Uses of Class

Packages that use MetaDataSourceField

Uses of MetaDataSourceField in lumis.content.control.autolayout

Fields in lumis.content.control.autolayout declared as MetaDataSourceField
protected  MetaDataSourceField AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl.isAssociationField

Uses of MetaDataSourceField in lumis.content.source.field

Subclasses of MetaDataSourceField in lumis.content.source.field
 class LocaleMetaDataSourceField
          Provides locale metadata information for the current row.
 class TagSourceField
          Tag source field.
 class VersionActiveField
          Boolean field that indicates if the current version is active or not.
 class WorkflowAssignedToSourceField
          A workflow's assigned to source field.

Uses of MetaDataSourceField in lumis.content.table

Methods in lumis.content.table that return MetaDataSourceField
 MetaDataSourceField ContentTableSource.getField(MetaDataSourceField.Type type)
          Returns the filed based on the metadata type passed in.

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