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IAccessControlDao - Interface in
Dao Interface for ACL entity
IAclManager - Interface in
Interface common to all acl managers.
IAclSerializationManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Acl serialization
IAction - Interface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor
Represents an action in structure editor.
IActionRequestCycle - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for action request cycle.
IActivityNotifierConfig - Interface in lumis.portal.activitystream
Represents an activity notifier configuration.
IActivityPrioritizer - Interface in lumis.portal.activitystream
An activity document prioritizer is responsible for specifying the priorities different principals will have for an activity.
IActivityPrioritizerConfig - Interface in lumis.portal.activitystream
Represents an activity prioritizer configuration.
IActivityProcessorConfig - Interface in lumis.portal.activitystream
Represents an activity processor configuration.
IActivityStreamManager - Interface in lumis.portal.activitystream
Service provider interface for the activity stream framework manager.
IActivityStreamManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.activitystream
Service provider interface for the activity stream framework manager.
IActivityUserNotifier - Interface in lumis.portal.activitystream
An activity notifier is responsible for sending notification about an activity that has been generated to users.
IAggregation - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Aggregation to be used in search queries.
IAggregationResult - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Aggregation result.
IApplicationServerManager - Interface in lumis.portal.appserver
Access point to application server specific data.
IAppServerDeployer - Interface in lumis.portal.appserver
Defines the method a deployer of application server resources must implement.
IAreaTagManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.structure.areatag
Area Tag service provider interface.
IAttributeSetReader - Interface in
Since 8.1.0, was replaced by lumis.portal.bigdata.
IAuditManager - Interface in lumis.portal.audit
Interface of Audit manager.
IAuthenticationDao - Interface in lumis.portal.authentication
This interface defines authentication related operations.
IAuthenticationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.authentication
This interface offers methods for authentication operations.
IBaseMail - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Superinterface with common methods of mails interfaces.
IBatchIndexer - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Provides batch indexing operations.
IBigDataIndexer - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Provides big data indexing operations.
These operations may be asynchronous.
IBigDataManager - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Provides big data operations.
IBigDataManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Provides internal operations of big data manager.
IBigDataRepository - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Provides big data repository operations.
IBigDataRepositorySPI - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.spi
Big data repository service provider interface.
IBigDataSearcher - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Provides big data repository search operations.
IBusinessContext - Interface in lumis.portal.businesscontext
Provides operations to access the business context properties.
IBusinessContextManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal
Provides operations to manager the business context.
IBusinessContextProperty - Interface in lumis.portal.businesscontext
Provides operations to access the business context properties.
IBusinessContextSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal
Provides operations to access the business context properties.
IBusinessContextValueProvider - Interface in lumis.portal.businesscontext
Provides operations to access the property value.
ICacheConfig - Interface in lumis.portal.cache
The configuration of a cache.
ICacheDataProvider<T> - Interface in lumis.portal.cache
Provides data for a PortalCache.
ICacheEntry - Interface in lumis.portal.cache
ICacheManager - Interface in lumis.portal.cache
Provides operations on the portal cache framework.
ICacheMultiDataProvider<T> - Interface in lumis.portal.cache
A cache data provider that may return multiple data during a load request.
ICacheMultiDataProvider.IRequest - Interface in lumis.portal.cache
Contains information about a request done to a ICacheMultiDataProvider.
ICacheStatistics - Interface in lumis.portal.cache
Provides access to cache's statistics information.
ICategoryDao - Interface in lumis.service.newsletter
IChannelAclManager - Interface in
IChannelAclSerializationManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Channel's Acl serialization
IChannelChild - Interface in
IChannelChildProvider - Interface in
IChannelDao - Interface in
Dao Interface for Channel entity
IChannelManager - Interface in
Manager responsible for channel-related operations
IChannelManagerSPI - Interface in
Manager responsible for channel-related internal operations.
IChannelManagerSPI.IgnoreOnExportImportResult - Class in
Ignored channel on export and import search result.
IChannelSerializationManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Channel serialization
IChannelTemplateManager - Interface in
Definition of the channel template information management interface.
IChannelTemplateSerializationManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Channel Template serialization
IChannelTreeDao - Interface in
Dao interface for channel tree.
IChannelTreeManager - Interface in
IChatManager - Interface in
Interface for managing Chat Objects
ICipher - Interface in lumis.portal.crypto
Defines the methods a cipher must implement.
ICipherSpi - Interface in lumis.portal.crypto
Interface to be implemented by customized ciphers.
IClockDao - Interface in lumis.portal.clock
IClockManager - Interface in lumis.portal.clock
IClockManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.clock
Service provider interface for clock manager.
ICloneableCacheEntry - Interface in lumis.portal.cache
ICloneableConfig<T> - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization.operation
Public version of the interface Cloneable, to be implemented by portal objects that can be delayed persisted
IClusterCallable<T> - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
A executable that can be ran over the cluster.
IClusterCommand<T extends Serializable> - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
Represents a command, that when sent through the cluster framework is executed in the destination nodes.
IClusterCommandSPI<T extends Serializable> - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
A cluster command that allows to get the inner callable.
IClusterConfig - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
Contains the configurations for the cluster.
IClusterManager - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
Provides operations on the portal cluster.
IClusterMember - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
A cluster member represents a Lumis Portal server inside a cluster.
IClusterMessage - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
Represents a message that may be sent through the cluster framework.
IClusterTransmission - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
Contains information that may be transmitted through the cluster framework.
IClusterTransmission.Flag - Enum in lumis.portal.cluster
Enumerates the flags that may be set in a IClusterTransmission.
IComponent - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment
Lumis Portal component.
IConfigDeleter - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization.operation
Performs a config deletion operation
IConfigKeyChecker - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization.operation
Checks if a foreign key matches an already persisted object
IConfigPersister - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization.operation
Performs a config persistence (add or update) operation
IContentIndexer - Interface in
Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this interface is no longer used. For indexing source data consider using Source.getBigDataPersister() or IBigDataRepository directly. This interface is kept only for compatibility with legacy code using its constants.
IContentManager - Interface in lumis.content.core
Provides content management operations.
IContentServiceSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.content.service.serialization
Manager Interface for Content Service serialization
IContentTableSourceBigDataPersister - Interface in lumis.content.bigdata
IContentTypeProvider - Interface in lumis.portal.file
Provider responsible for defining the content type of a given file.
IContentWizardManager - Interface in lumis.content.wizard
IControl - Interface in lumis.doui.control
Interface that must be implemented by all controls
IControlDao - Interface in lumis.doui.control
IControlManager - Interface in lumis.doui.control
IConverter - Interface in lumis.util.converter
Converter interface defines the methods converters must implement.
ICreateParams - Interface in lumis.content.wizard
Defines methods the ContentWizardManager uses to access the parameters necessary for the creation of a service through the wizard.
ICreateParams.IField - Interface in lumis.content.wizard
ICreateParams.IField.IDatabaseValues - Interface in lumis.content.wizard
Represents the field options that will be read from the database.
ICreateParams.ITable - Interface in lumis.content.wizard
ICrossSiteRequestManagerSPI - Interface in
Cross-site request manager.
ICryptoManager - Interface in lumis.portal.crypto
Manages cryptographic related operations.
ICssDao - Interface in lumis.portal.css
Dao Interface for CSSs
ICssManager - Interface in lumis.portal.css
Manager Interface for Css operations
ICssSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.css.serialization
Manager Interface for Css serialization
ICustomEquivalence - Interface in lumis.portal.structure.sync
Classes that implement this interface have a custom method for detecting equivalence.
ICustomStringLocalizationDao - Interface in lumis.portal.localization
Dao interface for Custom String
id - Variable in class
ID - Static variable in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocumentType.ContentFields
Field that corresponds to Content.getId().
ID - Static variable in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocumentType.ContentLocaleFields
Field that corresponds to ContentLocale.getId().
ID - Static variable in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocumentType.ContentVersionFields
Field that corresponds to ContentVersion.getId().
id - Variable in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionHandler
id - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
id - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.Source
ID - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.ActivityFields
Field that corresponds to Activity.getId().
ID - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.ActorFields
Field that corresponds to ActivityActor.getId().
ID - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.ObjectFields
Field that corresponds to ActivityObject.getId().
ID - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.TargetFields
Field that corresponds to ActivityObject.getId().
id - Variable in class lumis.portal.metatag.MetaTagConfig
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Client
Client ID field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.File
File identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.HttpSession
HTTP session identifier.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.ObjectInteraction.TargetObject
Target object identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.ObjectInteraction.TargetObject.Service
Service identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.ObjectInteraction.TargetObject.ServiceInstance
Service instance identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Page.BusinessContext
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Page.Channel
Channel identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Page
Page identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Server
Server id field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Service
Service identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.ServiceInstance.Channel
Channel identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.ServiceInterface
Service interface field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.ServiceInterfaceInstance
Service interface instance identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.User.Attributes
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.User
User id field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.User.Session
User session identifier field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.WebResource.Rendered
Page name field.
ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Website
Website ID field.
id - Variable in class lumis.portal.service.type.ServiceTypeConfig
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type.ServiceInterfaceTypeConfig
id - Variable in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
id - Variable in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
id - Variable in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Hash
IDataBoundControl - Interface in lumis.doui.control
Interface para controls que são associado ao um ou mais sources.
IDataControl - Interface in lumis.doui.control
Control that holds data
IDataGridControlField - Interface in lumis.doui.control.datagrid
Interface that all DataGrid fields must implement.
IDataProvider<S extends Source> - Interface in lumis.doui.source
Interface for data providers.
IDefaultAware - Interface in lumis.portal.structure.sync
Objects that implement this interface have a custom method for detecting whether it is a default value.
IDeploymentExecutionPlan - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment
The execution plan for a given deployment.
IDeploymentManager - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment
Handles the deployment of portal resources.
IDeploymentManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment
Interface of Deployment Manager for internal use.
IDeploymentStepExecutable - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable
Deployment IStepExecutable internal implementation contract.
IDeployObject - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment.process
Represents a deployment object.
IDeployObject.ObjectType - Enum in lumis.portal.deployment.process
Object type.
IDevice - Interface in lumis.portal.device
Represents the device informations
IDeviceManager - Interface in lumis.portal.device
Discover the device informations.
IDeviceSkinManager - Interface in lumis.portal.device
Manages the Device Skins.
IDirectory - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization.persistency
Abstraction of a file repository.
IDocumentation - Interface in lumis.portal.documentation
Interface that should be implemented by objects that want to support documentation functionality
IDocumentationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.documentation
The documentation manager interface.
IDocumentManager - Interface in lumis.service.document
IDocumentTypeBuilder<T extends DocumentType> - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Document type builder.
IDocumentTypeCompositeFieldBuilder - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
IDocumentTypeFieldBuilder<T extends DocumentTypeField> - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Builder to create DocumentTypeField.
IDouiActionRequestCycle - Interface in lumis.lptf.doui.serviceinterface
Interface for Doui action request cycle.
IDouiContentTreeDao - Interface in lumis.doui.contenttree
Interface for data access of a doui tree control.
IDouiContentTreeManager - Interface in lumis.doui.contenttree
Manager that is used to retrieve information of hierarchical content.
IDouiDao - Interface in lumis.doui.dao
IDouiDataType - Interface in lumis.doui.datatype
Provides informations and utilities for a doui data type.
IDouiDefinitionProcessor - Interface in lumis.doui.service
Defines the interface for a processor for a doui definition.
IDouiIndexer - Interface in
Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this interface is no longer used. For indexing source data consider using Source.getBigDataPersister() or IBigDataRepository directly. This interface is kept only for compatibility with legacy code using its constants.
IDouiIndexer.FieldType - Enum in
IDouiIndexer.StatusFieldValues - Enum in
IDouiManager - Interface in lumis.doui
Manages DOUI
IDouiRenderRequestCycle - Interface in lumis.lptf.doui.serviceinterface
Interface for Doui render request cycle.
IDouiRequestCycle - Interface in lumis.lptf.doui.serviceinterface
Interface for Doui request cycle.
IDouiService - Interface in lumis.doui.service
Interface for DOUI based Services.
IDouiServiceInterface - Interface in lumis.doui.service
Interface that all DOUI based service interfaces must implement
IDownloadableFile - Interface in lumis.portal.file
An interface ONLY to integrate fileConfig FileConfig and transformedFileConfig TransformedFileConfig for a matter of file download.
IELResolver - Interface in
Represents an object capable of resolving EL expressions.
IEncryptor - Interface in
Since 5.5.0, replaced by the lumis.portal.crypto package.
IErrorSummaryControl - Interface in lumis.doui.control
IExecutorManager - Interface in lumis.portal.executor
Provides support for background executions.
IExtendedFunctionMapper - Interface in lumis.portal.el
A FunctionMapper interface that allows the use of extended features.
IFieldAwareAggregation - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
An aggregation that is bound to a given field.
IFile - Class in lumis.portal.filesystem
Represents a LumisPortal file or directory that may or may not exist.
IFile(PortalFilePath) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Creates a new instance with the given PortalFilePath.
IFileElement - Interface in lumis.portal.structure.sync
A root file element.
IFileFilter - Interface in lumis.portal.filesystem
Filter used when listing files of a given IFile.
