Uses of Interface

Packages that use IClusterManager
lumis.portal.cluster Contains the portal cluster framework API. 
lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver Contains the implementation for the portal cluster framework when multi-server environment is enabled. 

Uses of IClusterManager in lumis.portal.cluster

Classes in lumis.portal.cluster that implement IClusterManager
 class AbstractClusterManager
          Generic implementation for IClusterManager, independent of communication form.
 class SingleServerClusterManager
          The cluster manager implementation for single server (without cluster) deployment.

Uses of IClusterManager in lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver

Classes in lumis.portal.cluster.multiserver that implement IClusterManager
 class JGroupsClusterManager
          A ClusterManager that uses the JGroups library for communication between the cluster nodes.

Uses of IClusterManager in lumis.portal.manager

Methods in lumis.portal.manager that return IClusterManager
static IClusterManager ManagerFactoryInternal.getClusterManager()
static IClusterManager ManagerFactory.getClusterManager()

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