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Package lumis.content.workflow

Provides workflow support for the content framework.

See: Description

Package lumis.content.workflow Description

Provides workflow support for the content framework. The main entry point for the workflow API is IWorkflowManager, available in ContentManagerFactory.getWorkflowManager().

To define a custom workflow, create a directory inside the <lumisdata>/def structure, and in that directory create a workflowdefinition.xml file (refer to workflowdefinition.xsd for details on creating the workflow definition XML file). Inside the custom workflow's directory you may also create a strings directory with the strings resources for this custom workflow.

A workflow may contain one or more states. To allow the change of states, transitions must be defined. Each transition represents a directed navigation between two states. A comparison between the workflow and a directed graph can be made: the workflow's states would be the graph's vertices or nodes; and the workflow's transitions would be the graph's edges or lines.

States may be defined as being one of the following special state types:

One or more roles may be specified for a workflow. The roles are used to configure permissions to the workflow's states and transitions. You apply permission for a role to access contents in a state by configuring the permission in that state. To allow a role to perform a state change through a defined transition, configure the permission in that transition. There are two scopes of permissions:

$Revision: 7374 $ $Date: 2007-06-12 18:51:06 +0000 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) $
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