IFileGlobalElement - Interface in lumis.portal.structure.sync
An root file element that is stored in the synchronization global area.
IFileManager - Interface in lumis.portal.file
Manages file information.
IFileMetadata - Interface in lumis.portal.file.metadata
Provides the metadata of a file.
IFileMetadata - Interface in lumis.portal.fileparser
Since 6.1.0, replaced by IFileMetadata.
IFileParser - Interface in lumis.util.parse
Extracts text content from a file.
IFileReplicator - Interface in lumis.portal.webfilereplication
Performs a file replication, updating a destination according changes in the portal file system.
IFilesDao - Interface in lumis.portal.file
Interface for files persistance
IFileStructureElement - Interface in lumis.portal.structure.sync
A structure element that is the root of a structure file.
IFileSystem - Interface in lumis.portal.filesystem
This is the LumisPortal file system interface that a given file system implementation must implement.
IFileSystemManager - Interface in lumis.portal.filesystem
Provides operations for manipulating the file system.
IFileTransformationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Interface to be implemented by transformation managers.
IFileTransformationManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Service provider interface for file transformations.
IFileTransformer - Interface in lumis.portal.file.transformation
File conversion interface.
IFileValidator - Interface in lumis.portal.file
Interface to validate a file.
IFormatTransformer - Interface in lumis.portal.file.transformation
File format encoder interface.
IFormControl - Interface in lumis.doui.control
Interface to the current interface form control.
IFormulaStatement - Interface in
A formula statement, used to specify conditions for selecting the members of a group.
IFSDirectory - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization.persistency
Abstraction of a file repository based on file system.
IGenericAclManager - Interface in
IGeoDistanceAggregationResult - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Aggregation result generated by GeoDistanceAggregation.
IGeoLocationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.geolocation
Provides geo location related actions.
IGeoLocationManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.geolocation
Provides geo location related operations.
ignoreNextStep() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IProcess
Ignores the next step of this process.
ignoreNextStep() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Process
ignoreNextStep(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Executes the next step.
IgnoreOnExportImportResult(boolean, ChannelConfig) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
IGroupAclManager - Interface in
IGroupAclSerializationManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Group's Acl serialization
IGroupManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Group operations
IGroupMembershipProvider - Interface in
Provides group membership information.
IGroupSerializationManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Group serialization
IHealthCheckDependencyInjector<T> - Interface in lumis.portal.healthmonitor
IHealthMonitorManager - Interface in lumis.portal.healthmonitor
Service provider interface for the health monitor framework manager.
IHtmlEvaluationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.htmlevaluation
Allows to evaluate an URL or HTML content according with the accessibility roles.
IHtmlProcessor - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation
Contains methods responsible for processing page HTML before it is sent to clients.
IHttpAuthenticator - Interface in lumis.portal.authentication.http
Defines the callback methods an http authenticator must provide for the Portal.
IHyperLinkManager - Interface in lumis.portal.hyperlink
Provides hyperlink related operations.
IHyperLinkResolver - Interface in lumis.portal.hyperlink
Defines the methods needed to be implemented for resolving an hyperlink.
II_PARAMETER_PORTLET_MODE - Static variable in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
Parameter at service interface instance scope that stores the portlet mode.
II_PARAMETER_WINDOW_STATE - Static variable in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
Parameter at service interface instance scope that stores the window state.
IImportPrincipalManager - Interface in lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal
Interface for principal import operations.
IInputStreamProvider - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata
Provider that provides an InputStream.
IInteractiveProcessManager - Interface in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess
Manager responsible for handling portal interactive processes.
IInterfaceInstanceCacheKeyProvider - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance
This interface represents the cache key provider for customized cache keys.
IItemFilter<T> - Interface in lumis.util.collections
Item filter interface for filtering operations
ILayoutFileComponentFactory - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation.core
Creates the component implementation to be used for a LayoutFileTag.
ILayoutPropertiesAccessor - Interface in lumis.portal.structure
A accessor responsible to manage layout properties.
IllegalModuleArchiveException - Exception in lumis.portal.deployment.exception
Indicates that a module archive provided is illegal.
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalModuleArchiveException
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String, IResource, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalModuleArchiveException
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalModuleArchiveException
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String, List<IResource>, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalModuleArchiveException
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String, List<IResource>) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalModuleArchiveException
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalModuleArchiveException
IllegalPackageArchiveException - Exception in lumis.portal.deployment.exception
Exception thrown when a package archive is not valid.
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalPackageArchiveException
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String, IResource, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalPackageArchiveException
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalPackageArchiveException
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String, List<IResource>, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalPackageArchiveException
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String, List<IResource>) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalPackageArchiveException
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.deployment.exception.IllegalPackageArchiveException
ILocalizationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.localization
Manager responsible for string localization and locales
ILockManager - Interface in lumis.portal.lock
Manager interface for lock-related operations.
ILockManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.lock
ILogger - Interface in lumis.util.log
The logging interface, that specifies the methods available for logging.
ILogger.Level - Enum in lumis.util.log
The logging levels available in the logging system.
ILoginValidator - Interface in lumis.portal.authentication
to customize credential validation you must create a new JAAS login module or extend the LumisLoginModule
IMAGE - Static variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.SourceFieldTypes
Since 7.0.0 replaced by SourceFieldTypes.MEDIA.
IMAGE - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Action
Action image field.
IMAGE_URL - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.ObjectFields
Field that corresponds to ActivityObject.getIntroductionImageUrl().
IMAGE_URL - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.TargetFields
Field that corresponds to ActivityObject.getIntroductionImageUrl().
ImageDataType - Class in lumis.service.image.field
Since 7.0.0 replaced by MediaDataType.
ImageDataType() - Constructor for class lumis.service.image.field.ImageDataType
ImageDataType.Data - Class in lumis.service.image.field
Since 7.0.0 ImageDataType was replaced by MediaDataType.
ImageMetadataExtractor - Class in lumis.portal.file.metadata
Provides image meta data extraction information using FileParserManager.
ImageMetadataExtractor() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.metadata.ImageMetadataExtractor
ImageTransformation - Class in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Performs the the image down scale transformation.
ImageTransformation(InputStream, int, int, String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.transformation.ImageTransformation
The constructor of class.
IMailAttachment - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Stores information about a mail attachment.
IMailBody - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Stores information of the mail body.
IMailConfig - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Stores the configuration for the sendmail component.
IMailConfig.CryptographicProtocol - Enum in lumis.portal.sendmail
Possible cryptographic protocols used in mail.
IMailDestination - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Specifies a destination of a mail.
IMailSender - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Defines the methods a mail sender must implement.
IMailSendStatus - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Stores information about the sending situation of a mail.
IMediaManager - Interface in
Provides media management operations.
IMenuItemParser - Interface in
Parser for menu item definition.
IMetadataExtractor - Interface in lumis.portal.file.metadata
Provides file meta data information extraction.
IMetaDataManager - Interface in lumis.content.metadata
Since 4.2.0, replaced by IContentManager.
IMetaTagDao - Interface in lumis.portal.metatag
Dao for meta tags
IMetaTagManager - Interface in lumis.portal.metatag
Manager for all meta-tag related information
IMetaTagManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.metatag
Manager interface for meta-tag serialization
IMobileAppManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.mobileapp
Mobile APP manager SPI.
IMockServiceInterfaceActionRequest - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for a IServiceInterfaceActionRequest mock object.
IMockServiceInterfaceActionResponse - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for a IServiceInterfaceActionResponse mock object.
IMockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for a IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest mock object.
IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for a IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse mock object.
IMockServiceInterfaceRequest - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for a IServiceInterfaceRequest mock object.
IMockServiceInterfaceResponse - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for a IServiceInterfaceResponse mock object.
IModelDao - Interface in lumis.service.newsletter
IModule - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment
A module that is deployed in the Lumis Portal.
IMonitor - Interface in lumis.portal.monitor
A monitor that allows the collection of data related to a specific event.
IMonitorContext - Interface in lumis.portal.monitor
Stores contextual data for use by the monitoring framework.
IMonitorEvent - Interface in lumis.portal.monitor
An event that may be monitored.
IMonitorEventField - Interface in lumis.portal.monitor
Represents a field instance in an event.
IMonitorField - Interface in lumis.portal.monitor
A field of a monitoring event.
IMonitorField.DataType - Enum in lumis.portal.monitor
The possible data type for an event field.
IMonitorManager - Interface in lumis.portal.monitor
Provides operations and access to the portal monitoring framework.
IMonitorManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.monitor
Monitor SPI interface.
IMonitorValuesProvider - Interface in lumis.portal.monitor
Interface that provides data to monitor framework when it needs.
For performance reasons, IMonitorValuesProvider implementations should guarantee that no unnecessary processing is performed (even more when it is costly) in its constructor.
impersonate(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationManager
impersonate(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.authentication.IAuthenticationManager
The authenticated user in the current thread impersonates another user.
implies() - Method in enum lumis.portal.acl.PortalPermissions
implies() - Method in enum
implies() - Method in enum
implies() - Method in enum
implies() - Method in enum
implies() - Method in enum lumis.portal.service.acl.ServicePermissions
implies() - Method in interface
ImportExportControllerHtml - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.importexport
Controller for import and export front-end actions.
ImportExportControllerHtml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.importexport.ImportExportControllerHtml
Initializes a new instance with the given parameters.
ImportExportInterface - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization
DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
ImportExportInterface() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization.ImportExportInterface
ImportFileDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization
Data provider that lists the possible import files.
ImportFileDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serialization.ImportFileDataProvider
importIntoNewDocument(Node) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
Clones a node, and adopts it into a new document.
ImportMemberRules() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext.ImportMemberRules
ImportPrincipalClock - Class in lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal
Clock service that executes the automatic run of the read/write principals operation.
ImportPrincipalClock() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.ImportPrincipalClock
ImportPrincipalManager - Class in lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal
Class responsible for principal import operations.
ImportPrincipalManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.ImportPrincipalManager
ImportPrincipalManagerFactory - Class in lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal
Factory for providing IImportPrincipalManager implementation.
ImportPrincipalManagerFactory() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.ImportPrincipalManagerFactory
ImportPrincipalsProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.importprincipal
imports process action handler.
ImportPrincipalsProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.importprincipal.ImportPrincipalsProcessActionHandler
ImportPrincipalStringResource - Class in lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal
String resource for the lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal package.
ImportPrincipalStringResource() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.ImportPrincipalStringResource
ImportProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.importexport
Handles all import actions.
ImportProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.importexport.ImportProcessActionHandler
IMultiBucketAggregation - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
IMultiBucketAggregationResult<T extends Serializable> - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Aggregation result that aggregates the documents within multiple buckets, accordingly to the chosen aggregation type.
IMultiBucketAggregationResult.IBucket<T> - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Represents a result bucket.
IMultiFileUploadParameter - Interface in lumis.doui.control.multifileupload
Interface for MultiFileUpload parameter.
IMultiFileUploadParameterItem - Interface in lumis.doui.control.multifileupload
Interface for IMultiFileUploadParameterItem.
IMultipleMail - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Stores the information about a multiple mail to be sent.
INavigationLogger - Interface in lumis.util.log
INavigationSource - Interface in lumis.service.navigation
Interface that must be implemented by all navigation sources
include(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest, IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestDispatcher
include(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestDispatcher
include(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest, IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequestDispatcher
IncludeControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.include
Includes a file present in the web application.
IncludeControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.include.IncludeControl
INCLUDED_ENTRIES - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.ActivityPriorityFields
Specifies which principals this priority applies for.
INCLUDED_ENTRIES - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.ActivityPriorityIncludedEntryFields
Specifies which principals a priority applies for.
INCLUDED_PRINCIPAL_IDS - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.ActivityPriorityIncludedEntryFields
The principal identifiers that the priority may apply to.
includeScripts() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateCompareValidatorControl
includeScripts() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateDataTypeValidatorControl
includeScripts() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl
includeScripts() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.LengthValidatorControl
includeScripts() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.NumberDataTypeValidatorControl
includeScripts() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RequiredValueWhenVisibleValidatorControl
Includes LumisDouiRequiredValueWhenVisibleValidator.js script which implements the LumisIsControlVisible(controlElement) client side function that returns true or false depending on the visibility of the given validated control.
includeScripts() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
InContextEditControllerXml - Class in lumis.portal.incontextedit
Controller for in context edit.
InContextEditControllerXml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, PageContext) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.incontextedit.InContextEditControllerXml
InContextEditionJavascriptHeadPanel - Class in lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher
Panel that includes javascript specific for in-context edit.
InContextEditionJavascriptHeadPanel(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.InContextEditionJavascriptHeadPanel
InContextEditResource - Class in lumis.portal.incontextedit
IResource used in in context edit.
increasePostedMessages(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Increase topic and forum's message counters.
increasePostedTopics(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Increase the forum's topic counter.
increaseTopicViews(String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Increase the topic view counter.
incrementItemProgressValue(int) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
incrementOverallProgressValue(int) - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
indexControl(IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
indexData() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableAddDataProcessActionHandler
indexData() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableDeleteDataProcessActionHandler
indexData() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableUpdateDataProcessActionHandler
indexData() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileListAddProcessActionHandler
indexData() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileListEditProcessActionHandler
indexData() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.BaseTableDataProcessActionHandler
indexed - Variable in class
indexOfCaseInsensitive(StringBuilder, String) - Static method in class lumis.util.TextUtil
indexOfCaseInsensitive(StringBuilder, String, int) - Static method in class lumis.util.TextUtil
IndexOutOfBoundsException - Exception in lumis.portal
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.IndexOutOfBoundsException
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.IndexOutOfBoundsException
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.IndexOutOfBoundsException
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String, List<IResource>) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.IndexOutOfBoundsException
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String, IResource, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.IndexOutOfBoundsException
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String, List<IResource>, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.IndexOutOfBoundsException
InEditContextMarkupFilter - Class in lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher
Filters the In Edit Context mode.
InEditContextMarkupFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.InEditContextMarkupFilter
INewsletterManager - Interface in lumis.service.newsletter
inferCharset() - Method in class lumis.util.parse.BaseFileParser
inferCharset() - Method in class lumis.util.parse.PdfParser
info(Object) - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Log a message with info log level.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Log an error with info log level.
info(Object) - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
inherit(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class
inherit(AccessControlEntry, HashMap<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class
inherit(AccessControlList) - Method in class
inherit(AccessControlList, HashMap<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class
inherit(Permissions, HashMap<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class
inherit(Permissions) - Method in class
InheritedPropertiesDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.doui.propertybag
Provides the inherited properties of a property bag.
InheritedPropertiesDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.propertybag.InheritedPropertiesDataProvider
inheritPermission() - Method in enum
inheritPermission() - Method in enum
inheritPermission() - Method in enum
inheritPermission() - Method in enum
inheritPermission() - Method in enum lumis.portal.service.acl.ServicePermissions
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutCategorizationAssociationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericAssociationInformationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutGenericContentAssociationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutLanguageInformationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutSeoInformationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutTagInformationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.comments.CommentsControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.contentpicker.ContentPickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.language.LanguageControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals.PublishToPrincipalsControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals.PublishToPrincipalsListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances.PublishToServiceInstancesControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances.PublishToServiceInstancesListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.PublishToSocialNetworkControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.version.VersionControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowMetaDataControl
init(ISourceData, Source) - Method in class
init(Source, Node) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.CategorizationSourceField
init(Source, Node) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.MetaDataSourceField
init(Source, Node) - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.VersionActiveField
init(Node, ProcessActionContainer) - Method in class lumis.content.table.CommitAndPreviewProcessActionHandler
init(Node, ProcessActionContainer) - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableUpdateDataProcessActionHandler
Initiates the process action handler object.
init(PageWebResource) - Method in class lumis.content.webresource.ContentPageWebResourceDataProvider
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.checkbox.CheckBoxListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
init() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ControlContainer
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataBoundControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.CalendarControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.DateTimePickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.MonthPickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.TimePickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.dropdownlist.DropDownListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.dynamiclist.DynamicListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ErrorSummaryControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FilesPickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileUploadControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.ParentFilterControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.form.FormControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.FCKEditorPopUpFixerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.inputtext.InputTextControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.ItemPickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.MultiItemPickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.OrderedMultiItemPickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.SelectItemTabularDataControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.list.ListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.multifileupload.MultiFileUploadExtensionCheckControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.optionlist.OptionListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.pagination.PaginationControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.PrincipalPickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.ServiceInstancePrincipalPickerControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.profileimage.InputProfileImageControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.radiobutton.RadioButtonControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.selectpage.SelectChannelChildControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.strings.StringsControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.tabulardata.AdvancedTabularDataControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateCompareValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.DateDataTypeValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.EmailValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileNameValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileSizeValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.LengthValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.NumberDataTypeValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.RegularExpressionValidatorControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
init(Node, ProcessActionContainer) - Method in interface lumis.doui.processaction.IProcessActionHandler
Called by the process action container to initialize the process action.
init(Node, ProcessActionContainer) - Method in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionHandler
init(ISourceData, Source) - Method in class
init(ISourceData, Source) - Method in interface
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class
init(ISourceContext) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.AbstractSourceConverter
init(Source<?>, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
init(Source<?>, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
init(Source<?>, Node) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Initializes this source field.
init(ISourceContext) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.AbstractSourceFieldDataType
Initializes this source field data type.
init(ISourceContext) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.type.ISourceFieldDataType
Initializes this data type to be used in the given source context.
init(S, Node) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.filter.ISourceFilter
Initialization method, called before any other method on the filter instance.
init(ISourceContext) - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.ISourceConverter
This method is called to initialize the converter to be used in the given source context.
init() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceContainer
init(Source, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.ExperimentalGenericTableSourceField
init(Source, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.GenericTableSourceField
init(Source, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.SingleColumnTableSourceField
init(TableSource, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.AbstractTableSourceFilter
init(TableSource, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.CompositeTableSourceFilter
Creates and initializes the filters inside this composite filter.
init(TableSource, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
init(TableSource, String, String, IQueryValue) - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
init(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.RequestCycle
Initializes the request and response mocks with information from ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig instance.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.appserver.UndertowFilter
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.atmosphere.BaseAtmosphereServlet
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.AuthenticationFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.http.NtlmFilter
init(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchRepository
init(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.spi.IBigDataRepositorySPI
Initializes this repository using the given node as configuration.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockStarter
init() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.AbstractClusterManager
init() - Method in interface lumis.portal.cluster.IClusterManager
Initializes the cluster manager.
init() - Method in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.JGroupsClusterManager
init(Node) - Method in interface lumis.portal.crypto.ICipherSpi
This method is called only once and before any other method are called.
init(Node) - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.MessageDigestCipher
init(Node) - Method in class lumis.portal.crypto.SymmetricCipher
init() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateUtil
init() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
Initializes the deployment manager.
init() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.PortalEventManager
Initializes the portal event manager.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.filter.EncodingUTF8Filter
init() - Method in interface lumis.portal.geolocation.IGeoLocationManagerSPI
Initializes the GeoLocation Manager.
init(GroupType) - Method in class
init(GroupType) - Method in class
init(GroupType) - Method in interface
Initializes this membership provider to be used for the given group type.
init(GroupType) - Method in class
init() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.DummyMonitorManager
init() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Initializes the monitor manager.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorContextFilter
init() - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class
init(PageWebResource) - Method in class
Sets AbstractPageWebResourceDataProvider.pageWebResource attribute with the given pageWebResource object.
init(PageWebResource) - Method in class
init(PageWebResource) - Method in interface
Initializes this page web resource data provider.
init(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalConfiguration
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestContextFilter
init() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileApplication
init(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.IHtmlProcessor
Initializes this HTML processor with the given service instance identifier.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PortalModeDiscoveryFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class
init(UriInfo, List<T>, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class
Initializes all fields of this list result based on the given information.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class
init() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainer
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.transaction.TransactionCleanupFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceForwardFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.webserver.WebServerIntegrationForwardFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.webserver.WebServerIntegrationInitFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class
init(UriInfo, List<ActivityDocument>, int, Date) - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamResource.ActivityDocumentListResult
Initializes this list result data.
init(JSONObject, Set<String>, RestClient) - Method in class
init(JSONObject, Set<String>, RestClient) - Method in class
init(JSONObject, Set<String>, RestClient) - Method in interface
When the report processor is provided, this method will be called in the provider with the given configuration JSON object, the queries used to filter the report response and the RestClient used to execute queries on Elasticsearch.
init(JSONObject, Set<String>, RestClient) - Method in class
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.ExecuteScriptControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.WorkflowMetaDataControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks.AutoLayoutPublishToSocialNetworksAdministrationListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentParentFilterControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.doui.dynamiclist.AddDynamicListSourceControl
init(Node, ProcessActionContainer) - Method in class lumis.service.doui.propertybag.PropertyBagProcessActionHandler
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.AnswersAutoLayoutFieldsControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.ShowAnswersAutoLayoutFieldsControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class
init(String) - Method in class lumis.service.htmlinjector.HtmlInjector
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.control.InterfaceInstancePreviewControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit.LinkToRuntimeTabularDataControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.control.MobileAppInputFileControl
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.monitoring.JavaMelodyCustomMonitoringFilter
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.control.SelectPageControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.SelectChannelOrChannelTemplateControlWithCustomCallbackFunction
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.WebsiteChangeCheckControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.upgrade.LicenseTypeInputHiddenControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.upgrade.VersionNumberInputHiddenControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.AnswersAutoLayoutFieldsControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.ShowAnswersAutoLayoutFieldsControl
init(Source, Node) - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.UserField
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui.ConsumerConfigurationInterfaceDropDownListControl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.doui.LinkToRuntimeTabularDataControl
init(String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerImpl
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ProducerConfigurationInterfaceVersionDropDownListControl
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ProducerFilter
init(Node, ControlContainer, IControl) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.WSRPCheckBoxListControl
init(InputStream) - Method in class lumis.util.CharsetUtil
Initializes this CharsetUtil for guessing from an input stream.
init() - Static method in class lumis.util.sass.SassCompiler.CompilerOptionsBuilder
init(Node) - Method in interface
This method is called only once and before any other method are called.
initBigData(S) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.DummySourceBigDataPersister
initBigData(S) - Method in interface lumis.doui.bigdata.ISourceBigDataPersister
Initializes the big data repository with elements specifics to a source.
initBigData(S) - Method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.TabularSourceBigDataPersister
initContext(AuditEntry, boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditManager
Initializes the audit context.
initDouiContext(DouiContext) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterface
Initialize the Doui context, source container and control container.
initEntry(String, String, String, String, AuditEntryType, boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditManager
Creates an instance of AuditEntry.
initFileSystem() - Static method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.FileSystemManager
Initializes the file system.
initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class lumis.portal.authentication.LumisLoginModule
initialize(Map<String, String>) - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.AbstractBusinessContextValueProvider
initialize(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.businesscontext.IBusinessContextValueProvider
Initializes the value provider with the given parameters.
initialize() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.AbstractFileReplicator
initialize() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.FTPFileReplicator
initialize() - Method in interface lumis.portal.webfilereplication.IFileReplicator
Initializes this file replicator.
initialize() - Method in class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.LocalFileReplicator
initializeBigDataIfNecessary(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Static method in class lumis.doui.bigdata.DouiBigDataUtil
Initializes the big data for the sources in a service, if not already initialized.
initialized - Variable in class
initializeDocumentBuilderPool(int, int, long, int, int) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
Internal use only.
initializeInnerProgressBar(int, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
initializeMonitoringData(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.DummyMonitorManager
initializeMonitoringData(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.DummyMonitorManager
initializeMonitoringData(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorManagerSPI
Method called during portal database initialization to populate the monitoring related data.
initializeMonitoringData(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.impl.MonitorManager
initializePageCacheConfigurations() - Method in class
Initializes page cache related configurations.
initializeServiceInstanceContent(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.navigation.NavigationService
Inserts a default entry, referencing the channel structure, if this service instance has no data.
initializeServiceInstanceContent(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
Creates the wiki main article, if the service instance has no content.
initObservers(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.event.IPortalEventManager
Initializes the observers.
initObservers(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.event.PortalEventManager
initProcessActionIds() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
Initializes the attribute DataControl.processActionIds.
initRequestCycles() - Method in class lumis.lptf.doui.serviceinterface.DouiServiceInterfaceTestCase
initRequestCycles() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceTestCase
Create the render request cycle and action request cycle.
initUpgrade(String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.upgrade.UpgradeResource
Endpoint to start the Lumis Portal upgrade.
initValues(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.monitor.AbstractMonitorValuesProvider
Initializes the monitoring values map.
INLINE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class lumis.portal.file.FileDownloadControllerHtml
InputCategoryControl - Class in lumis.content.control.categorization
Defines an input category control that allows the user to enter any category value.
InputCategoryControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.categorization.InputCategoryControl
InputEmailControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.inputemail
Defines an input email control that allows the user to enter any email value.
InputEmailControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.inputemail.InputEmailControl
InputHiddenControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.inputtext
Defines an input hidden control, used to render hidden information.
InputHiddenControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.inputtext.InputHiddenControl
InputProfileImageControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.profileimage
Renders a User Profile Image edit control.
InputProfileImageControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.profileimage.InputProfileImageControl
InputProfileImageControl.ProfileImageData - Class in lumis.doui.control.profileimage
InputTagControl - Class in lumis.content.control.tag
Defines an input tag control that allows the user to enter any tag value.
InputTagControl() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.tag.InputTagControl
InputTagControlResource - Class in lumis.content.control.tag
Content core related operations.
InputTagControlResource() - Constructor for class lumis.content.control.tag.InputTagControlResource
InputTextAreaControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.inputtext
Defines an input text control.
InputTextAreaControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.inputtext.InputTextAreaControl
InputTextControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.inputtext
Defines an input text control that allows the user to enter any text value.
InputTextControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.inputtext.InputTextControl
InputTextProxyControl - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor
InputTextProxyControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.InputTextProxyControl
insertCustomFilters(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiInterfaceDefinition
insertCustomFilters(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
insertCustomMaxRows(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiInterfaceDefinition
insertCustomMaxRows(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiRestInterfaceDefinition
insertCustomMaxRows(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
insertCustomOrderBy(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiInterfaceDefinition
insertCustomOrderBy(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
InsertDefaultLocaleFromLumisPortalConfig - Class in lumis.upgrade.custom.build_8_0_2_150415
Upgrade step, insert Default locale based on Lumis portal configuration (lumisportalconfig.xml)
InsertDefaultLocaleFromLumisPortalConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.upgrade.custom.build_8_0_2_150415.InsertDefaultLocaleFromLumisPortalConfig
insertDependantFields(Node, Node) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiInterfaceDefinition
Includes the fields used by filters and order by customizations.
insertIndependentInterfaces(SessionConfig, InterfaceHolderMapping, Document, Document, ITransaction) - Method in class
insertInterfaceInstance(SessionConfig, InterfaceInstanceNodeWrapper, Document, InterfaceHolderMapping, ITransaction) - Method in class
insertPageBlock(String, String, int, String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
insertPageHolder(String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
insertServiceInterfaceInstance(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Inserts a service interface instance in this holder.
INSTALLED_MODULES_FOLDER - Static variable in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentUtil
Folder that the modules files are stored.
INSTANCE_PROPERTY_HTML - Static variable in class lumis.service.html.HtmlDataProvider
instanceAdded(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
instanceAdded(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiService
instanceAdded(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceAdded(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called by the service container to indicate that a service instance has been added.
instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.GenericServiceInterface
instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterface
Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance has been added
instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.ActivityStreamServiceInterface
instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.activitystream.NotificationsServiceInterface
instanceAdded(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.AutoAdministrationService
instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.HolderServiceInterface
instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.html.DisplayHtml
instanceAdded(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.navigation.NavigationService
instanceAdded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceHolder
instanceAdded(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class
When a wiki service instance is added, the main wiki article is automatically created.
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called by the service container to indicate that a service instance is about to be deleted.
instanceDeleted(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.GenericServiceInterface
instanceDeleted(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterface
Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance has been deleted
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.commentit.CommentItService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.likeit.LikeItService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.PagePersonalizationService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssManager
Removes the public files from the website.
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssManager
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkIntegrationService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.MicroblogService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.tag.TagService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.WSRPConsumerService
instanceDeleted(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.ProducerService
instanceDeserialized(SessionConfig, String, DeserializationConfig, Node, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
instanceDeserialized(ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
instanceDeserialized(ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext) - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiService
instanceDeserialized(SessionConfig, String, DeserializationConfig, Node, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceDeserialized(ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceDeserialized(SessionConfig, String, DeserializationConfig, Node, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called after an service instance is deserialized.
instanceDeserialized(ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called after an service instance is deserialized.
instanceDeserialized(SessionConfig, String, DeserializationConfig, Node, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.navigation.NavigationService
instanceDeserialized(ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext) - Method in class lumis.service.navigation.NavigationService
instanceDeserialized(SessionConfig, String, DeserializationConfig, Node, ITransaction) - Method in class
instanceDeserialized(ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext) - Method in class
instanceLoaded(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceLoaded(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called by the service container to indicate that a service instance has been loaded
instanceLoaded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.GenericServiceInterface
instanceLoaded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterface
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IWebsite, IWebsite, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IPortalBaseFolder, IPortalBaseFolder, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IWebsite, IWebsite, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called to indicate the given service instance has been moved from a website to another one.
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IPortalBaseFolder, IPortalBaseFolder, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called to indicate the given service instance has been moved from a web root base folder to another one.
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IWebsite, IWebsite, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssManager
Moves the public files from the old website to the new one.
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IPortalBaseFolder, IPortalBaseFolder, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.service.rss.IRssManager
Moves the public files from the old base folder to the new one.
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IWebsite, IWebsite, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssManager
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IPortalBaseFolder, IPortalBaseFolder, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssManager
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IWebsite, IWebsite, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssService
instanceMoved(SessionConfig, ServiceInstanceConfig, IPortalBaseFolder, IPortalBaseFolder, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.service.rss.RssService
INSTANCES_SELECT - Static variable in class lumis.service.content.publishtoserviceinstances.PublishToServiceInstancesProcessActionHandler
InstancesByServiceDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.dataprovider
IDataProvider that reads all instances of a specific service.
InstancesByServiceDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.dataprovider.InstancesByServiceDataProvider
instanceSerialized(SessionConfig, String, OutputStream, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
instanceSerialized(ServiceInstanceSerializationContext) - Method in class lumis.content.service.ContentService
instanceSerialized(SessionConfig, String, OutputStream, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceSerialized(ServiceInstanceSerializationContext) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceSerialized(SessionConfig, String, OutputStream, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called after the serialization of a service instance.
instanceSerialized(ServiceInstanceSerializationContext) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called after the serialization of a service instance.
instanceSerialized(ServiceInstanceSerializationContext) - Method in class lumis.service.comment.CommentService
instanceSerialized(ServiceInstanceSerializationContext) - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.PagePersonalizationService
instanceUnloaded(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.service.GenericService
instanceUnloaded(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.service.IService
Called by the service container to indicate that a service instance is about to be unloaded
instanceUnLoaded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.GenericServiceInterface
instanceUnLoaded(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterface
Called by the service container to indicate that a service interface instance is about to be destroyed
INTEGER - Static variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.SourceFieldTypes
INTEGER - Static variable in class lumis.util.query.QueryFieldTypes
IntegerDataType - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
A integer data type.
IntegerDataType() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.source.field.type.IntegerDataType
IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.validator
Generates client side and server side validation that verifies that a control value if provided is a valid integer.
IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.validator.IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl
InteractiveProcessManager - Class in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess
InteractiveProcessManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.InteractiveProcessManager
InteractiveProcessResource - Class in
Rest resource for meet the AJAX requests from interactive process.
InteractiveProcessResource() - Constructor for class
INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_STREAM_NOTIFICATION_ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublicationDashboardModeURLProvider
Notifications interface id for activity stream service.
INTERFACE_HOLDER_ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublicationDashboardModeURLProvider
Interface Holder interface id for auto-administration service.
INTERFACE_HOLDER_ID - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceManager
INTERFACE_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_FIELDS - Static variable in interface lumis.doui.source.IDataProvider
INTERFACE_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_FILTERS - Static variable in interface lumis.doui.source.IDataProvider
INTERFACE_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_MAX_ROWS - Static variable in interface lumis.doui.source.IDataProvider
INTERFACE_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_ORDER_BY - Static variable in interface lumis.doui.source.IDataProvider
INTERFACE_LASTCONTENTS_ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublicationDashboardModeURLProvider
Last Contents interface id for auto-administration service.
INTERFACE_NAVIGATION_ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublicationDashboardModeURLProvider
Navigation interface id for auto-administration service.
INTERFACE_WORKFLOW_ID - Static variable in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublicationDashboardModeURLProvider
Workflow status interface id for auto-administration service.
InterfaceByServiceInstanceDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.dataprovider
IDataProvider that reads all instances of a specific service.
InterfaceByServiceInstanceDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.dataprovider.InterfaceByServiceInstanceDataProvider
InterfaceHeaderButtonsControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.interfaceheaderbuttons
Renders an interface header buttons.
InterfaceHeaderButtonsControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.interfaceheaderbuttons.InterfaceHeaderButtonsControl
InterfaceHeaderControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.interfaceheader
Renders an interface header.
InterfaceHeaderControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.interfaceheader.InterfaceHeaderControl
InterfaceHolderMapping - Class in
InterfaceHolderMapping(SessionConfig, Document, Document, ITransaction) - Constructor for class
InterfaceHolderPropertiesDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance
InterfaceHolderPropertiesDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance.InterfaceHolderPropertiesDataProvider
InterfaceHolderPropertiesInterface - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance
DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
InterfaceHolderPropertiesInterface() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance.InterfaceHolderPropertiesInterface
InterfaceHolderPropertiesProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance
InterfaceHolderPropertiesProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance.InterfaceHolderPropertiesProcessActionHandler
InterfaceInstance - Class in
Service interface instance model.
InterfaceInstance() - Constructor for class
InterfaceInstance.CacheLevel - Enum in
InterfaceInstance.CachePersonalization - Enum in
InterfaceInstance.CacheServerSideInclude - Enum in
InterfaceInstance.EnableCache - Enum in
InterfaceInstance.PrintType - Enum in
InterfaceInstance.RenderAs - Enum in
interfaceInstanceCanBeUsedAsLinkTarget(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.hyperlink.GenericHyperLinkResolver
Returns whether the interface instance with the given identifier can be used in hyperlinks or not.
InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertiesDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.doui.customproperties
Data provider for interface instance custom properties
InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertiesDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.customproperties.InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertiesDataProvider
InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertiesProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.doui.customproperties
Generic process action handler for interface instance custom properties
InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertiesProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.customproperties.InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertiesProcessActionHandler
InterfaceInstanceCustomProperty - Class in
Service interface instance's custom property model.
InterfaceInstanceCustomProperty() - Constructor for class
InterfaceInstanceCustomProperty.InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertyComparator - Class in
InterfaceInstanceCustomPropertyComparator() - Constructor for class
InterfaceInstanceInContextEditSupportControl - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance
CheckBoxControl extension to be used in in context edit support for interface instances.
InterfaceInstanceInContextEditSupportControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinterfaceinstance.InterfaceInstanceInContextEditSupportControl
InterfaceInstanceNodeWrapper - Class in
InterfaceInstanceNodeWrapper(SessionConfig, String, Document, ITransaction) - Constructor for class
InterfaceInstanceNodeWrapper(SessionConfig, Node, ITransaction) - Constructor for class
InterfaceInstancePreviewControl - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.control
Control responsible for allowing user to preview and customize a service interface to be used as a widget.
InterfaceInstancePreviewControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.control.InterfaceInstancePreviewControl
InterfaceInstanceStyleNamePostLoadProcessor - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor
Post load processor that fills the Interface Style Name applied in the current interface instance.
InterfaceInstanceStyleNamePostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.xsleditor.InterfaceInstanceStyleNamePostLoadProcessor
InterfaceSelectionDropDownListControl - Class in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.control
DropDownListControl for selecting service interface.
InterfaceSelectionDropDownListControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui.control.InterfaceSelectionDropDownListControl
InterfaceStyle - Class in
Interface style model.
InterfaceStyle(IsolatedInterfaceStyle, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new interface style based on a IsolatedInterfaceStyle.
InterfaceStyle(GlobalInterfaceStyle) - Constructor for class
Creates a new interface style based on a GlobalInterfaceStyle.
InterfaceStyle.InterfaceStylePK - Class in
Composite primary key of InterfaceStyle.
InterfaceStyleAllowedConsumer - Class in
Interface style allowed consumer model.
InterfaceStyleAllowedConsumer(InterfaceStyle, String) - Constructor for class
Creates an allowed consumer entry for a isolated interface style.
InterfaceStyleAllowedConsumer(GlobalInterfaceStyle, String) - Constructor for class
Creates an allowed consumer entry for a shared interface style.
InterfaceStylePK(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new composite primary key for InterfaceStyle.
INTERVAL_DEFINITION_TYPE_DAYS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
INTERVAL_DEFINITION_TYPE_HOURS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
INTERVAL_DEFINITION_TYPE_MINUTES - Static variable in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
INTERVAL_DEFINITION_TYPE_SECONDS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
INTERVAL_TYPE_DAYS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
INTERVAL_TYPE_HOURS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
INTERVAL_TYPE_MINUTES - Static variable in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
INTERVAL_TYPE_SECONDS - Static variable in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
INTRANET_NOW_LICENSING_OBSERVER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class lumis.portal.event.PortalEventManager
INTRODUCTION - Static variable in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocumentType.ContentVersionFields
Field that corresponds to ContentVersion.getIntroduction().
introduction - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
INTRODUCTION - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.ObjectFields
Field that corresponds to ActivityObject.getIntroduction().
INTRODUCTION - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityDocumentType.TargetFields
Field that corresponds to ActivityObject.getIntroduction().
INTRODUCTION - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocumentType.StandardFields
Introduction field.
INTRODUCTION_IMAGE_FILE_ID - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocumentType.StandardFields
Introduction image field.
INTRODUCTION_IMAGE_HREF - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocumentType.StandardFields
Introduction image field.
introductionSourceField - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.Source
invalidateGroupMembershipProvider(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
Destroys a group membership provider from the storage, cluster wide.
invalidateGroupMembershipProvider(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Invalidates the group membership provider of a group type.
InvalidEncryptedValueException - Exception in lumis.portal.crypto
Thrown to indicate that an invalid encrypted value was used.
InvalidEncryptedValueException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.crypto.InvalidEncryptedValueException
InvalidEncryptedValueException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.crypto.InvalidEncryptedValueException
InvalidEncryptedValueException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.crypto.InvalidEncryptedValueException
InvalidEncryptedValueException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.crypto.InvalidEncryptedValueException
InvalidRequestException() - Constructor for exception lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.ResourceProxyServlet.InvalidRequestException
InvalidRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.ResourceProxyServlet.InvalidRequestException
InvalidRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.ResourceProxyServlet.InvalidRequestException
InvalidRequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.ResourceProxyServlet.InvalidRequestException
InvalidSessionException - Exception in lumis.portal
InvalidSessionException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.InvalidSessionException
InvalidSessionException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.InvalidSessionException
InvalidSessionException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.InvalidSessionException
InvalidSessionException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.InvalidSessionException
InvalidSessionException(String, IResource, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.InvalidSessionException
InvalidSessionException(String, List<IResource>) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.InvalidSessionException
InvalidSessionException(String, List<IResource>, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.InvalidSessionException
InvalidStructureFileException - Exception in lumis.portal.structure.sync
Exception thrown when a structure file could not be read because it is invalid.
InvalidStructureFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.structure.sync.InvalidStructureFileException
InvalidStructureFileException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.structure.sync.InvalidStructureFileException
InvalidStructureVersionException - Exception in lumis.portal.structure.sync
Exception thrown when a structure file is out of dated.
InvalidStructureVersionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.structure.sync.InvalidStructureVersionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
InvalidStructureVersionException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.structure.sync.InvalidStructureVersionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
InvalidWebsiteURLException - Exception in
Exception used to indicate that a website URL definition is invalid.
InvalidWebsiteURLException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception
invokeAll(Collection, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class lumis.portal.executor.ExecutorManager
invokeAll(Collection) - Method in class lumis.portal.executor.ExecutorManager
invokeAny(Collection, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class lumis.portal.executor.ExecutorManager
invokeAny(Collection) - Method in class lumis.portal.executor.ExecutorManager
IP - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.Client
Client IP field.
IPageAclManager - Interface in
IPageAclSerializationManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Page's Acl serialization
IPageCacheManager - Interface in
Provides page cache operations.
IPageCacheManager.GenerationOutcome - Enum in
Indicates the outcome of a page generation.
IPageCacheManagerSPI - Interface in
Manager responsible for page cache related internal operations.
IPageCacheQueueResolver - Interface in
Resolves the generation queue to be used for the cache of a web resource.
IPageDao - Interface in
Provides access to Page persistence.
IPageLinkDao - Interface in
Page Link Dao Interface
IPageLinkManager - Interface in
This interface provides the actions that the Page Link Manager offers to manipulate PageLinks in the Lumis Portal.
IPageLinkManagerSPI - Interface in
This interface is a extension of IPageLinkManager for internal uses.
IPageManager - Interface in
IPageRenderer - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation.core
Provides methods for rendering page HTML fragments and obtaining information necessary for processing the layout.
IPageSerializationManager - Interface in
Manager Interface for Page serialization
IPageTemplateAclManager - Interface in
IPageTemplateManager - Interface in
IPageWebResourceDataProvider - Interface in
Interface called by the portal framework to obtain customizable data about a page web resource.
IPageWebResourceRenderRequest - Interface in lumis.portal.url
Defines a render request for a given PageWebResource.
IPageWebResourceRequest - Interface in lumis.portal.url
Defines a request for a given PageWebResource.
IParameters - Interface in lumis.util.parameter
Interface for parameters
IParameterType - Interface in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Parameter type information.
IPermission - Interface in
Interface for principal permission
IPermissionProvider - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation.mode
Provides permission for Portal Mode
IPortalAclManager - Interface in lumis.portal.acl
IPortalAdministrationPageRenderer - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration
Provides methods for rendering page HTML fragments and obtaining information necessary for processing the layout, when the page is rendered within the Portal Studio.
IPortalBaseFolder - Interface in lumis.portal.filesystem
A portal base folder represents a logical folder known to the portal.
IPortalDeployer - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment
Since 5.0.0 the use of this classes was replaced by operations in IDeploymentManager.
IPortalEvent - Interface in lumis.portal.event
All portal events must implement this interface.
IPortalEventFilter - Interface in lumis.portal.event
Filters IPortalEvent instances, indicating which ones should be accepted.
IPortalEventManager - Interface in lumis.portal.event
Provides operations and access to the portal monitoring framework.
IPortalEventObserver - Interface in lumis.portal.event
An observer of IPortalEvent's.
IPortalMode - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation.mode
Interface that represents the attributes of the portal modes.
IPortalModeSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation.mode
The PortalMode interface used internally by the portal framework.
IPortletManager - Interface in lumis.portlet.container.manager
JSR-168 portlet related operations manager.
IPortletServiceManager - Interface in lumis.service.wsrp.consumer
Interface for portlet service manager.
IPostLoadProcessor - Interface in lumis.doui.source.postloadprocessor
Interface for source post loading processors
IPreferences - Interface in lumis.portal.preferences
A generic portal preferences.
IPreferencesManager - Interface in lumis.portal.preferences
Manager for handling user preferences operations.
IPreferencesManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.preferences
Service provider interface for management of preferences.
IPresentationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation
IPresentationManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.presentation
This interface is a extension of IPresentationManager for internal uses.
IPrincipalDao - Interface in lumis.portal.principal
IPrincipalManager - Interface in lumis.portal.principal
Manage Principals.
IPrincipalReader - Interface in lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.reader
Defines the methods for a principal reader.
IPrincipalSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.principal.serialization
Manager Interface for Principal serialization
IProcess - Interface in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess
Interactive process that can be executed in Lumis Portal.
IProcessActionDao - Interface in lumis.doui.processaction
IProcessActionHandler - Interface in lumis.doui.processaction
All process action handlers must extend this interface.
IProcessActionManager - Interface in lumis.doui.processaction
Manages register/unregister and retrieving of process actions.
IProcessCallbackHandler - Interface in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess
Callback handler for IProcess.
IProcessQueueManager - Interface in lumis.portal.processqueue
Manager that allows a process to be executed asynchronously as well as see what is currently queued.
IProcessQueueManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.processqueue
Manager that controls the consumption part of a queue.
IProgressDao - Interface in lumis.portal.progress
Dao class for Progress objects
IProgressManager - Interface in lumis.portal.progress
Manager Interface for Progress operations
IPropertyBagManager - Interface in lumis.portal.propertybag
Manages property bag instances.
IPropertyBagSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.propertybag.serialization
Manager interface for property bag serialization
IQueryAdapter - Interface in lumis.util.query
Responsible for preparing select, insert and update queries for IQueryStatements.
IQueryFilter - Interface in lumis.util.query
Interface for query filters
IQueryStatement - Interface in lumis.util.query
Instances of this interface represents a statement that can be executed using this interface's method.
IQueryValue - Interface in lumis.util.query
Interface representing a generic query value
IQueueStatistics - Interface in lumis.portal.processqueue
Interface that represents the overall state of the queue.
IQueueTask - Interface in lumis.portal.processqueue
Interface that represents a process/task to be executed by the queue processor.
IQueueTaskProcess - Interface in lumis.portal.processqueue
Interface that represents a queued process item.
IRelatable - Interface in lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity
Relatable is a node that can have a relationship with another node.
IRelationship - Interface in lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity
Relationship is the way a node can be related with another node.
IRelationshipManager - Interface in lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship
Provides operations on the relationship framework.
IRelationshipType - Interface in lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity
RelationshipType is a kind of relationship between two nodes.
IRenderable - Interface in lumis.doui.render
Classes that implements this interface offers a standard way to render its data in a xml format.
IRenderer - Interface in lumis.doui.render
Objects that implements this interface are able to access the render data of IRenderable values.
IRenderRequestCycle - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for the render request cycle.
IReportPostProcessor - Interface in
Report response post processor.
IRequestCycle - Interface in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
A request cycle represents the processing of a request during which the response may have some data set.
IRequestedURI - Interface in lumis.portal.url
Represents a requested URI for the portal.
IRequestedURI.RequestProcessType - Enum in lumis.portal.url
Types of processing required for this requested URI.
IResource - Interface in lumis.util
IResourceFilter - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment.resource
Resource filter to be used on resource enumeration.
IRssDao - Interface in lumis.service.rss
Dao Interface for RSS entity
IRssManager - Interface in lumis.service.rss
Manager responsible for RSS-related operations
IS_DEFAULT_LOCALE_PARAMETER_SUFIX - Static variable in class lumis.content.table.ContentMetaDataController
IS_PAGE_BLOCK_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class
Property name for identifying as page block.
IS_WEBSPHERE - Static variable in class lumis.portal.webserver.WebServerIntegrationInitFilter
isActivated() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManagerImpl
isActive() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
isActive() - Method in interface lumis.util.ITransaction
Returns true if the transaction is currently active, false otherwise.
isActiveVersion() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the boolean value of ContentVersionDocumentType.ContentVersionFields.ACTIVE_VERSION stored in this document.
isActivityRead(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
isActivityRead(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManager
Verifies if an activity was already read by the current user.
isActivityStreamAutomaticGenerationEnabledByScope(String, Content, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.content.activitystream.ContentActivityStreamUtil
Checks if this content's service and source have the automatic generation of activities by the activity stream framework enabled with a specific scope.
isAdministration() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isAdministrationInterface(IServiceInterface) - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
Returns true if the given service interface is the main administration interface for this source.
isAdministrationInterface(IServiceInterface) - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns true if the given service interface is the main administration interface for this source.
isAggregatable() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
Returns whether this field's value is aggregatable.
isAllowAddRows() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControl
isAllowAnswerMoreThanOnce() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Questionnaire
Returns whether this questionnaire should allow users to answer more than once.
isAllowDeleteRows() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControl
isAllowed(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
isAllowed(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface
Returns whether the given request is allowed to be performed.
isAllowNewTags() - Method in class lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.tag.TagControl
Define if is possible inform new tags (true) or only use predefined tags (false).
isAllServiceInstances() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the isAllServiceInstances.
isAnonymous() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Questionnaire
Returns whether this questionnaire is anonymous.
isApproved() - Method in class
isApproved() - Method in class lumis.service.mediaalbum.MediaResumeConfig
Returns whether this media is approved or not.
isArchived() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Indicates if this state is an archival state.
isAssociationField - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl
isAutoArchived() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentMetaDataController.MetaDataPersistenceResult
isAutomaticAdministration() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns if this interface is displayed in an auto administration service page.
isAutomaticBulkExpiration() - Method in class
Returns whether this event is an automatic bulk expiration.
isAutomaticFriendlyId() - Method in class
Returns whether the channel is going to use automatic generated friendly identifier or not.
isAutomaticFriendlyId() - Method in class
Returns whether the page is going to use automatic generated friendly identifier or not.
isAutomaticFriendlyId() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
Returns whether the service instance is going to use automatic generated friendly identifier or not.
isAutomaticMessagesEnabled() - Method in class
isAvailableForGetRequest() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns whether this web resource is available for a GET request to it.
isBefore() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.persistence.PersistenceEvent
Indicates if this event was sent before the corresponding operation.
isBidirectional() - Method in interface lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.IRelationshipType
Gets if the relationship is bidirectional.
isBidirectional() - Method in class lumis.portal.socialnetwork.relationship.entity.RelationshipType
isBigDataEnabled() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.MetaDataSourceField
isBigDataEnabled() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
Returns if big data feature is enabled for this field.
isBlocked() - Method in class
isBroadcast(AtmosphereResourceEvent) - Method in class lumis.portal.atmosphere.BaseAtmosphereHandler
Returns whether the given event is a message broadcast event.
isCacheEnabled(WebResource) - Method in class
isCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
isCacheEnabled(WebResource) - Method in class
isCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
isCacheEnabled(WebResource) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IWebResourceFactory
Returns if the cache is enabled for a web resource.
isCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Returns if the cache is enabled for this web resource for the current user.
isCacheServerSideInclude() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isCacheStandardMembershipBulkLoadEnabled() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
Returns whether the bulk load for the standard membership cache is enabled.
isCallerServiceInterfaceMenuItemRequired() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns whether this interface requires or not a caller service Interface menu item
isCauseWarning() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.Dependency
isChanged() - Method in interface lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor.IStructureElement
Returns whether this element is changed.
isChannelInPath(String, PageConfig, List<String>) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalSettingsNavigationComponent
isCheckForCacheEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
IScheduleDao - Interface in lumis.service.newsletter
isClientScriptRequest() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
isClientSideValidationEnabled() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IValidatorControl
Verify if the parameter ClienteSideValidation is enable.
isClientSideValidationEnabled() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileSizeValidatorControl
isClientSideValidationEnabled() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
isClientSideValidationEnabled() - Method in class
isClockEnabled() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
isCommentsFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl
isCommited() - Method in class
isCommited() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
isCommited() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderResponse
isCommited() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
isCommited() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
isCommitted() - Method in class
isCommitted() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
isCommitted() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
isContentAssociation() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
Returns if this content will have support for association.
isContentCategorization() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentComments() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentEndDate() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentHighlight() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentHightlightEndDate() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentMultilanguage() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentPublished(String) - Static method in class lumis.content.core.ContentUtilInternal
Returns whether the content with the given identifier exists and it is published.
isContentPublishToPrincipals() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentPublishToServiceInstances() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentSeo() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentStartDate() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentTagging() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentVersioning() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isContentVersionPublished(ContentVersion) - Static method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublicationActivityGenerationTransactionObserver
Checks if a ContentVersion has been published or not.
isContentWorkflow() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isCreate() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.ITable
isCreatedRunTime() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
Created Run Time indicates if the interface instance was created runtime, or if it was explicitly dragged and dropped into a page layout.
isCreateForeignKey() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField.IDatabaseValues
Returns whether the foreign key should be created.
isCreateInModule() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams
isCreateNewIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
isCreateNewIds() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
isCreating() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
Returns whether the service instance is being created or updated.
