Package lumis.portal.cluster

Package class diagram package lumis.portal.cluster
Contains the portal cluster framework API.


Interface Summary
IClusterCommand Represents a command, that when sent through the cluster framework is executed in the destination nodes.
IClusterConfig Contains the configurations for the cluster.
IClusterManager Provides operations on the portal cluster.
IClusterMember A cluster member represents a Lumis Portal server inside a cluster.
IClusterMessage Represents a message that may be sent through the cluster framework.
IClusterTransmission Contains information that may be transmitted through the cluster framework.

Class Summary
AbstractClusterManager Generic implementation for IClusterManager, independent of communication form.
SingleServerClusterManager The cluster manager implementation for single server (without cluster) deployment.

Enum Summary
IClusterTransmission.Flag Enumerates the flags that may be set in a IClusterTransmission.

Package lumis.portal.cluster Description

Contains the portal cluster framework API. This API may be used to obtain information about the cluster or to perform cluster wide communications.

The entry point for this package is the IClusterManager, available at ManagerFactory.getClusterManager().

See Also:
ManagerFactory.getClusterManager(), IClusterManager

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