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FacebookConnector - Class in lumis.socialnetworkintegration.connector
Facebook implementation.
FacebookConnector() - Constructor for class lumis.socialnetworkintegration.connector.FacebookConnector
Factory(Set<Field>) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.Hibernate3FieldReplicator.Factory
Creates a new factory for Hibernate3FieldReplicator.
fatal(Object) - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Log a message with fatal log level.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface lumis.util.log.ILogger
Log an error with fatal log level.
fatal(Object) - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class lumis.util.log.Log4JLoggerWrapper
FaultBean(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webservice.WebServicePortalFault.FaultBean
Initializes a new instance with the given message.
FaultBean() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webservice.WebServicePortalFault.FaultBean
Default constructor needed by JAXB.
FCKEditorPopUpFixerControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor
Fix control for the FCK Editor when it is used in a runtime interface and its page is being rendered as tableless.
FCKEditorPopUpFixerControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.FCKEditorPopUpFixerControl
FCKSelectArticleControllerHtml - Class in
Controller called by selectArticle.jsp to select the linkArticle interface, redirecting popUp showed page.
FCKSelectArticleControllerHtml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, PageContext) - Constructor for class
FCKSelectContentControllerHtml - Class in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor
FCKSelectContentControllerHtml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, PageContext) - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.FCKSelectContentControllerHtml
FCKSelectDocumentControllerHtml - Class in lumis.service.document
FCKSelectDocumentControllerHtml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, PageContext) - Constructor for class lumis.service.document.FCKSelectDocumentControllerHtml
FCKSelectMediaControllerHtml - Class in
FCKSelectMediaControllerHtml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, PageContext) - Constructor for class
FCM_SENDER_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class lumis.portal.device.activitystream.FCMActivityNotifier
FCMActivityNotifier - Class in lumis.portal.device.activitystream
Firebase Cloud Messaging notifier.
FCMActivityNotifier() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.device.activitystream.FCMActivityNotifier
fetch(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
Obtain the value associated with the specified key.
fetch(String, String...) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
Obtain the value associated with the specified key and groups.
fetch(String, ICacheDataProvider<T>) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
Obtain the value associated with the specified key.
fetch(String, ICacheDataProvider<T>, String...) - Method in class lumis.portal.cache.PortalCache
Obtain the value associated with the specified key and groups.
fetchNextPendingDestination(IMultipleMail) - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate.SendMailDaoHib
fetchNextPendingDestination(IMultipleMail) - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.ISendMailDao
Returns for the next destination pending for sending for the given mail, and marks its status as sending.
fetchNextQueuedMail(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.hibernate.SendMailDaoHib
fetchNextQueuedMail(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.sendmail.dao.ISendMailDao
Returns the next queued mail pending for sending, and marks its status as sending.
FIELD_BANNER_CATEGORY_NAME_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.banner.BannerMonitorUtil
Key for banner's category name field.
FIELD_BANNER_NAME_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.banner.BannerMonitorUtil
Key for banner's name field.
FIELD_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in class lumis.content.service.ContentServiceMonitorUtil
Key for content's metadata id aggregation type.
FIELD_CONTENT_ITEMID_ID - Static variable in class lumis.content.service.ContentServiceMonitorUtil
Key for content's item id aggregation type.
FIELD_CONTENT_NAME - Static variable in class lumis.content.service.ContentServiceMonitorUtil
Key for content's primary name aggregation type.
FIELD_CONTENT_SOURCEID_ID - Static variable in class lumis.content.service.ContentServiceMonitorUtil
Key for content's source id aggregation type.
FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class lumis.content.service.ContentServiceMonitorUtil
Key for content's language content id aggregation type.
FIELD_KIND_NORMAL - Static variable in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
FIELD_KIND_VERSION_ACTIVE - Static variable in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
FIELD_KIND_VERSION_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
FIELD_KIND_VERSION_NUMBER - Static variable in interface lumis.content.wizard.ICreateParams.IField
FIELD_PROCESS_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class lumis.doui.processaction.ProcessActionMonitorUtil
FIELD_SEARCH_QUERY_ID - Static variable in class
Search query field.
FIELD_SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT_ID - Static variable in class
Key for search result count measure type.
FIELD_SEARCH_WORDS_ID - Static variable in class
Search words field.
FIELD_SOURCE_ID - Static variable in class lumis.doui.source.SourceMonitorUtil
FIELDNAME_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in interface
Name of the field used to store the content's identifier in the search index.
FIELDNAME_ID - Static variable in class
Name used by identifier fields.
FIELDNAME_INTRODUCTION_IMAGE - Static variable in interface
Name of the field used for the introduction image.
FIELDNAME_INTRODUCTION_IMAGE_FILE_ID - Static variable in interface
Name of the file identifier corresponding to the introduction image.
FIELDNAME_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface
FIELDNAME_LANGUAGE_ALL_VALUE - Static variable in interface
FIELDNAME_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME - Static variable in interface
Name of the field used to store the content version's last modified date time.
FIELDNAME_PORTALDATAPATH - Static variable in interface
FIELDNAME_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in interface
FIELDNAME_PUBLISH_START_DATE - Static variable in interface
Name of the field used for the publish start date.
FIELDNAME_SERVICEID - Static variable in class
The field name.
FIELDNAME_SERVICEINSTANCEID - Static variable in interface
Field used to store the service instance identifier of the the source the data belongs to.