IScriptingStyleTemplate - Interface in
Represents a scripting style template.
IScriptStepExecutable - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script
Deployment IStepExecutable internal implementation contract.
IScriptStepExecutable.ScriptOwnerType - Enum in lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.script
Enumeration that represents the owner of the script to be executed.
isCurrentLocaleValid(ChannelConfig) - Static method in class lumis.portal.localization.LocaleUtilInternal
Returns whether the session locale is valid for a given channel.
isCustom() - Method in class
Indicates if this is a custom group type.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Is debug logging currently enabled?
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
isDefault() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.SocialNetworkMessageWrapper
Returns if the SocialNetworkMessageWrapper.message is a default message or not.
isDefault() - Method in class lumis.content.socialnetwork.integration.ContentMessageIntegration
Returns the isDefault.
isDefault() - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.sync.IDefaultAware
Returns whether this object is equivalent to the default value.
isDefault() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlEntry
isDefault() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList
isDefault() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.PropertyBag
isDefaultLocale() - Method in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocument.Standard
Returns whether this document is the default document for missing locales.
isDefaultValue(Field, Object) - Static method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.SyncUtil
Indicates whether a value is the default value for a field.
isDefaultWebsite() - Method in interface
Returns whether this website is the default website.
isDefaultWebsite() - Method in class
Returns whether this website is the default website.
isDefaultWebsite() - Method in class
isDelete() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.profileimage.InputProfileImageControl.ProfileImageData
isDeleteExistingElements() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
isDerivedFromTemplate(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager
Verify whether service interface instance is derived from a channel template or page template.
isDescendentOf(IFile) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns whether this file is descendent of the given file.
isDescendentOf(PortalFilePath) - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Returns whether the given PortalFilePath is descendent of this.
isDetails() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.Source
Returns whether this source is the main source for a details interface, intended for obtaining the detailed information of a data.
isDetails() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isDevelopmentMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.PortalConfiguration
Indicates if the portal is running in development mode.
isDirectAssociation() - Method in class lumis.content.source.field.type.CategorizationDataType.CategorizationGroupData.TermData
Return whether this term is directly associated with the content.
isDirectory() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Tests whether the file is a directory.
isDisabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
isDisabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
isDisplay() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isDisplay() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isDistinct() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QuerySelect
isDynamicRequestValid(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Indicates whether the given request is a valid dynamic request for this web resource.
ISearchable - Interface in
Since 8.1.0, ISourceSearchContentFiller has been deprecated and this interface is used only for backwards compatibility when legacy ISourceSearchContentFiller implementations are used. The replacement for this interface for use with ISourceBigDataPersister (ISourceSearchContentFiller replacement) is to implement in the respective data type the ISourceFieldDataType.getDocumentFieldValues(Object) and ISourceFieldDataType.getDocumentTypeFieldTemplates() methods.
ISearchHit - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
An item of a ISearchResults object.
ISearchQueryFilter - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
A filter for a search query.
ISearchQueryFilter - Interface in
Since 8.1.0, was replaced by lumis.portal.bigdata.
ISearchQuerySort - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
A search sort configuration.
ISearchResults - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Represents a collection of hits returned by a query execution.
isEditableTheme(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeUtil
Returns whether the given theme is editable.
isEditContentPermission() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPostResource.UserPermissions
isElIgnored() - Method in class lumis.doui.service.DouiServiceInterfaceInstanceDefinition
Indicates if this doui definition may contain ELs that must be evaluated.
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.SourceData
isEmpty() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularData
Returns true if this tabular data has no row, false otherwise.
isEmpty() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.Document
isEmpty() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns whether this directory is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.DependentConfigOperationCollection
isEnableCache() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditCategory
Returns true if the category is enabled, false otherwise.
isEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditEntryType
isEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Indicates if this clock is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IModule
since 7.1 always return true for backward compatibility only.
isEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Module
isEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.event.ObserverConfig
isEnabled() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEvent
Returns if the monitoring for this event is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
isEnabled() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkAccount
Returns the enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.SocialNetworkApplication
Retuns if the application is enabled.
ISendMailDao - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail.dao
The DAO for sendmail persistence information.
ISendMailManager - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Manager that offers send mail service.
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in interface lumis.portal.structure.sync.ICustomEquivalence
Returns whether this object is equivalent to the given object.
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.common.AccessControlList
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.Property
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.propertybag.PropertyBag
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformation
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformationParameter
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceCustomProperty
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceDependency
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermissionRoleXml
isEquivalent(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceWorkflowPermissionXml
isEquivalent(Object, Object) - Static method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.SyncUtil
Returns whether two objects are equivalent.
isEquivalentSortedCollection(Collection<?>, Collection<?>) - Static method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.SyncUtil
Returns whether two sorted collections are equivalent.
ISerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization
Serialization operations specific for channel templates.
ISerializationManager2 - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization
Manager interface for portal objects serialization and deserialization
ISerializationMessageConfigNodeBuilder - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization
Callback interface to provide a SerializationMessageConfigNode when detecting an external dependency
ISerializer - Interface in lumis.portal.serialization
Interface for an object serializer.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Is error logging currently enabled?
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
isErrorPage() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileExceptionErrorPage
IService - Interface in lumis.portal.service
Defines methods all portal services must implement.
IServiceAclManager - Interface in lumis.portal.service.acl
IServiceClock - Interface in lumis.portal.clock
Service Clock Interface
IServiceClockDefinitionProvider - Interface in lumis.portal.service
Provider for customized service clock definitions
IServiceDao - Interface in lumis.portal.service
Interface for service DAO
IServiceInstanceAclManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl
Public Interface to Service Instance ACL Management
IServiceInstanceAclSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.serialization
Manager Interface for Service Instance's Acl serialization
IServiceInstanceDao - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinstance
Interface for Service instance DAO.
IServiceInstanceManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinstance
Manager Interface for Service Instance operations
IServiceInstanceManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinstance
/** Manager Interface for Service Instance internal operations.
IServiceInstanceMenuItem - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinstance
Interface to be implemented by custom service instance configuration menu item.
IServiceInstancePermission - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl
Represents permissions specific to Service Instances.
IServiceInstancePermissionChecker - Interface in lumis.service.association
Interface that checks if the implementation context (e.g.
IServiceInstanceSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization
Manager Interface for Service Instance serialization
IServiceInterface - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
The ServiceInterface interface is used by the service interface container to invoke the service interfaces.
IServiceInterfaceActionRequest - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
IServiceInterfaceActionResponse - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
IServiceInterfaceActionResponseSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Service Interface Action Response SPI
IServiceInterfaceDao - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
IServiceInterfaceInContextEdit - Interface in lumis.portal.incontextedit
In context edit handler.
IServiceInterfaceInstanceDao - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance
DAO for service interface instance
IServiceInterfaceInstanceManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance
Interface definition for manager of service interface instances.
IServiceInterfaceInstanceManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance
Service Provider Interface for the ServiceInterfaceInstanceManager.
IServiceInterfaceInstanceOwner - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance
Represents the owner of a service interface instance.
IServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization
Manager Interface for Service Interface Instance serialization
IServiceInterfaceListDao - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list
IServiceInterfaceListManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface.list
IServiceInterfaceManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Interface for the Service Interface Manager.
IServiceInterfaceManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Service interface internal operations.
IServiceInterfaceMenu - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Interface that the portal framework calls to render context menu information for a service interface.
IServiceInterfaceMenuGroupTypeDao - Interface in
IServiceInterfaceMenuItem - Interface in
Interface to be implemented by custom service interface menu item.
IServiceInterfaceMenuItemRequest - Interface in
Request for rendering a service interface menu item.
IServiceInterfaceMenuItemTypeDao - Interface in
IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Service interface response for a render action.
IServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Interface that interfaces receive to get response information.
IServiceInterfaceRequest - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Interface that interfaces receive to get request information
IServiceInterfaceRequestDispatcher - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
IServiceInterfaceRequestSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Interface that interfaces receive to get request information.
IServiceInterfaceResponse - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Base interface for service interface responses.
IServiceInterfaceSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface.serialization
Manager Interface for Service Interface serialization
IServiceInterfaceStyleManager - Interface in
IServiceInterfaceTypeDao - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface.type
IServiceInterfaceUrl - Interface in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
The ServiceInterfaceURL interface represents a URL that reference the service interface itself.
IServiceManager - Interface in lumis.portal.service
Defines the methods available in a service manager.
IServiceSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.service.serialization
Manager Interface for Service serialization
IServiceTypeDao - Interface in lumis.portal.service.type
isExternal() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.serialization.WorkflowPermissionSerializableConfig
Returns if the principal is external to the channel being exported.
isExternal() - Method in class
Returns if the principal is external to the channel being exported.
isExternal() - Method in class
Returns if the principal is external to the channel being exported.
isExternalData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isExternalData() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isFatalEnabled() - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Is fatal logging currently enabled?
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
isFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Tests whether the file denoted by this IFile is an actual file.
isForceMainURLsNavigation() - Method in interface
Returns whether this website forces the navigation to occur on its main base URLs, instead of on its additional base URLs.
isForceMainURLsNavigation() - Method in class
Returns whether this website forces the navigation to occur on its main base URLs, instead of on its additional base URLs.
isForceMainURLsNavigation() - Method in class
isForExport() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationContext
IsFormPublishedPostLoadProcessor - Class in lumis.service.formbuilder
Post load processor that sets to true the field isPublished when the ContentLocale has a published ContentVersion.
IsFormPublishedPostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class lumis.service.formbuilder.IsFormPublishedPostLoadProcessor
isForSelenium() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
isForumLocked(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
isForumModerator(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
isFriendlyURLEnabled() - Method in class
isFriendlyURLEnabled() - Method in class
isFriendlyURLEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResource
Indicates if friendly URL is enabled for this web resource.
isFriendlyURLPatternEnabled() - Method in class
Returns if the friendly URL pattern specific for this channel (non-inheritable) is enabled.
isFromDefinition - Variable in class
isFromDefinition() - Method in class
isFromDefinition() - Method in class
isFromTemplate() - Method in class
isGeolocationServiceEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns whether the Geolocation service is enabled.
isGetData() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isGetData() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isGlobalPrincipal() - Method in class
isGlobalPrincipal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.principal.serialization.IPrincipalSerializationManager
isGlobalPrincipal(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.serialization.PrincipalSerializationManager
isGlobalPrincipal() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.serialization.UserSerializationMessageConfig
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled(ChannelConfig) - Method in class
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled(ChannelConfig) - Method in interface
Returns whether the Google Analytics is enable in the given channel.
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
Returns whether the Google Analytics are enabled.
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManagerSPI
Returns whether the Google Analytics is enable in the given service instance.
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
Returns whether the Google Analytics is enable in the given property bag.
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabledLocal(ChannelConfig) - Method in class
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabledLocal(ChannelConfig) - Method in interface
Returns whether the Google Analytics is enable in the given channel or null if this property is inherited.
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabledLocal(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManagerSPI
Returns whether the Google Analytics is enable in the given service instance or null if this property is inherited.
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabledLocal(ServiceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabledLocal(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
Returns whether the Google Analytics is enable in the given property bag or null if this property is inherited.
isGroupBy() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryField
Returns true if field should be in group by clause, otherwise false.
isHidden() - Method in class
isHidden() - Method in class
isHidden() - Method in interface
isHidden() - Method in class
isHidden() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.AbstractSubHeader
Verifies if the Sub Bar is set to be hidden.
isHidden() - Method in class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.HierarchicalContent
Returns if the content is hidden.
isHighlight() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersionPublication
Returns the boolean value of ContentVersionDocumentType.PublicationFields.HIGHLIGHT stored in this document.
isHighlight() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Indicates if this publication is currently highlighted.
isHighlight() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
isHighlightEndDateFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
isHighlightFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
isHolderPersonalizedByContent(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.PagePersonalizationUtil
Returns whether a widget holder is configured to be personalized by content.
isHtmlCacheLogNavigation() - Method in class
Returns if the access to cached html files should cause collecting page view monitoring event data.
isHTMLElement(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalSettingsLayoutFileMarkupFilter
Returns true if the given tag corresponds to the given element name and has no namespace.
isHTMLElement(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.PortalStudioLayoutFileMarkupFilter
Returns true if the given tag corresponds to the given element name and has no namespace.
isHTMLElement(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.PublisherMarkupFilter
Returns true if the given tag corresponds to the given element name and has no namespace.
isHTMLElement(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class
Returns true if the given tag corresponds to the given element name and has no namespace.
isIdentical(ChannelTemplateLinkConfig) - Method in class
Returns true if all properties of this object are equals to the properties of the given object.
isIdentical(PageConfig) - Method in class
Returns true if all properties of this object are equals to the properties of the given object.
isIdentical(ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
Returns true if all properties of this object are equals to the properties of the given object.
isIgnoreOnExportImport() - Method in class
Returns whether this channel will be ignored on export and import.
isIgnoreOnExportImport(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
isIgnoreOnExportImport() - Method in class
Returns whether the given channel is ignored.
isIgnoreOnExportImport(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Returns the result of a given channel ignoring.
isIgnoreOnExportImport() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns whether this channel will be ignored on export and import.
isIgnoreOnExportImport(Map<String, ChannelResume>) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns whether this channel will be ignored on export and import based on the all channels map.
isImplicitForeignKeysSet() - Method in class
Indicates whether the implicit foreign keys, set by Channel.setImplicitForeignKeys(String, String, String, String), have been set.
isImplicitForeignKeysSet() - Method in class
Indicates whether the implicit foreign keys, set by Page.setImplicitForeignKeys(String, String, String, String), have been set.
isImplicitForeignKeysSet() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Indicates whether the implicit foreign keys, set by #setImplicitForeignKeys(String, String), have been set.
isImportAsChild() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
isImportAsChild() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
isImportContentOnly() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
isIncluded() - Method in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
isIncluded() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilterBase
isIncludedInAutomaticBulkExpiration(PageCacheConfig) - Static method in class
Returns whether the given page cache is included in automatic bulk operation.
isIncludeInGlobalSearch() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
Returns whether this field should be included in global search field.
