Uses of Interface

Packages that use IURLFactory
lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface This package contains the mocks and the test base class useful to perform tests on service interfaces. 
lumis.portal.hyperlink Provides resolution from internal portal structure hyperlinks to the actual page URLs. 

Uses of IURLFactory in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface

Subinterfaces of IURLFactory in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceActionResponse
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceActionResponse mock object.
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse mock object.
 interface IMockServiceInterfaceResponse
          Interface for a IServiceInterfaceResponse mock object.

Classes in lumis.lptf.portal.serviceinterface that implement IURLFactory
 class MockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
          Implementation for IMockServiceInterfaceRenderResponse interface.

Uses of IURLFactory in lumis.portal.hyperlink

Methods in lumis.portal.hyperlink that return IURLFactory
 IURLFactory HyperLinkConfig.getURLFactory()
          Returns the URL factory to be used for creating the HyperLink URL.

Methods in lumis.portal.hyperlink with parameters of type IURLFactory
 void HyperLinkConfig.setURLFactory(IURLFactory urlFactory)
          Sets the URL factory to be used to generate the HyperLink URL.

Uses of IURLFactory in lumis.portal.servicecontainer

Classes in lumis.portal.servicecontainer that implement IURLFactory
 class ServiceContainerActionResponse
 class ServiceContainerRenderResponse
 class ServiceContainerResponse

Uses of IURLFactory in lumis.portal.serviceinterface

Subinterfaces of IURLFactory in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
 interface IServiceInterfaceActionResponse
 interface IServiceInterfaceRenderResponse
          Service interface response for a render action.
 interface IServiceInterfaceResponse
          Base interface for service interface responses.

Uses of IURLFactory in

Methods in with parameters of type IURLFactory
static java.lang.String LinkHyperlink.getHyperlink(ISourceData row, java.lang.String rowHyperlink, java.lang.String fieldHyperlink, IURLFactory urlFactory)
          Returns the hyperlink URL for a link source row.

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