Uses of Class

Packages that use LayoutFileTag
lumis.portal.presentation.core Contains the core implementation for processing a page layout file. Contains the implementation for processing the page namespace of a layout file. 

Uses of LayoutFileTag in lumis.portal.presentation.core

Methods in lumis.portal.presentation.core that return LayoutFileTag
 LayoutFileTag LayoutFileTag.mutable()

Methods in lumis.portal.presentation.core with parameters of type LayoutFileTag
 org.apache.wicket.Component ILayoutFileComponentFactory.createComponent(org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container, org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream markupStream, LayoutFileTag tag)
          Creates a component for the specified tag.
 org.apache.wicket.Component DefaultLumisPortalComponentFactory.createComponent(org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container, org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream markupStream, LayoutFileTag tag)
          Creates a component for the specified tag.

Uses of LayoutFileTag in

Subclasses of LayoutFileTag in
 class LayoutFilePageTag
          Represents built-in tags of the layout file 'page' namespace.
 class RenderHolderTag
          Tag used for rendering a holder.

Constructors in with parameters of type LayoutFileTag
LayoutFilePageTag(LayoutFileTag tag, boolean dummy)
          Creates a new LayoutFilePageTag based on a LayoutFileTag.

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