Some big data implementations have a special field that is a flat field that usually receives the values from all other fields.
isIncludeTopbar() - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.bean.MobileAppConfig
Returns the includeTopbar.
isInContextEditDisabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
isInContextEditDisabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
isInContextEditEnabled(SessionConfig, ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.incontextedit.ContentServiceInterfaceInContextEdit
Returns whether or not in context edit is enabled for the given service interface instance.
isInContextEditSupported() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isIndexed() - Method in class
Returns the indexed condition of the field.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Is info logging currently enabled?
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
ISingleBucketAggregationResult - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Aggregation result that is composed of a single (unnamed) bucket that holds all sub-aggregations.
ISingleMail - Interface in lumis.portal.sendmail
Stores the information about a single mail to be sent.
isInherited() - Method in class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.BusinessContextUsage
Returns whether the context is inherited.
isInherited() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.areatag.AreaTagUsageConfig
Returns whether this configuration is inheriting the applied themes or not.
isInherited() - Method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeUsageConfig
Returns whether this configuration is inheriting the applied themes or not.
isInherited() - Method in class
isInheriting() - Method in class
isInheritMetaTags() - Method in class
isInheritPageTemplate() - Method in class
isInheritProtocol() - Method in class
since 4.0.11. This property is acquired via the ChannelConfig.getProtocol() method.
isInheritPublishTo() - Method in class lumis.service.document.DocumentConfig
Returns whether the publish to principals for this document is inherited from its parent folder.
isInheritStylesheet() - Method in class
isInitialized() - Static method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.HibernateUtil
Indicates if the portal's hibernate infra-structure has been initialized.
isInitialized() - Static method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.FileSystemManager
Returns whether the file system is initialized.
isInsertable() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
Indicates if the value this field represents may be inserted.
isInsertable() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.SingleColumnTableSourceField
isInstallInProgress() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.DeploymentManager
isInstallInProgress() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.IDeploymentManagerSPI
Returns whether a deploy installation is in progress.
isInstantiable() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
isInterfaceHolder() - Method in class
isInterfaceHolder() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
isIntroduction() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
isIntroduction() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isIntroduction() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isIntroductionImage() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isIntroductionImage() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns whether this field is the introduction image of the corresponding data.
ISizeAwareAggregation - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Bucket aggregation that has a size configuration.
isJavaMelodyEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
Returns whether the JavaMelody monitoring should be enabled next time portal starts.
isKeepParentId() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Indicates whether the parent channel id of the related channel should be kept during sync out.
isKeptUnchanged() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns whether this channel was kept unchanged during a synchronization.
isKeywords() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
isKeywords() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isKeywords() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isLanguageFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutLanguageInformationControl
isLastMessage() - Method in class lumis.portal.progress.ProgressConfig
isLinked() - Method in class
isList() - Method in class lumis.portal.bigdata.DocumentTypeField
Returns whether this field's value is a list.
isList() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isLiveModule(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.deployment.DeploymentProcessActionHandler
Verify if current module identifier is saved as live module.
isLocal() - Method in class
Returns whether the member is local.
isLocal(ChannelConfig) - Method in class lumis.portal.urlshortener.URLShortenerManager
Returns whether the channel has a local shortener.
isLocalize() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isLocked() - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate.MailQueue
isLocked - Variable in class
isLookupEnabled() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.BaseTableSourceField
Returns if the lookup is enabled for this field.
isLumisTheme(ITheme) - Static method in class lumis.portal.theme.ThemeUtil
Returns whether the given theme is one of the LumisPortal standard themes.
isManagedProperty(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.StructureElement
Returns whether a property can be edited in this element.
isMandatory() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.AbstractDeploymentStepExecutable
isMandatory() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.ComponentStructureSyncStepExecutable
isMandatory() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.component.UpdateComponentChannelIdsStepExecutable
isMandatory() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.IDeploymentStepExecutable
Indicates whether the step is mandatory.
isMandatory() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.stepexecutable.module.RebuildEntityManagerFactoriesStepExecutable
isMandatory() - Method in interface lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.IStep
Returns whether this step is mandatory.
isMandatory() - Method in class lumis.portal.interactiveprocess.Step
isMember(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
isMember(SessionConfig, Collection<String>, String, ITransaction) - Method in class
isMember(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Verifies if a principal is a member, directly or indirectly, of a group.
isMember(SessionConfig, Collection<String>, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface
Verifies if a principal is a member, directly or indirectly, of one of the specified groups.
isMinimalPutsEnabledByDefault() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.PortalCacheProvider
isModerated() - Method in class
isModerated() - Method in class
isModerator - Variable in class
isMultiSession() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
isMultiSession() - Method in class lumis.portal.webservice.user.User
isMustRebuildClassLoader() - Method in class lumis.portal.deployment.process.ModuleDiff
Returns whether the classloader must be rebuilt.
isMustRollBack() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
isMustRollBack() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
isMutable() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericEnumUserType
isMutable() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigForeignKey
isNameInUse(String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.resourcescheduler.ResourceValidatorProcessActionHandler
Indicates if a name is in use by another resource.
isNative(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleParameterType
Verify whether the given name is of one of the native types.
isNew() - Method in class
isNew() - Method in interface lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor.IStructureElement
Returns whether this is a new element.
isNotifyProgress() - Method in exception lumis.portal.serialization.SerializationException
ISO8601DateTimeFormat() - Constructor for class lumis.util.converter.DateTimeConverter.ISO8601DateTimeFormat
ISocialNetwork - Interface in lumis.socialnetwork
Interface that represents the configuration of a Social Network.
ISocialNetworkConnector - Interface in lumis.socialnetworkintegration
The implementations of this interface should execute low level calls to the remote social network it belongs to.
ISocialNetworkManager - Interface in lumis.socialnetwork
Manager Interface for Social Network.
ISocialProfile - Interface in lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile
This interface represents the Social Profile information.
ISocialProfileManager - Interface in lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile
Manager Interface for Social Profile.
ISocialProfileProvider - Interface in lumis.socialnetwork.socialprofile
Social Profile Provider interface that provides methods to get social profile informations from a given user on a specific social network.
IsolatedInterfaceStyle - Class in
Bean used for XML serialization of isolated interface styles.
IsolatedInterfaceStyle(InterfaceStyle) - Constructor for class
Creates a new IsolatedInterfaceStyle by copying relevant properties from a InterfaceStyle.
isolationAllowedConsumers - Variable in class
isolationLevel - Variable in class
IsolationLevelValidationException - Exception in
This exception is thrown when the validation performed due to the change of the isolation level of a service interface style has failed.
IsolationLevelValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception
isOnClickPopup() - Method in class lumis.service.banner.BannerConfig
isOnlyOneVotePerUser() - Method in class
isOpenerWindowRequired() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns if this interface requires an opener window.
isOrNull() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
isOrNull() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilter
ISourceBigDataPersister<S extends Source<?>> - Interface in lumis.doui.bigdata
This interface specifies the methods that must be implemented when customizing how a source's data is stored in the portal big data repository.
ISourceContext - Interface in lumis.doui.source
Offers information about the context where a source is being used.
ISourceConverter - Interface in lumis.doui.source
Defines extra methods for a converter that is used in a source context.
ISourceDao - Interface in lumis.doui.source
ISourceData - Interface in lumis.doui.source
Interface to access a source's data.
ISourceField - Interface in lumis.doui.source.field
The interface that defines the methods a source field provides.
ISourceFieldDataType - Interface in lumis.doui.source.field.type
A data type of a ISourceField
ISourceFilter<S extends Source> - Interface in lumis.doui.source.filter
Defines the methods of a source filter.
ISourceManager - Interface in lumis.doui.source
Responsible for managing the sources registry.
ISourceSearchContentFiller - Interface in
Since 8.1.0 replaced by ISourceBigDataPersister.
isOverrideServerSideInclude() - Method in class
Indicates whether the server side include type should be calculated automatically by the framework.
isPageBlock() - Method in class
isPageBlock() - Method in interface
isPageBlock() - Method in class
Determines if the current page is a page block.
isPageCachedInFile() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
isPageCachedInFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
isPageCachedInFile() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
isPageCachedInFile() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns whether the requested page is cached in file.
isPageCachedInFile() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
isPageCacheGenerationEnabled() - Method in interface
Indicates if the page cache generation is globally enabled.
isPageCacheGenerationEnabled() - Method in class
isPageLayoutFileEditable(String) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.editor.ThemeEditorResource
isParameterFromProcessAction() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
isParameterVisible(String, String[]) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.GenericURLResolver
Indicates if a parameter is to be shown in the string generated by paramsPath.
isParentId() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isParentId() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isPortalClockRunning(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockManager
isPortalClockRunning(SessionConfig, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockManager
Verify if the portal clock is running.
isPortalLogin() - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserConfig
Indicates if this user may be logged in normally by the portal's default authenticator.
isPortletModeAllowed(PortletMode) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
isPostback() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
isPostMessagePermission() - Method in class lumis.service.userpost.UserPostResource.UserPermissions
isPreview - Variable in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
isPreview() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
isPreview() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRequest
isPreview() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns whether the request is in preview mode.
isPreview() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRequest
isPreviewModeEnabled() - Method in class
Returns true if this page web resource is being processed in preview mode.
isPreviewSupported() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isPrimaryKey() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControlField
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControlFieldTabularSourceFieldWrapper
isPrimaryKey() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.datagrid.IDataGridControlField
Returns the value of the isPrimaryKey attribute.
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
isPrimaryKey() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ITabularSourceField
Returns a boolean indicating if this field is a primary key.
isPrimaryName() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
isPrimaryName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isPrimaryName() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
isPrimaryName() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isPrintable() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isPrinting() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
isPrinting() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
isPrinting - Variable in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml
isPrinting() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
isPrinting() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinterface.IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest
isPrinting() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRenderRequest
Returns whether the request is in print mode.
isPrinting() - Method in class lumis.portal.url.PageWebResourceRenderRequest
isPrivate() - Method in class lumis.portal.propertybag.Property
Returns whether the property is private or not.
isPrivateMessage() - Method in class
isPrivateMessagesEnabled() - Method in class
isProcessAction() - Method in class lumis.doui.DouiContext
isProcessBeforeWrites() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
Returns whether the before writes should be processed by the ServiceContainer.
isProcessPaths() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRenderRequest
Returns whether the processing of paths should be performed.
isPublishAllAccessibleContents() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
Indicates if contents not published to the current service instance but accessible by the current user should also be published.
isPublished() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersionPublication
Returns the value of ContentVersionDocumentType.PublicationFields.PUBLISHED stored in this document.
isPublished() - Method in class lumis.content.core.ContentPublication
Indicates if this publication is currently published.
isPublished() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
isPublished() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Indicates if this state is a published state.
isPublishedVersion() - Method in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocument.ContentVersion
Returns the value of ContentVersionDocumentType.ContentVersionFields.PUBLISHED_VERSION stored in this document.
isPublishEndDateFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
isPublishStartDate() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isPublishStartDate() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns whether this field is the publish start date of the corresponding data.
isPublishStartDateFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
isPublishToPrincipalsFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
isPublishToServiceInstancesFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
isPublishToSocialNetworkFieldId - Variable in class lumis.content.control.autolayout.AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl
isReadOnly() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isReadOnly() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns true if this field is read-only and should not be rendered editable.
isReadOnly() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.ExperimentalGenericTableSourceField
isReadOnly(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.RequestPreferences
isRecursivelySelectedForSynchronization() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns whether this channel is selected for recursive synchronization.
isRedirectSet() - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerActionResponse
isRemovable(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.file.transformation.SimpleParameterType
Asserts if a given transformation parameter is used by other transformations.
isRequired() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
isRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isRequired() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
isRequired() - Method in enum lumis.portal.acl.PortalPermissions
isRequired() - Method in enum
isRequired() - Method in enum
isRequired() - Method in interface lumis.portal.monitor.IMonitorEventField
Returns whether this field is required.
isRequired() - Method in enum
isRequired() - Method in enum
isRequired() - Method in enum lumis.portal.service.acl.ServicePermissions
isRequired() - Method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
Returns if the user is required to answer the FormField.
