Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITableSourceFilter
lumis.service.categorization Service that allows you to categorize portal content into hierarquical terms. 
lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype Group type administration service. 

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.content.service

Classes in lumis.content.service that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class ContentVersionIdReaderTableSourceFilter
          TableSourceFilter that read its value from a given source.

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.content.source.filter

Classes in lumis.content.source.filter that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class ContentTableSourceFilter
          Represents a content table source's filter.
 class MetaDataSourceFilter
          Deprecated. Since 4.2.0, due to changes in content storage structure.

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.content.table

Methods in lumis.content.table that return ITableSourceFilter
protected  ITableSourceFilter ContentTableSource.createDefaultFilterInstance()

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.doui.table

Methods in lumis.doui.table that return ITableSourceFilter
protected  ITableSourceFilter TableSource.createDefaultCompositeFilterInstance()
protected  ITableSourceFilter TableSource.createDefaultFilterInstance()
 ITableSourceFilter TableSource.createSourceFilter(Node filterNode)
 ITableSourceFilter TableSource.getFilter()

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.doui.table.filter

Classes in lumis.doui.table.filter that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class AbstractTableSourceFilter
          Base class for table source filters.
 class CompositeTableSourceFilter
          A source filter that is composed of a list of source filters.
 class MonthTableSourceFilter
          Generates a query filter for the associated field, filtering by the month of the value.
 class TableSourceFilter
          Represents a source filter.

Methods in lumis.doui.table.filter that return ITableSourceFilter
 ITableSourceFilter ITableSourceFilter.getFilter(String filterId)
 ITableSourceFilter CompositeTableSourceFilter.getFilter(String filterId)
 ITableSourceFilter AbstractTableSourceFilter.getFilter(String filterId)

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.service.categorization

Classes in lumis.service.categorization that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class DependentServiceInstanceIdFilter
          Categorization service's filter, used for the dependentServiceInstanceId field of the dependency source.

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.service.comment

Classes in lumis.service.comment that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class CommentContentFilter
          A filter that gets its value from the itemId from the details interface if it is not found normally, and uses the corresponding contentLocaleId as its value.

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in

Classes in that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class DomainScopeFilter
          Filters according the custom property domain value.

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in

Classes in that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class DatabaseViewFormulaEntryFilter
          Filter used on databaseViewFormulaEntry source.

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.grouptype that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class DatabaseViewFieldFilter
          Filter used on databaseViewAvailableField source.

Uses of ITableSourceFilter in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance

Classes in lumis.service.portalmanagement.serviceinstance that implement ITableSourceFilter
 class FileManagementPropertiesInterfaceFilter
          TableSourceFilter extension that returns as value the service instance identifier of the caller service interface instance.

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