Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractQueueTask
lumis.portal.file.transformation Provides the file transformations. 
lumis.socialnetworkintegration.action Provides social network integration process actions. 

Uses of AbstractQueueTask in lumis.portal.file.transformation

Subclasses of AbstractQueueTask in lumis.portal.file.transformation
 class RemoveTransformationTask
          Runnable to performs transformation remove.
 class RemoveTransformedFilesTask
          Runnable to performs remove transformed files.
 class TransformationStartingTask
          Queue Task to start Transformations in File Config
 class TransformationTask
          Runnable to performs file transformation.
 class UpdateTransformationTask
          Runnable to performs the transformation update.

Uses of AbstractQueueTask in lumis.socialnetworkintegration.action

Subclasses of AbstractQueueTask in lumis.socialnetworkintegration.action
 class AbstractMessageAction
          High level representation of what the Mesasge/Content interactions with the Asynch queues should be.
 class ContentMessagePublisher
          MessagePublisher specific for Content Associated Messages.
 class ContentMessageUpdater
          MessageUpdater specific for Content Associated Messages.
 class MessagePublisher
          Action to publish a message to a social network.
 class MessageRemover
          Removes a message from the targeted social network, if it allows.
 class MessageUpdater
          Updates a message in the targeted social network, if it allows.

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