FIELDNAME_STATUS - Static variable in interface
FIELDNAME_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class
Name used by subtitle fields.
FIELDNAME_TEXT - Static variable in class
Name used by text fields.
FIELDNAME_TITLE - Static variable in class
Name used by title fields.
FIELDNAME_URL - Static variable in class
Name used by URL fields.
FieldNotProvidedException - Exception in lumis.portal.monitor
Exception used to indicate a certain field is not provided by an IMonitorValuesProvider.
FieldNotProvidedException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.monitor.FieldNotProvidedException
FieldPresenceClause - Class in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
ISearchQueryFilter that checks whether a given field is present or not, accordingly to the chosen operator.
A field is present if a given document has it and it has a non-null value.
The default operator is FieldPresenceClause.Operator.PRESENT.
FieldPresenceClause(DocumentTypeField) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.bigdata.query.FieldPresenceClause
Creates a new instance.
FieldPresenceClause.Operator - Enum in lumis.portal.bigdata.query
The available operators for this clause.
fields - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.Source
A unmodifiable list of this source's fields.
fields - Variable in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
FieldsControl - Class in lumis.service.doui.fields
Doui control that shows the fields of a doui source.
FieldsControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.fields.FieldsControl
FieldsInterface - Class in lumis.service.doui.fields
DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on page that is going to be altered.
FieldsInterface() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.fields.FieldsInterface
fieldsMap - Variable in class lumis.doui.source.Source
A map of field id to the ISourceField instance.
FieldsProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.doui.fields
Fields Process Action handler
FieldsProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.fields.FieldsProcessActionHandler
FILE - Static variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.SourceFieldTypes
File() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.File
FileAlreadyExistsException - Exception in lumis.portal.filesystem.exception
Thrown when an IFile already exists.
FileAlreadyExistsException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException
Creates a new instance with no detail message and no cause.
FileAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message and cause.
FileAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message.
FileAlreadyExistsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException
Creates a new instance with the given cause.
FileConfig - Class in lumis.portal.file
Object that represents a file object
FileConfig(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
FileConfig(String, FileParameter, String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
FileConfig(String, String, String, String, long, int, String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileConfig
FileCopyTransactionObserver - Class in lumis.portal.serialization
Implementation of ITransactionObserver that performs a file copy operation that can be rolled back.
FileCopyTransactionObserver(String, IDirectory, String, IPortalBaseFolder) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serialization.FileCopyTransactionObserver
FileCouldNotBeCopiedException - Exception in lumis.portal.filesystem.exception
Thrown when an IFile could not be copied.
FileCouldNotBeCopiedException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeCopiedException
Creates a new instance with no detail message and no cause.
FileCouldNotBeCopiedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeCopiedException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message and cause.
FileCouldNotBeCopiedException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeCopiedException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message.
FileCouldNotBeCopiedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeCopiedException
Creates a new instance with the given cause.
FileCouldNotBeDeletedException - Exception in lumis.portal.filesystem.exception
Thrown when an IFile could not be deleted.
FileCouldNotBeDeletedException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeDeletedException
Creates a new instance with no detail message and no cause.
FileCouldNotBeDeletedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeDeletedException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message and cause.
FileCouldNotBeDeletedException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeDeletedException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message.
FileCouldNotBeDeletedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeDeletedException
Creates a new instance with the given cause.
FileCouldNotBeRenamedException - Exception in lumis.portal.filesystem.exception
Thrown when an IFile could not be renamed.
FileCouldNotBeRenamedException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeRenamedException
Creates a new instance with no detail message and no cause.
FileCouldNotBeRenamedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeRenamedException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message and cause.
FileCouldNotBeRenamedException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeRenamedException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message.
FileCouldNotBeRenamedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileCouldNotBeRenamedException
Creates a new instance with the given cause.
FileDataConverter() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.FileDataConverter
FileDataParser() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType.FileDataParser
FileDataType - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
A file data type.
FileDataType() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FileDataType
FileDataType.Data - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
Data object for a field with derived file.
FileDataType.FileDataConverter - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
FileDataType.FileDataParser - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
FileDownloadControllerHtml - Class in lumis.portal.file
Streams the download of a file stored by the IFileManager.
FileDownloadControllerHtml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileDownloadControllerHtml
FileDownloadControllerHtml - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem
Streams the download of a file provided by the filesystem service.
FileDownloadControllerHtml(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem.FileDownloadControllerHtml
fileExists(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.FileUtil
FILEID_PARAMETER - Static variable in class lumis.portal.file.FileDownloadControllerHtml
FileIsNotDirectoryException - Exception in lumis.portal.filesystem.exception
Thrown when an IFile is not a directory.
FileIsNotDirectoryException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileIsNotDirectoryException
Creates a new instance with no detail message and no cause.
FileIsNotDirectoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileIsNotDirectoryException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message and cause.
FileIsNotDirectoryException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileIsNotDirectoryException
Creates a new instance with the given detail message.
FileIsNotDirectoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.filesystem.exception.FileIsNotDirectoryException
Creates a new instance with the given cause.
FileListAddProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.doui.control.fileupload
Handles adition of files
FileListAddProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileListAddProcessActionHandler
FileListControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.fileupload
FileListControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileListControl
FileListEditProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.doui.control.fileupload
Processes the update of a FilesList entry.
FileListEditProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileListEditProcessActionHandler
FileMacrotype - Enum in lumis.portal.file.metadata
A file type representation.
FileMacrotypeMappingProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filemacrotypemapping
FileMacrotypeMapping process action handler.
FileMacrotypeMappingProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filemacrotypemapping.FileMacrotypeMappingProcessActionHandler
FileMacrotypeMappingUtil - Class in lumis.portal.file.metadata
Utility class for dealing with FileMacrotypeMapping.
FileMacrotypeMappingUtil() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMacrotypeMappingUtil
FileManagementPropertiesInterface - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance
DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
FileManagementPropertiesInterface() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance.FileManagementPropertiesInterface
FileManagementPropertiesInterfaceFilter - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance
TableSourceFilter extension that returns as value the service instance identifier of the caller service interface instance.
FileManagementPropertiesInterfaceFilter() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance.FileManagementPropertiesInterfaceFilter
FileManager - Class in lumis.portal.file
Manager for file and files
FileManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
FileMetadata - Class in lumis.portal.file.metadata
Value object that contains the metadata of a file.
FileMetadata() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
Creates a new FileMetadata.
FileMetadata(FileMacrotype) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.metadata.FileMetadata
Creates a new FileMetadata.
FileMimeTypeConfig - Class in lumis.portal.file
Stores information about a file mime type.
FileMimeTypeConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileMimeTypeConfig
FileMimeTypeDaoJdbc - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filemimetype
FileMimeTypeDaoJdbc() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filemimetype.FileMimeTypeDaoJdbc
FileMonitorUtil - Class in lumis.portal.file
Contains file monitoring constants and utility methods.
FileMonitorUtil() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileMonitorUtil
FileNameValidatorControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.validator
Control to validate filenames
FileNameValidatorControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileNameValidatorControl
FileParameter - Class in lumis.portal.file
Represents a file upload parameter
FileParameter(String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileParameter
filePath - Variable in class
FileReplicationException - Exception in lumis.portal.webfilereplication
Thrown when a problem with a file replication has occurred.
FileReplicationException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.webfilereplication.FileReplicationException
Constructs a new FileReplicationException with no message.
FileReplicationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.webfilereplication.FileReplicationException
Constructs a new FileReplicationException with the specified detail message and cause.
FileReplicationException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.webfilereplication.FileReplicationException
Constructs a new FileReplicationException with the specified detail message.
FileReplicationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.webfilereplication.FileReplicationException
Constructs a new FileReplicationException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
FILES - Static variable in class lumis.doui.source.field.type.SourceFieldTypes
FilesConfig - Class in lumis.portal.file
Represents a Files object
FilesConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FilesConfig
FilesDaoJdbc - Class in lumis.portal.file
Stores files information
FilesDaoJdbc() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FilesDaoJdbc
FilesDataConverter() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType.FilesDataConverter
FilesDataParser() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType.FilesDataParser
FilesDataType - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
A files data type.
FilesDataType() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.source.field.type.FilesDataType
FilesDataType.Data - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
Data object for a field with data type files.
FilesDataType.FilesDataConverter - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
FilesDataType.FilesDataParser - Class in lumis.doui.source.field.type
FileSizeField - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem
A field for displaying file size information.
FileSizeField() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem.FileSizeField
FileSizeValidatorControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.validator
File Size Validator
FileSizeValidatorControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.validator.FileSizeValidatorControl
FilesPickerControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.fileupload
Control to select files
FilesPickerControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FilesPickerControl
FileStringResource - Class in lumis.portal.file
String resource for the portal's file component.
FileStringResource() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileStringResource
FileSystemAddEvent - Class in lumis.portal.filesystem.event
Event raised when an entry is added to the local portal file system.
FileSystemAddEvent(IFile) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemAddEvent
Creates a new filesystem add event.
FileSystemAddEvent(PortalFile) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemAddEvent
FileSystemDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem
Provides information about files in the file system.
FileSystemDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem.FileSystemDataProvider
FileSystemDeleteEvent - Class in lumis.portal.filesystem.event
Event raised when an entry is deleted from the local portal file system.
FileSystemDeleteEvent(IFile) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemDeleteEvent
Creates a new filesystem delete event.
FileSystemDeleteEvent(PortalFile) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemDeleteEvent
FileSystemEvent - Class in lumis.portal.filesystem.event
Base class for file system events.
FileSystemEvent(PortalFile) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemEvent
FileSystemEvent(IFile) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemEvent
Creates a new filesystem event.
FileSystemManager - Class in lumis.portal.filesystem
Implementation of the file system manager.
FileSystemManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.FileSystemManager
FileSystemProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem
Process action handler for the portalmanagement filesystem service.
FileSystemProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem.FileSystemProcessActionHandler
FileSystemTabularData - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem
Customized tabular data for the filesystem service.
FileSystemTabularData() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.filesystem.FileSystemTabularData
FileSystemUpdateEvent - Class in lumis.portal.filesystem.event
Event raised when an entry is updated in the local portal file system.
FileSystemUpdateEvent(IFile) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemUpdateEvent
Creates a new filesystem update event.
FileSystemUpdateEvent(PortalFile) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.event.FileSystemUpdateEvent
FileSystemUtil - Class in lumis.portal.filesystem
Utility class that provides methods for use internally in the lumis.portal.filesystem package.