isRequired() - Method in class lumis.service.questionnaire.Question
Check if question is required
isRequired() - Method in interface
isRequiredForWorkflowRole() - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.acl.IServiceInstancePermission
Returns if the current permission is required for worklflow role.
isRequiredWhenVisible() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isRequiredWhenVisible() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
isReservedParameter(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestParameters
Indicates if the parameter is reserved for special use by the portal and may not be freely used by an installed application.
isRestEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceConfig
Returns the restEnabled.
isRestEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns whether Rest API is enabled for the interface.
isRoot() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.IFile
Returns whether this file is the root of its base folder.
isRoot() - Method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.PortalFilePath
Returns whether this PortalFilePath is the root of base folder.
isRunning() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockConfig
Indicates if this clock is currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.PortalClock
isRuntimeOnly() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
isSafeMode() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFilePage
isSafeMode() - Method in interface lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.IPortalAdministrationPageRenderer
Indicates whether the rendering safe mode is enabled.
isSafeRenderMode - Variable in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml
isSameRow() - Method in class
isSchedule() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalReaderConfig
Get the option of automatic execution.
isSchedule() - Method in class lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal.PrincipalWriterConfig
Get the option of automatic execution.
isSearchable() - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
isSearchable() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseSourceField
isSearchable() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ISourceField
Returns whether this field included to be found in a simple search (search without specifying a field).
isSearchEnabled() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.TabularSource
Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this method is no longer used.
isSearchEnabled() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.BaseTableDataProcessActionHandler
Since 8.1.0, is deprecated and this method is no longer used.
isSecure() - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IPageWebResourceRequest
Returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel between client and the portal, such as HTTPS.
isSelectedForSynchronization() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns whether this channel is selected for synchronization.
isServiceInstanceRequired() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Returns whether this interface requires or not a service instance to be executed.
isShallowSerialization() - Method in class
Returns whether the serialization is recursive or not.
isShallowSerialization() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.BaseSerializationContext
Returns whether the serialization is recursive or not.
isShowHeader() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datagrid.DataGridControl
isShowTitleBar() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.ServiceInterfaceInstanceConfig
isShowUsersEnabled() - Method in class
isShutdown() - Method in class lumis.portal.executor.ExecutorManager
isSimulation() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
isSocialProfile() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
Returns whether this service can be used as a social profile information source.
isSortable() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
isSortable() - Method in interface lumis.doui.source.field.ITabularSourceField
Returns whether this field may be used to sort a query.
isSsiSendRedirectOnPageNotFound() - Method in class
Indicates if a send redirect should be used when a SSI page is not found, instead of directly streaming the generated html.
isStandardFileSystem() - Static method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.FileSystemUtil
Returns whether the used file system is a LumisPortal standard one.
isStart() - Method in class lumis.content.workflow.WorkflowStateConfig
Indicates if this state was defined as the workflow's start state.
isStateAllowed(WorkflowStateConfig) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.NonPublishedAndArchivedWorklowStatesByLocalizedNameDataProvider
isStateAllowed(WorkflowStateConfig) - Method in class lumis.service.autoadministration.WorkflowStatesByLocalizedNameDataProvider
Returns true if the state is allowed to be included on source, otherwise returns false.
isStoreChecksum() - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject
Indicates whether the checksum of this object should be stored.
isStored() - Method in class
Returns the stored condition of the field.
isStripLayoutFileTagsAndAttributes() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.AbstractLayoutFileMarkupFilter
Returns whether layout file built-in tags and attributes are to be removed from the output.
isStructureRoot() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.ChannelResume
Returns whether this is a structure's root.
isStyleCached(String) - Method in interface
Verify if the style file is cached.
isStyleCached(String) - Method in class
isSummary() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceConfig
Indicates whether the interface represents a summary interface.
isSupportMultiLanguage() - Static method in class lumis.portal.PortalContext
isTemplate() - Method in class
isTemplate() - Method in class
isTemplate() - Method in interface
isTemplate() - Method in class
isTemporary() - Method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstanceHolder
Returns whether this holder is temporary.
IStep - Interface in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess
A interface of process step.
IStepExecutable - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment.script
Represents a class that can be executed in a given step.
IStepExecutable - Interface in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess
This is a step executable.
IStepHandler - Interface in lumis.upgrade
Defines the methods a upgrade step handler must implement.
IStepOutcome - Interface in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess
Represents an outcome of a step of a given process.
isTerminated() - Method in class lumis.portal.executor.ExecutorManager
isToBePersisted() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformationParameter
Returns whether this object should be persisted or not.
isTokenized() - Method in class
Returns the tokenized condition of the field.
isTopicLocked(String, ITransaction, boolean) - Static method in class
isTopicLocked(String, ITransaction) - Static method in class
isTriggeringEvent(LoggingEvent) - Method in class lumis.util.log.AcceptAllEvaluator
isTrim() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
Returns if the value for this control should be trimmed.
IStringify<Type> - Interface in lumis.util.collections
Interface that provides a method of converting a given object in a string representation.
IStringLocalizationDao - Interface in lumis.portal.localization
Interface for String Localization Dao
IStructureElement - Interface in lumis.service.portalmanagement.structureeditor
Structure element.
IStructureElementPropertiesAccessor - Interface in lumis.portal.structure
A accessor responsible to manage properties for StructureElement.
IStructureSyncManager - Interface in lumis.portal.structure.sync
Provides structure synchronization between the portal database and the file system.
IStyle - Interface in
Service interface style.
IStyleFactory - Interface in
Style factory.
ISubAggregationAwareAggregation - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Aggregation that holds sub-aggregations.
ISubscriptionDao - Interface in lumis.service.newsletter
isUpdatable() - Method in class lumis.doui.source.field.BaseTabularSourceField
Indicates if the value this field represents is updatable.
isUpdatable() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.field.SingleColumnTableSourceField
isUpdated() - Method in class lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork.SocialNetworkMessageWrapper
Returns if the SocialNetworkMessageWrapper.message has been updated by the interface.
isUpdateIfElementExists() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationConfig
isUpdateIfElementExists() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext
isUpdateIfElementExists() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceDeserializationContext
isUseBrowserAcceptedLanguages() - Method in class
Returns whether browser's accepted languages are to be used when setting user's locale.
If this channel does not define this property, it will be searched until a parent that defines it could be found or the root channel is reached.
isUseBrowserAcceptedLanguagesLocal() - Method in class
Returns whether browser's accepted languages are to be used when setting user's locale.
If this channel does not define this property, null will be returned.
If the inheritance should not be ignored, consider using ChannelConfig.isUseBrowserAcceptedLanguages() instead.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
isUsesAllWebsiteBaseURLs() - Method in class
Indicates whether all website base URLs will be used or not.
isUsesPublicFileStorage() - Method in class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.ServiceInstance
Returns the usesPublicFileStorage.
isValid - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.Control
isValid() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
isValid() - Method in interface lumis.doui.control.IControl
isValid() - Method in class
Checks if the object has all the required fields: identifier, title, subtitle and URL.
isValidateOnlyIfVisible() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.ValidatorControl
Returns if this validator will perform the validation only if the validated control is visible.
isValidXmlString(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.XmlUtil
isValueInLookup() - Method in class lumis.doui.table.filter.TableSourceFilter
isValueInParameter() - Method in class lumis.util.query.QueryValue
isVersioned() - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileExceptionErrorPage
isWaitingForExpiration() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
isWaitingForPublishing() - Method in class lumis.content.metadata.MetaDataConfig
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Is warn logging currently enabled?
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
isWebAppRootFolder() - Method in interface
Returns whether this base folder is the web application folder.
isWebsiteRoot(String) - Method in class
Returns whether the given channel is a website root.
isWidgetDefault - Variable in class
isWindowStateAllowed(WindowState) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequest
isWorkflowEnabled() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
isWorkflowSupported() - Method in class lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource
Verifies if the current source supports a workflow.
isWorkflowSupported() - Method in class lumis.portal.service.ServiceConfig
isXHTML() - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.PageDocType
Returns whether this doctype is a XHTML doctype.
ITableDao - Interface in lumis.doui.table
ITableDao.IRowProcessor - Interface in lumis.doui.table
ITableDataProvider - Interface in lumis.doui.source
Interface for table data providers
ITableSourceField - Interface in lumis.doui.table.field
A TableSource field.
ITableSourceFilter - Interface in lumis.doui.table.filter
Defines the methods of a table source filter.
ITabularSourceField - Interface in lumis.doui.source.field
The interface for a TabularSource field.
ITEM_ID - Static variable in interface lumis.content.bigdata.ContentVersionDocumentType.ContentVersionFields
Field that corresponds to ContentVersion.getItemId().
ITEM_ID - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocumentType.StandardFields
Item identifier field.
itemIdControlId - Variable in class lumis.service.autoadministration.control.ExecuteScriptControl
Control attribute to define itemId control id.
ItemPickerControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.itempicker
Used to select an item from a large list.
ItemPickerControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.itempicker.ItemPickerControl
itemPut(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.LRUCache
An object was put in the cache.
itemRemoved(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.LRUCache
Remove specified key since that object has been removed from the cache.
itemRetrieved(Object) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.LRUCache
An item was retrieved from the list.
iterator() - Method in class lumis.util.CollectionIterableWrapper
ITermsAggregationResult - Interface in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
Aggregation result generated by TermsAggregation.
ITheme - Interface in lumis.portal.theme
A Lumis Portal theme.
IThemeManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.theme
Theme service provider interface.
IThemeProvider - Interface in lumis.portal.theme
Provider for themes.
IThemeSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.theme
Theme service provider interface.
IThemeSPI.ResourceFolder - Enum in lumis.portal.theme
The resources folders that the themes handles.
ITransaction - Interface in lumis.portal.transaction
Represents a transaction that offers persistence access.
ITransaction - Interface in lumis.util
Represents a transaction that offers persistence access.
ITransactionHibernate - Interface in lumis.portal.dao.hibernate
The transaction interface for when the transaction is backed up by hibernate.
ITransactionJdbc - Interface in lumis.portal.dao.jdbc
JDBC based Transaction Interface
ITransactionJPA - Interface in lumis.portal.dao.jpa
The transaction interface for when the transaction is backed up by JPA.
ITransactionObserver - Interface in lumis.portal.transaction
Observer that wants to be notificated about an ITransaction's events.
ITransactionProviderCallback - Interface in lumis.portal.transaction.spi
Interface that transaction service providers must callback, for portal internal processes.
ITransactionSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.transaction.spi
The transaction interface used internally by the portal framework.
ITransformation - Interface in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Provides file transformations.
ITransformationBuilder - Interface in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Transformation builder, responsible to build an ITransformation object.
ITransformationParameter - Interface in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Transformation parameter, used to keep information about file transformation.
ITransmissionResult<T> - Interface in lumis.portal.cluster
Transmission result.
IUpgradeDao - Interface in lumis.upgrade
Upgrade DAO interface.
IUpgradeManager - Interface in lumis.upgrade
The upgrade manager interface.
IURLFactory - Interface in lumis.portal.url
Interface implemented by classes able to generate Portal URL objects.
IURLManager - Interface in lumis.portal.url
Provides URL resolution and mapping management.
IURLManager.CreateStrategy - Enum in lumis.portal.url
Contains creation strategy options.
IURLManager.PathReferenceType - Enum in lumis.portal.url
Used to specify how html references should be made.
IURLResolver - Interface in lumis.portal.url
Defines methods used for resolving portal web resource URLs.
IURLShortener - Interface in lumis.portal.urlshortener
Represents an URL shortener.
IURLShortenerManager - Interface in lumis.portal.urlshortener
Provides URL shortening operations.
All the operations here defined require some authenticated user, so that SessionConfig.getCurrentSessionConfig() do not return null.
IUserDao - Interface in lumis.portal.user
Interface for user DAO operations.
IUserManager - Interface in lumis.portal.user
Class interface responsible for managing operations on the portal users.
IUserManagerSPI - Interface in lumis.portal.user
Class interface responsible for managing internal operations on the portal users.
IUserSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.portal.user.serialization
Manager Interface for User serialization
IValidatorControl - Interface in lumis.doui.control
Interface que controls que faz validação devem implementar
IVersion - Interface in lumis.portal.deployment
Lumis Portal artifact version.
IWebResourceFactory - Interface in lumis.portal.url
Interface implemented by factories of WebResource.
IWebRootPortalBaseFolder - Interface in
The base folder of a website web root.
IWebRootPortalBaseFolderSPI - Interface in
IWebRootPortalBaseFolder internal interface.
IWebsite - Interface in
A website defines the area of the portal structure that is available through a set of URLs.
IWebsiteBaseURL - Interface in
A website base URL.
IWebsiteMainBaseURL - Interface in
A base URL that is a main base URL of a website.
IWebsiteManager - Interface in
Provides high-level operations on portal websites.
IWebsiteManagerSPI - Interface in
Provides high-level operations on portal websites.
IWebsitesSPI - Interface in
IWebsite internal operations.
IWorkflowActionHandler - Interface in lumis.content.workflow
Defines the methods by which a workflow action handler is called.
IWorkflowManager - Interface in lumis.content.workflow
Interface for Workflow Manager.
IWorkflowSerializationManager - Interface in lumis.content.workflow.serialization
Manager interface for Workflow serialization
IXPath - Interface in
Document navigator helper.
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