Package lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance

Package class diagram package lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance
Class Summary
AddInterface DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
AddTransformationInterface DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
AddTransformationParametersProcessActionHandler ProcessActionHandler responsible to read the transformation informations and call a javascript function passing these informations as a xml format.
AdministrationInterface DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
EditInterface DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
EditTransformationInterface DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
EditTransformationParametersProcessActionHandler ProcessActionHandler responsible to read the transformation informations and call a javascript function passing these informations as a xml format.
ExtractorCustomPropertiesDataProvider DataProvider responsible to load the custom properties transformation.
FileManagementPropertiesInterface DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.
FileManagementPropertiesInterfaceFilter TableSourceFilter extension that returns as value the service instance identifier of the caller service interface instance.
LoadTransformationFromDataBaseControl Control responsible of reading the data from base and then insert it in a hidden input.
ServiceInstancePrincipalsByPermissionDataProvider Data Provider that returns a list of principals.
ServiceInstanceProcessActionHandler Class responsible for handling service instance administration operations.
ServiceInstanceTransformationProcessActionHandler Process Action for File Property Management information.
ServiceInstanceUsedByControl Lists all service instance names used by an specific service instance.
UsedByInterface DouiServiceInterface extension that validates user permissions.

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