FileSystemUtil() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.filesystem.FileSystemUtil
FileTableSourceField - Class in lumis.doui.table.field
Field used for files
FileTableSourceField() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.table.field.FileTableSourceField
FileTransformation - Class in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Represents the transformation of a given file.
FileTransformation() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformation
FileTransformation - Class in lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance
FileTransformation() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformation
FileTransformation.FileTransformationComparator - Class in lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance
Comparator for FileTransformation.
FileTransformationComparator() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformation.FileTransformationComparator
FileTransformationManager - Class in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Manager responsible for file transformations.
FileTransformationManager() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformationManager
FileTransformationParameter - Class in lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance
FileTransformationParameter() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformationParameter
FileTransformationParameter.FileTransformationParameterComparator - Class in lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance
FileTransformationParameterComparator() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.structure.sync.model.serviceinstance.FileTransformationParameter.FileTransformationParameterComparator
FileTransformationParameterType - Class in
FileTransformationParameterType() - Constructor for class
FileTransformationSerializationConfig - Class in lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization
Object used for serializing to LEC, containing file transformations information.
FileTransformationSerializationConfig() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.FileTransformationSerializationConfig
FileTransformerFactory - Class in lumis.portal.file.transformation
Provides IFileTransformer instances.
FileTransformerFactory() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.transformation.FileTransformerFactory
FileUploadControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.fileupload
Doui control that allows the upload of files to the portal.
FileUploadControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.fileupload.FileUploadControl
FileUploadDeniedException - Exception in lumis.portal
FileUploadDeniedException() - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.FileUploadDeniedException
FileUploadDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.FileUploadDeniedException
FileUploadDeniedException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.FileUploadDeniedException
FileUploadDeniedException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.FileUploadDeniedException
FileUploadDeniedException(String, IResource, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.FileUploadDeniedException
FileUploadDeniedException(String, List<IResource>) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.FileUploadDeniedException
FileUploadDeniedException(String, List<IResource>, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.FileUploadDeniedException
FileUtil - Class in lumis.portal.file
Utility methods for file manipulation.
FileUtil() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.FileUtil
FileUtil - Class in lumis.util
Utility methods for file manipulation.
FileUtil() - Constructor for class lumis.util.FileUtil
FileValidationException - Exception in lumis.portal.file
Base exception for the File Validators.
FileValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.file.FileValidationException
FileValidationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.file.FileValidationException
FileValidationException(String, IResource) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.file.FileValidationException
FileValidationException(String, List<IResource>) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.file.FileValidationException
FileValidationException(String, IResource, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.file.FileValidationException
FileValidationException(String, List<IResource>, Exception) - Constructor for exception lumis.portal.file.FileValidationException
FillGroupNameReportPostProcessor - Class in
IReportPostProcessor that changes group ids for group names.
FillGroupNameReportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class
fillListString(PreparedStatement, String) - Static method in class lumis.util.JdbcUtil
FillPagePathInAggregationReportResponsePostProcessor - Class in
Fills page path in (top-level) aggregation values.
FillPagePathInAggregationReportResponsePostProcessor() - Constructor for class
FillServiceInfoReportProcessor - Class in
IReportPostProcessor responsible for injecting service related information.
FillServiceInfoReportProcessor() - Constructor for class
fillStringArray(PreparedStatement, String) - Static method in class lumis.util.JdbcUtil
fillTabularData(TabularSource<?>, AuditConfig) - Method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.audit.AuditConfigDataProvider
Fill the tabular data with the audit configuration data.
filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class lumis.portal.mobileapp.CheckAppHeadersFilterV10
filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class
filter - Variable in class lumis.service.rss.RssConfig
filter(List<V>, IItemFilter<V>) - Static method in class lumis.util.collections.Lists
Returns a list filtered by the current IItemFilter
filter(Set<V>, IItemFilter<V>) - Static method in class lumis.util.collections.Sets
Returns a set filtered by the current IItemFilter
FILTER_CONCATENATION_AND - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_CONCATENATION_OR - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_EQUAL - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_EXISTS - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_IN - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_IS_NOT_NULL - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_IS_NULL - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_LESS_THAN - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_LIKE - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_LIKE_CASE_SENSITIVE - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
FILTER_OPERATOR_NOT_EXISTS - Static variable in interface lumis.util.query.IQueryFilter
Operator for not exists sub-select statement.
FILTER_TYPE_ADVANCED - Static variable in class lumis.service.doui.filters.FiltersInformationDataProvider
FILTER_TYPE_BASIC - Static variable in class lumis.service.doui.filters.FiltersInformationDataProvider
FILTER_TYPE_ONLY_GROUPS - Static variable in interface
FILTER_TYPE_ONLY_USERS - Static variable in interface
FILTER_TYPE_USERS_AND_GROUPS - Static variable in interface
FilterableFieldsPostLoadProcessor - Class in lumis.service.doui.filters
Remove from a TabularData populated with source fields all fields that cannot be filtered
FilterableFieldsPostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.filters.FilterableFieldsPostLoadProcessor
filterConfig - Variable in class lumis.portal.PortalRequestContextFilter
This filter's configuration object.
filterConfig - Variable in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
This filter's configuration object.
FilterControl<S extends Source> - Class in lumis.doui.control.filter
Generic filter control.
FilterControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filteredFieldDataType - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filteredFieldId - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filteredFieldNode - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filteredFieldPattern - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filterId - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filterInputControlType - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filterInputRequestParameterName - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filterNodeDefaultValue - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filterNodeValue - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filterOperator - Variable in class lumis.util.query.QueryFilter
filterRenderBlankOption - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
filters - Variable in class lumis.util.query.QueryBase
FiltersControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.filter
Renders all the filters associated to the control's source.
FiltersControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.filter.FiltersControl
FiltersInformationDataProvider - Class in lumis.service.doui.filters
FiltersInformationDataProvider() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.filters.FiltersInformationDataProvider
FiltersInterface - Class in lumis.service.doui.filters
DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions on page that is going to be altered.
FiltersInterface() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.filters.FiltersInterface
FiltersProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.doui.filters
Process action handler for the interface filters editor.
FiltersProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.filters.FiltersProcessActionHandler
FilterUniqueIdValidator - Class in lumis.service.doui.filters
FilterUniqueIdValidator() - Constructor for class lumis.service.doui.filters.FilterUniqueIdValidator
finalize() - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.TransactionHibernate
finalize() - Method in class
finalizeInnerProgressBar(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceBaseSerializationContext
find(IDeployObject.ObjectType, EnumSet<IDeployObject.ObjectType>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject
Find all objects of the given type in subtree, but discards subtrees when their root type is not contained in the given set.
find(String, IDeployObject.ObjectType, EnumSet<IDeployObject.ObjectType>) - Method in interface lumis.portal.deployment.process.IDeployObject
Finds the object with the given identifier of the given type in subtree.
FIND_BY_AUTHOR_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Name of named query to retrieve a list of comments by its author.
FIND_BY_OWNER_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Post
Named Query that finds Posts based on a specified parameter userId.
FIND_BY_POST_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Comment
Name of named query to retrieve a list of comments by its associated post.
FIND_BY_POST_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.Hash
Named Query that finds a Hash based on a postId specified by parameter postId.
FIND_BY_POST_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.PostAttachment
Named Query that finds Post attachments based on a specified parameter postId.
FIND_BY_USER_ID - Static variable in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollows
Named Query that finds a UserFollows relationship based on a given userId specified by parameter userId.
FIND_BY_USER_SERVICE_INSTANCE_AND_SOCIAL_NETWORK - Static variable in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.entity.UserFollows
Named Query that finds a UserFollows relationship based on a given user and social network value, specified by parameters userId, followedUserId and socialNetworkId.
findAppConfigPaths() - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.util.MobileAppServiceUtil
Find app configs in deployed modules.
findByAuthorId(String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.CommentManager
Method that retrieves a list of comments given an author id
findByCriteria(ITransaction, Criterion[], Order[]) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateDao
Utility find method for subclasses.
findByCriteria(ITransaction, Criterion...) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateDao
Utility find method for subclasses.
findByCriteria(ITransaction, Criterion[], Order[]) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateManualUpdateDao
Convenience method for subclasses.
findByCriteria(ITransaction, Criterion...) - Method in class lumis.portal.dao.hibernate.GenericHibernateManualUpdateDao
Convenience method for subclasses.
findByFollowedUserAndSocialNetwork(String, String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.UserFollowsManager
Method used to find out if the current user is following another user in a given social network.
findByFullPath(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.file.FileManager
Finds the FileConfig by the full path.
findById(String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.CommentManager
Method that retrieves a Comment by a given Id
findById(String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.PostManager
Method used to find a post by it's id.
findByInterfaceInstanceId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstance
Returns the widget instance defined with the specified interface instance.
findByOwnerId(String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.PostManager
Method that retrieves a list of posts given an owner id.
findByPostId(String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.CommentManager
Method that retrieves a list of comments given an post id
findByPostId(String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.PostAttachmentManager
findByProperties(String, boolean, String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstanceHolder
Returns the widget instance holder for the specified properties.
findByServiceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.content.wizard.ContentWizardManager
findByServiceId(SessionConfig, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.content.wizard.IContentWizardManager
Returns a content wizard service information, given its service id.
findByUserId(String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.UserFollowsManager
Method that retrieves a list of "UserFollows" relationships given an user id
findByWidgetContentId(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.pagepersonalization.bean.WidgetInstance
Returns the widget instances that belong to the specified widget content.
findCategoryById(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditManager
Find the category by it's id.
findCategoryByKey(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditManager
Find the AuditCategory by it's key.
findCurrentAutoAdministrationServiceInstance(SessionConfig, String, Collection<String>, ITransaction) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.AutoAdministrationHelper
Discovers the current auto administration service instance.
findEntryTypeByKey(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.audit.AuditManager
Find the AuditEntryType by it's key.
findInvalidStructureVersionException(Throwable) - Static method in exception lumis.portal.structure.sync.InvalidStructureVersionException
Search by InvalidStructureVersionException instance on exception cause recursively and returns it if found, otherwise returns null.
findObjectTypes(String, int) - Method in class lumis.portal.activitystream.ActivityStreamManager
findObjectTypes(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Find the first ten activity stream object types by id, given a search query.
findObjectTypes(String, int) - Method in interface lumis.portal.activitystream.IActivityStreamManagerSPI
Find activity stream object types by id, given a search query.
findRequestedURI(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
Returns the URI information about the request.
findRunningClocks(ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.clock.ClockDaoJdbc
findRunningClocks(ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.clock.IClockDao
Get the running clocks.
findServiceInstanceThroughChannelTree(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serviceinstance.IServiceInstanceManager
Searches for a service instance
findServiceInstanceThroughChannelTree(SessionConfig, String, String, ITransaction) - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.ServiceInstanceManager
findTags(String, String, String, int) - Method in class lumis.content.control.tag.InputTagControlResource
Finds the tags based on the optional term and a service instance.
