Uses of Interface

Packages that use IQueryValue
lumis.service.categorization Service that allows you to categorize portal content into hierarquical terms. 
lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype Group type administration service. 

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.content.service

Methods in lumis.content.service that return IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue ContentVersionIdReaderTableSourceFilter.calculateFilterValue(Node filterNode)

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.content.source.filter

Methods in lumis.content.source.filter that return IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue ContentTableSourceFilter.calculateFilterValue(Node filterNode)
          Analyzes this filter and returns the value that should be used with it.

Methods in lumis.content.source.filter with parameters of type IQueryValue
 IQueryFilter MetaDataSourceFilter.getQueryFilter(QueryField queryField, IQueryValue queryValue)
          Deprecated. Generate a query filter that filters the queryField by the metadata related to the given value (itemId request parameter).

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.doui.table.filter

Methods in lumis.doui.table.filter that return IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue TableSourceFilter.calculateFilterValue(Node filterNode)
          Analyzes this filter and returns the value that should be used with it.
 IQueryValue TableSourceFilter.getFilterValue()

Methods in lumis.doui.table.filter with parameters of type IQueryValue
 IQueryFilter TableSourceFilter.getQueryFilter(QueryField queryField, IQueryValue queryValue)
          Creates a query filter, filtering the query field by the value, according to this filter definitions.
 IQueryFilter MonthTableSourceFilter.getQueryFilter(QueryField queryField, IQueryValue queryValue)
          Generate a query filter that filters the queryField by the month of the given value.
 void TableSourceFilter.init(TableSource source, String fieldId, String operator, IQueryValue filterValue)
 void TableSourceFilter.setFilterValue(IQueryValue value)

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.service.categorization

Methods in lumis.service.categorization that return IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue DependentServiceInstanceIdFilter.calculateFilterValue(Node filterNode)

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.service.comment

Methods in lumis.service.comment that return IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue CommentContentFilter.calculateFilterValue(Node filterNode)

Uses of IQueryValue in

Methods in that return IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue DomainScopeFilter.calculateFilterValue(Node filterNode)

Uses of IQueryValue in

Methods in that return IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue DatabaseViewFormulaEntryFilter.calculateFilterValue(Node filterNode)

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype

Methods in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype that return IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue DatabaseViewFieldFilter.calculateFilterValue(Node filterNode)

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance

Methods in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance that return IQueryValue
 IQueryValue FileManagementPropertiesInterfaceFilter.getFilterValue()

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.util.query

Classes in lumis.util.query that implement IQueryValue
 class QueryField
          Represents a query field
 class QuerySortOrder
          Represents the sort order of a query.
 class QueryValue
          Represents a query value

Fields in lumis.util.query declared as IQueryValue
protected  IQueryValue QueryFilter.leftField
protected  IQueryValue QueryFilter.rightField

Methods in lumis.util.query that return IQueryValue
 IQueryValue QueryFilter.getLeftField()
 IQueryValue QueryFilter.getRightField()
 IQueryValue QueryAssignment.getRightField()

Methods in lumis.util.query with parameters of type IQueryValue
 void QueryFilter.setLeftField(IQueryValue leftField)
 void QueryFilter.setRightField(IQueryValue rightField)
 void QueryAssignment.setRightField(IQueryValue rightField)

Uses of IQueryValue in lumis.util.query.jdbc

Methods in lumis.util.query.jdbc with parameters of type IQueryValue
protected  String GenericQueryAdapterJdbc.getValue(IQueryValue queryValue, IQueryValue field)
protected  String GenericQueryAdapterJdbc.getValue(IQueryValue queryValue, QueryField field)

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