anonymizing fields that identify the user: this policy will collect data using only the data that does not identify the user.
        • Dropped / Not collected: this policy will discard these activities.
    • Two-factor authentication service : If this field is filled, it indicates that logging into the portal will have a second factor of authentication enabled (email).
    • Environment Properties (string) :

      In this area, it is possible to define the properties of the LumisXP environment.

      These properties can be any information to be used by the customization of the solution. It is possible to read the properties using Expression Language.

      For example: a portal accesses a web service on another server, this web service has independent URLs for homologation and production. In the properties file of the homologation environment, it would have as value the address of the homologation web service, and in the properties file of the production environment, the production web service.

      The environment properties can be defined in the environment settings or in the following files available in the portal's classloader:

      • Default portal: "META-INF/lumis/portal/system/properties/default.xml"
      • Specific to the environment: "META-INF/lumis/portal/system/properties/%ENVIRONMENT_IDENTIFIER%.xml", with the name of the environment identifier.

      The reference for defining the XML file is the XSD environmentproperties.xsd, which must use the location

      When defined in more than one location, the properties follow the following order of precedence:

      1. Environment configuration registration
      2. Specific environment files
      3. Default portal file

      The properties of the global environment configuration, of the specific files available in the portal's classloader, and of the default files available in the portal's classloader are unified. The values of a unified property will follow the precedence described above (the values considered will be those of higher precedence). If a property exists in two locations of the same precedence, there is no guarantee of which location it will be read from.



    • Manage service instance: Allows managing all data of this service instance, including deleting it entirely.