Either tagServiceInstanceId or relatedServiceInstanceId is required.
findTargetChannelId(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.publisher.AutoAdministrationHelper
Retrieves the channelId of the closets auto-administration service instance for the startingChannelId.
findTopOccurrencesOnDay(Integer, ITransaction, String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.HashOccurrenceManager
Method used to retrieve the top-occurrences of a hashtag in the current day.
findTopOccurrencesOnWeek(Integer, ITransaction, String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.HashOccurrenceManager
Method used to retrieve the top-occurrences of a hashtag in the past week, i.e, the past 7 days.
findUserNetworkPosts(String, String, String, String) - Method in class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.core.manager.PostManager
Method designed to retrieve posts that contains keywords specified by the user.
findUsers(String, boolean, int) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserDao
Find users by user login or user name, given a search query.
findUsers(String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManagerSPI
Find the first five users which are not framework users, given a search query for user login or user name.
findUsers(String, boolean, int) - Method in interface lumis.portal.user.IUserManagerSPI
Find users by user login or user name, given a search query.
findUsers(String, boolean, int) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserDaoJdbc
findUsers(String, boolean, int) - Method in class lumis.portal.user.UserManager
findWebResource(HttpServletRequest, WebsiteDiscoveryFilter.WebsiteRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.WebResourceDiscoveryFilter
Returns the web resource for the given request.
findWebResourceByPathAndWebsite(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Finds a web resource by it's website identifier and path.
findWebResourceByPathAndWebsite(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
firstMessage - Variable in class lumis.service.callcenteronline.ColRequestConfig
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.content.control.language.LanguageFilterControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.content.control.lock.LockedMessageControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowAssignedToFilterControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.content.control.workflow.WorkflowStateFilterControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.checkbox.CheckBoxListControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.Control
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.DateTimePickerControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.MonthPickerControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.datepicker.TimePickerControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.dropdownlist.DropDownListControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.filter.FilterControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.htmleditor.HtmlEditorControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.inputtext.InputTextControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.pagination.PaginationControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.password.PasswordControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.doui.control.principalpicker.PrincipalPickerControl
fixedIdentifierRequired() - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.producer.WSRPCheckBoxListControl
FixedValueContextValueProvider - Class in lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal
Class responsible for fixed value property.
FixedValueContextValueProvider(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal.FixedValueContextValueProvider
Initializes the value.
fixInvalidHtmlPattern(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.HtmlUtil
Parses the input HTML string, fixes any invalid HTML patterns and returns the fixed result.
fixReferencesAccordingToPath(String, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
fixReferencesAccordingToPath(String, String, IPortalMode) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
fixReferencesAccordingToPath(String, String, IPortalMode, String) - Method in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Fixes references within an HTML according to the given path.
fixReferencesAccordingToPath(String, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
fixReferencesAccordingToPath(String, String, IPortalMode) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
fixReferencesAccordingToPath(String, String, IPortalMode, String) - Method in class lumis.portal.url.URLManager
FLAG_DURABLE - Static variable in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.ClusterTransmissionHeader
Bit used to indicate durable.
FLAG_TOTAL_ORDER - Static variable in class lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver.ClusterTransmissionHeader
Bit used to indicate total order.
flushBuffer() - Method in class
flushBuffer() - Method in class lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface.MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
flushBuffer() - Method in class lumis.portal.serviceinterface.ServiceInterfaceRenderResponseSPIWrapper
FollowButtonControl - Class in lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.control
Defines a Follow button control.
FollowButtonControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.socialnetworkservices.microblog.doui.control.FollowButtonControl
FORCE_CASE_LOWER - Static variable in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
FORCE_CASE_NONE - Static variable in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
FORCE_CASE_UPPER - Static variable in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
FORCE_FIRST_PAGE_LINK_TO_CHANNEL_LINK_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
Property used to indicate that links to the first page of a channel should link to the channel web resource instead.
forceCase - Variable in class lumis.doui.control.DataControl
forceSingleUnlock(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.lock.LockManager
Force the unlock of a single lock with the specified identifier (database id).
forceUnlock(String) - Method in class lumis.portal.lock.LockManager
Forces the unlock of the specified lock resource, independently of the current owner.
ForEachLayoutFileHolderComponent - Class in lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration
Component that creates a ListView with an item for each holder available at the page layout file markup.
ForEachLayoutFileHolderComponent(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.presentation.mode.portaladministration.ForEachLayoutFileHolderComponent
foreignKeys - Variable in class
foreignKeys - Variable in class
foreignKeys - Variable in class
foreignKeys - Variable in class lumis.portal.serviceinstance.serialization.ServiceInstanceSerializationManager
foreignKeys - Variable in class lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance.serialization.ServiceInterfaceInstanceSerializationManager
foreignKeys - Variable in class
foreignKeysExists() - Method in class
foreignKeysExists() - Method in class lumis.portal.serialization.operation.ConfigDependencyAnalyzer
Verify that all foreign key mapped values match persisted objects
foreignKeysExists() - Method in class
Form - Class in lumis.service.formbuilder
Form Builder form
Form() - Constructor for class lumis.service.formbuilder.Form
format(Date, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class lumis.util.converter.DateTimeConverter.ISO8601DateTimeFormat
FORMAT_HTML - Static variable in class lumis.service.newsletter.Subscription
FORMAT_TEXT - Static variable in class lumis.service.newsletter.Subscription
FormatAggregationDateReportPostProcessor - Class in
IReportPostProcessor responsible for formatting dates in response aggregation, in long representation, for a readable string.
FormatAggregationDateReportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class
FormatAggregationDayOfWeekReportPostProcessor - Class in
IReportPostProcessor responsible for formatting time of day dates in response aggregation, in long representation, for a readable string.
FormatAggregationDayOfWeekReportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class
FormatAggregationDurationReportPostProcessor - Class in
IReportPostProcessor responsible for formatting time of day dates in response aggregation, in long representation, for a readable string.
FormatAggregationDurationReportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class
FormatAggregationGeolocationReportPostProcessor - Class in
IReportPostProcessor responsible for formatting time of day dates in response aggregation, in long representation, for a readable string.
FormatAggregationGeolocationReportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class
FormatAggregationTimeOfDayReportPostProcessor - Class in
IReportPostProcessor responsible for formatting time of day dates in response aggregation, in long representation, for a readable string.
FormatAggregationTimeOfDayReportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class
FormatEncoderFactory - Class in lumis.portal.file.transformation.encoder
Factory for file format encoder.
FormatEncoderFactory() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.file.transformation.encoder.FormatEncoderFactory
FormatHitsDateTimeReportPostProcessor - Class in
Formats response default measure date time field.
FormatHitsDateTimeReportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class
formatMailingList(String, PageWebResource) - Static method in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
Format the mailing list string into a JSONArray string.
formatOutput(List<HtmlEvaluationMessage>, String, String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.htmlevaluation.HtmlEvaluationUtil
Returns a text the HTML evaluation messages in a friendly format.
formatW3CClosedTag(String) - Method in enum lumis.portal.presentation.PageDocType
Depending on the DOCType, the closing xml tags may be in different formats.
FORMBUILDER_FORM_SOURCE - Static variable in class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
FormBuilderAddContentProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.formbuilder
Form Builder Process Action Handler to Add contents based on a given json with form fields.
FormBuilderAddContentProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderAddContentProcessActionHandler
FormBuilderManager - Class in lumis.service.formbuilder
Form framework manager implementation.
FormBuilderManager() - Constructor for class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderManager
FormBuilderResource - Class in lumis.service.formbuilder
Form builder related operations.
FormBuilderResource() - Constructor for class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderResource
FormBuilderValidateContentProcessActionHandler - Class in lumis.service.formbuilder
Form builder Process Action Handler that validates a given html fragment and extract FormElement form elements from it.
FormBuilderValidateContentProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormBuilderValidateContentProcessActionHandler
FormControl - Class in lumis.doui.control.form
Defines a form control.
FormControl() - Constructor for class lumis.doui.control.form.FormControl
FormField - Class in lumis.service.formbuilder
Form Builder fields
FormField() - Constructor for class lumis.service.formbuilder.FormField
FormFieldType - Enum in lumis.service.formbuilder
Enumeration of form field types available for the Form Builder service
FormulaStatementBuilder - Class in
Builds IFormulaStatement hierarchy objects.
FormulaStatementBuilder() - Constructor for class
FORUM_LOCK - Static variable in class
FORUM_UNLOCK - Static variable in class
ForumButtonVisibilityControl - Class in
ForumButtonVisibilityControl() - Constructor for class
ForumCategoryConfig - Class in
Object that represents a forum category
ForumCategoryConfig() - Constructor for class
ForumConfig - Class in
Object that represents a forum
ForumConfig() - Constructor for class
ForumDaoJdbc - Class in
Forum Database manipulation class.
ForumDaoJdbc() - Constructor for class
ForumMessageConfig - Class in
Object that represents a forum message
ForumMessageConfig() - Constructor for class
ForumMessageEditPostLoadProcessor - Class in
Post processor responsible for localizing messages being edited
ForumMessageEditPostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class
ForumMessageListInputHiddenControl - Class in
InputHiddenControl extension that reads its parameter value from request using the name attribute as parameter name.
ForumMessageListInputHiddenControl() - Constructor for class
ForumMessageListPaginationControl - Class in
This a customized pagination control used on the forum message list.
ForumMessageListPaginationControl() - Constructor for class
ForumMessageListPostLoadProcessor - Class in
Post processor responsible for building the message action buttons
ForumMessageListPostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class
ForumMessageQuotePostLoadProcessor - Class in
Post processor responsible for parsing special tags on forum messages.
ForumMessageQuotePostLoadProcessor() - Constructor for class
ForumPathDataProvider - Class in
This data provider returns the path of the given forum id or topic id
ForumPathDataProvider() - Constructor for class
ForumProcessActionHandler - Class in
Class responsible for executing maintence actions on forum entities.
