Uses of Class

Packages that use StateScope
lumis.content.workflow Provides workflow support for the content framework. 

Uses of StateScope in lumis.content.workflow

Methods in lumis.content.workflow that return StateScope
static StateScope StateScope.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static StateScope[] StateScope.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in lumis.content.workflow that return types with arguments of type StateScope
protected  EnumSet<StateScope> WorkflowStateConfig.getScopes()
          Returns the scopes for a permission object.

Methods in lumis.content.workflow with parameters of type StateScope
 Collection<String> WorkflowStateConfig.getPermissions(StateScope stateScope)
          Returns all permissions available for a given scope.

Method parameters in lumis.content.workflow with type arguments of type StateScope
 Collection<WorkflowStateConfig> WorkflowManager.getAccessibleStates(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String serviceInstanceId, EnumSet<StateScope> scopes, ITransaction transaction)
 Collection<WorkflowStateConfig> IWorkflowManager.getAccessibleStates(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String serviceInstanceId, EnumSet<StateScope> scopes, ITransaction transaction)
          Returns a collection of workflow's accessible states.
protected  boolean WorkflowManager.hasStatePermission(SessionConfig sessionConfig, Collection<String> roles, WorkflowStateConfig state, EnumSet<StateScope> scopes, ITransaction transaction)
          Checks if any of the roles have permission to the specified workflow state.

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