ForumProcessActionHandler() - Constructor for class
ForumTopicConfig - Class in
Object that represents a forum topic
ForumTopicConfig() - Constructor for class
forward(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class lumis.portal.presentation.core.LayoutFileDispatcher
Forwards the request to this application.
forward(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class lumis.portal.presentation.PresentationControllerHtml
Forwards a request to the presentation controller.
forward(IServiceInterfaceRenderRequest, IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestDispatcher
forward(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class lumis.portal.servicecontainer.ServiceContainerRequestDispatcher
forwardBackResponse(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, URLConnection, boolean) - Method in class lumis.service.wsrp.consumer.ResourceProxyServlet
FRIENDLY_PATH_TYPE_CHANNEL_NAME - Static variable in class
The friendly path is generated using the parent channel's path and appending this channel's name
FRIENDLY_PATH_TYPE_INHERIT - Static variable in class
The friendly path is the same as this channel's parent friendly path.
FRIENDLY_PATH_TYPE_USER_DEFINED - Static variable in class
The friendly path is user defined.
FRIENDLY_URL_ENABLE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
The name of the property that indicates where friendly URL is enabled.
FRIENDLY_URL_PATTERN_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.url.IURLManager
The name of a default property that contains a pattern for the IURLResolver.
FriendlyIdValidationControl - Class in lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control
Validates the friendly identifier depending on its value and in automatic value.
FriendlyIdValidationControl() - Constructor for class lumis.service.portalmanagement.structure.doui.control.FriendlyIdValidationControl
FriendlyUrlResolver - Class in lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent
Resolves the friendly url for hiearchical contents
FriendlyUrlResolver() - Constructor for class lumis.service.hierarchicalcontent.FriendlyUrlResolver
from(String, boolean) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.serviceinterface.OpenRuntimeInterfaceBehavior
Returns the OpenRuntimeInterfaceBehavior accordingly to the given value.
from(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.serviceinterface.OpenRuntimeInterfaceBehavior
Returns the OpenRuntimeInterfaceBehavior accordingly to the given value.
from(PageWebResource, boolean) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.serviceinterface.OpenRuntimeInterfaceBehavior
Returns the OpenRuntimeInterfaceBehavior for the given page.
from(ProcessActionHandler<?>, String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.areatag.AreaTagsHelper
Constructs a AreaTagUsageConfig from the given ProcessActionHandler using the indicated parameters.
from(ProcessActionHandler<?>, String, String) - Static method in class lumis.service.portalmanagement.theme.ThemeApplianceHelper
Constructs a ThemeUsageConfig from the given ProcessActionHandler using the indicated parameters.
from(String, String, String, ScriptPathUtil.ProcessType) - Static method in class lumis.util.ScriptPathUtil.ProcessEntry
Returns a process entry using the given class attribute or node name, script path attribute or node name, the XPath to be processed and the process type.
from(String, ScriptPathUtil.ProcessType) - Static method in class lumis.util.ScriptPathUtil.ProcessEntry
Returns a process entry using the default class attribute or node name, the default script path attribute or node name, the given XPath to be processed and the given process type.
fromAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.filesystem.impl.LocalDataFile
Returns a LocalDataFile resolved from an absolute file path.
fromCollection(Collection<V>) - Static method in class lumis.util.collections.Lists
Returns a list using the items in the given collection.
fromInputStream(Class<T>, String, InputStream) - Method in interface lumis.portal.serialization.ISerializer
Deserializes an object from an input stream.
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.serialization.DeserializationContext.ExistingStyleAction
fromRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class lumis.util.LocaleUtil
fromString(String) - Static method in class lumis.portal.deployment.Version
fromString(String) - Static method in class lumis.service.doui.htmlsnippet.HtmlTemplateProperty
Generate Html Template Property based on property bag string
FromString(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.LocaleUtil
since 8.1.0 replaced by LocaleUtil.fromString(String).
fromString(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.LocaleUtil
Returns the locale represented by the given string.
fromValue(int) - Static method in enum lumis.portal.processqueue.QueueTaskProcessStatus
Discovers the adequate status based on the value passed.
fromXMLGregorianCalendar(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class lumis.service.wsrp.common.WSRPUtils
Converts a XMLGregorianCalendar into a date, in milliseconds.
fromXMLLang(String) - Static method in class lumis.util.LocaleUtil
Returns the locale corresponding to a String following XML lang syntax (e.g.: en-US).
FSDirectory - Class in lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs
IDirectory implementation that uses a file system's directory as the concrete repository.
FSDirectory(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSDirectory
FSDirectory(File) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSDirectory
FSShallowDirectory - Class in lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs
FSDirectory variant that stores all files in the root directory, mapping each file path to a GUID.
FSShallowDirectory(String) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSShallowDirectory
FSShallowDirectory(File) - Constructor for class lumis.portal.serialization.persistency.fs.FSShallowDirectory
FTPFileReplicator - Class in lumis.portal.webfilereplication
File replication that interacts with a target repository using FTP.
FTPFileReplicator() - Constructor for class lumis.portal.webfilereplication.FTPFileReplicator
Default constructor.
FULL_CATEGORIES - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocumentType.StandardFields
Field that corresponds to the content's inherited categories.
FULL_CATEGORIES_ID - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocumentType.StandardFields
Field that corresponds to the content's inherited categories' id.
FULL_CATEGORIES_NAME - Static variable in interface lumis.portal.bigdata.StandardDocumentType.StandardFields
Field that corresponds to the content's inherited categories' name.
FULL_NAME - Static variable in class lumis.portal.monitor.MonitorFields.User
User full name field.
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